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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. The reason for admission fees to anything is because the cost of insurance, advertising, fees by State/Federal parks or taxes, and the list goes on and on. Out here at most of the smaller S. Calif. events, groups and people DO GET PAID, provided they do something in return for it, like entertaining the public in some way. Yes, it's a very nice gesture on the part of Dick Wixon who runs the Ojai and Escondido events among others (Gold Coast Festivals) that he gives a stipend to people who help make the event good. Other events here in Calif. do pay their 'entertainment' simply because it assures the return of the guests next time to see more. Without any payment for even gas expense (which we all know is out of sight), you won't have an event. That's what people are wanting for the time they give to come out to your event. I strongly urge you to think many times before trying to start an event, you need some major capital (several hundred thousand dollars worth), without it, you are doomed to Davy Jones.
  2. I personally agree with you. Just because a topic was discussed way back whenever, that doesn't mean that it can't be brought up again, for the sake of those who weren't around the first time. I know some here get bent out of shape because they feel that it's just re-hashing old stuff, so throw in a link...., but you have to understand, we have new people joining all the time and there's nothing wrong with politely answering questions when they are asked. If you can't deal with, don't. Don't write some comment that degrades the person asking the question. Leave it alone and let others who are more socially competent handle it. Ok, getting off my soapbox now. Rumba
  3. Going absolutely cross-eyed trying to go over 700 plus pictures of the trip...
  4. Great Cheeky Actress! However if I were to ever wear such things, I'm afraid people would think I've got the pox or something... oh shut up out there!
  5. Personally I enjoy the cool before the blazin' hot o' summer!
  6. F Troop (remember that show? I loved Ken Berry!)
  7. I believe Pirates of Treasure Cove will also be there. Hopefully the 'June gloom' will be over with by then. Note: For those who don't know about 'May gray' and 'June gloom' , here at least in San Diego, it's the two months out of the year when it's cool, cloudy, and drizzly due to the winds pushing the clouds from the ocean over us. It's really the worst time to visit beach communities up and down the coast.
  8. Well I hope you have received the goodies I sent you, perfect birthday gifts!
  9. It really depends on the event. Out here in Calif. the cost of a booth can run as high as 400.00 for a two weekend event, about 200.00 or a tad less for one weekend. Then there is the S. Calif. Ren-Pleasure Faire (the one that started it all) that has some of the strictest guidelines around, plus vendors are required to hire extra help which the vendor owners have to pay them....then there are the requirements of having to attend 'classes', pay for parking and/or camping fees plus who knows what else they charge the participants for and then that faire has the nerve to charge over $20.00 to get in for the general public. I'm so glad I left that junk years ago. I use to go into the hole around $300.00 dollars every season I participated, just to have to pay for those extra costs. Grants: Only can be gotten if you belong to a true Non-Profit Organization, they do not support faires. Nor will they support any group that does not have a clear agenda on what they teach. Yes teach, that's the magic word. The group I belong to, Pirates of Treasure Cove, is the ONLY group in the USA that promotes reading! Therefore once we get our true Non-Profit status - we have to submit bylaws and all kinds of stuff- we will be seeking a grant... The biggest factor is having a faire is finding the right sponsors and you have to have some decent ones. The most major expense is in advertising. It's very costly and if you don't get advertisements in newspapers and such, you won't get anyone to come. I'm not sure I answered your questions the best, but I wrote what I know and what our group is currently going through.
  10. Sorry I'm late to the party, but my fans keep me busy. Welcome to the Pub dear!
  11. No, not sinking ships these days, but I am sinking overly zealous men from my past.....dang we went to school together and dated.......
  12. There were so many pirates at that con I lost track of who was who. I don't think I met you, but you might have seen me on the scooter or at least seen my scooter parked near the elevators at the Holiday Inn with Dead Fred aboard. I'm afraid it was a one time trip for me as there is no way it can ever be afforded again. Glad to welcome you to the Pub and do enjoy yourself!
  13. I'm a bit unsure what pastafarian means, but I know what rastafarian means, guess it's not the same.... Welcome to the Pub, how about telling us more about yourself?
  14. Welcome to the Pub, keep your arms and legs about you, and just had over the booty.... just kidding We do have another member, Charity who is also from Holland, but she hasn't been online for quite some time.
  15. The door swings open, crashing against the wall behind it and standing in the doorway is a fine regal of a woman with blond hair and a wicked smile as she eases herself past the entrance and sashays over to Syren and smiles broadly at her then turns her attention to the newcomer, and eyes her with a smile..... Welcome to the Pub, no being shy here, step up and take your place among the finest to come here!
  16. Well as you probably know by know over at KTTC, I'm the same person here, except I have a tad higher position here - moderator. Anyway glad to see you have made it through the cyber seas to be here. Enjoy your stay! Rumba Rue
  17. <Bump> Just letting you all know that I never got to put these out at Pyrate Con, so I still have them all for the same reasonable price. The two I thought I had sold were never bought, so they are still available. Contact me by PM if you are interested.
  18. The majority of the historical patterns I have were done right from period garments. Now I admit there are somethings like those armpit gusses that just make me say 'forget it' and just make a regular sleeve to fit the arm hole. Other instances of doing things simpler is what I do best. If I can find a way to cut corners and still have the item look good, I will do it. So I cheat....I'm a pirate.
  19. Considering that both Capt. Grey and I are in the same Star Wars group, we get really jazzed about such pictures. They look like a lot of fun and am looking forward to seeing new pictures when you get them.
  20. Sorry, but just getting back from three weeks of camping and such, there is no way I'll be going to Ojai. However am planning to be there for both weekends of Pirate Faire there.
  21. Thank you all, I would have never recognized any of you had someone else not pointed you out.....duh....especially Bilgemunky who I actually took a picture of and had no idea it was him until we were introduced at a much later point. Geeze you're tall! Perkeo, you are one really nice guy with a furry hat that someone on the street actually asked me if you were from Norway or Iceland. 1st Mate Matt, you're a real cutie, dang I wish I was younger.... It was a real pleasure to meet you. Mad Grace O'Brien, I know I met you, but dang I can't remember what you looked like.... And to Steve of Blackbead's Jewlery, I can't thank you enough for being so kind as to sell some of my stuff at your table. I just love making money without even have to be present! You are so kind and gracious as is your wife (I hope the gal in your booth besides me was your wife) and your sales partner - I can't remember his name but he sure got me thighs a twitching..... And to those whom I honestly can't remember, thank you for the best time of my life! Unless I win the lottery or I get paid to be at the con, I won't be able to come again, the expenses for this trip were out of sight!
  22. You are a Ferrari 360 Modena! You've got it all. Power, passion, precision, and style. You're sensuous, exotic, and temperamental. Sure, you're expensive and high-maintenance, but you're worth it. Well of course!
  23. gumbo (first time I ever had it, New Orleans and the two I tasted were terrific! Not spicy or hot at all!)
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