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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Take care friend, we are here for you. I know well about the effects of medications and certain ones can make my evil twin 'skippy' come out....
  2. Yummy, I could just eat them all up!
  3. Don't worry, I totally respect and love Iron Bess (and hopefully the same from her to me), ya sometimes it can get sorta weird, but hey it's all in fun. No hard feelings.
  4. Thank you. I'm working on providing colored crochet covers by dying the doilies - a request thing only.
  5. Yup. April 5-6 and April12-13, rain or shine.
  6. Welcome! We cater to all kinds of pirates....well maybe not the modern day ones... Don't be afraid to ask questions regardless of if they may have been asked before. We are all teachers of something here so stick around and have a great time!
  7. If you haven't been to this event, you should! Felicita Park is beautiful and a perfect setting for a great time. I am not selling this time, but hanging with my counterparts at Pirates of Treasure Cove. I will only be there the first weekend. Hopefully I'll be seeing some of you there! Rumba
  8. The Escondido Ren-faire which is ten times better than Southern will ever be, starts April 5 -6 and the following weekend. And since I'm in Escondido, that pretty much sums up where I'll be.
  9. I made my own cover out of canvas to cover up the easy-up our group uses. I used ties all around, no grommets anywhere.
  10. Thank you! I was trying these out to see if there was any response for them, well I guess there is!
  11. Here's hoping the best for a great recovery.
  12. I think I can do requests, as Iron Bess wants a particular type also. PM me to tell me what you'd like to see. Rumba
  13. I've got 6 of these crochet beaded covers I made. They are perfect for the woman who wants that extra something for her goblet or mug. They are $12.00 each if you get them from me in person, or $14.00 with shipping/mailing costs. Take a look, if you're interested PM me. Yes I have Pay Pal. Goblet and Mug Covers Green Beads Green Beads Ameythist and Celtic button Ameythist and Celtic button top Green beads and gold coins Green beads and gold coins another view Top of green bead and gold coin Golden Pearl Top of Golden Pearl Fluer De Leis Up close The ends Blue Crystal Up close The ends
  14. Dear Lady Barbossa, I will check and see if the time-share I'm staying at has a couch that can be made into a bed. If so, you are welcome to stay with Boats, myself, and two great gals from our pirate group, Pirates of Treasure Cove, you can stay for free. (I will keep my herbal smoke regulated to the bedroom, so no one else will be affected. I'll get back to you ASAP. Note: I just called the place and they say the couch does become a bed, is this ok with you Stac? No charge to you whatsoever - however the time-share will not be available until Friday of the con. We have a one night stay at the Hampton for Thursday, you're welcome to join us, on the floor, we'll have our sleeping pads to be able to put down ----but I can't go elsewhere for smoking, but I do have a way to cover it up, if that's ok with you. Please get back to me ok? Rumba
  15. Note from Moderator- there were two threads of this, so they have been combined.
  16. Well to the newest gal on the block (no not the chopping block), here's to you!
  17. The parade is where us Pub people are going to meet up for a grand picture.
  18. Jamaica Rose aka Christine Lampe, did start the Pub. She asked Angus to help out with Moderator duties and Administration, until Angus could no longer do it, so Christine handed the reins over to Stynky.
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