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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Great work! Certianly interested to see what else you have.
  2. Well you'll get two more, me and Boats. Sent a PM to Scarlett 'bout it. But we'll be needin' ta stay at a hotel an' unfortunately since we just went ta Disneyland recently we won't be goin' there or CA. Adventure. Nor can we afford it. Besides too much walkin' around makes me hurtin' too much nowadays. But we certianly be lookin' forward to havin' a fine time carousin' with those that be there at the party.
  3. Sound grand, but unless we be knowin' where the party be, it will be hard to make reservations at any hotel near Dizzyland as it gets closer to the 31. I understand Dizzyland gets real crowed for New Years. So please, do tell where it be so I and others can make quick accomadations.
  4. I don't see how the boats could change course, they run on tracks, and I highly doubt there will be any further construction on the ride to change that. There is a limited amount of room to work with. Also for it to be different at night than day, would be a costly situation and probably not going to go over well with the paying people who can only come during the day. The only thing I can think of that might be added is a copy of Jack Sparrow near the end of the ride before it goes uphill.
  5. Darn, I looked through that whole site and couldn't find what I wanted. If anyone has a source to find those buttons with the ship on them in quantitiy, please let me know.
  6. Well I'd have it here at my place, but I'm not sure a lot of people would want to drive to Escondido. Don't have a whole lot of room, the most I've ever had here for a party was 35, and believe me, it was packed like a can of sardines!
  7. Hey BP, does your sailboat look like the one in the pic's or is that yours? Yes, that's "Scraping By". It be a wee bit boat, but she's a sailboat in the desert. What do you expect. If you look in the background on the first picture, you can see the ASU SunDevil Football Stadium. I'm racing this weekend, so I should have some pics with me in them by next week. AWESOME, YOU GO GIRL! Hmmmm, have you thought about putting wheels on the thing and racing across the desert with it? Really, I am impressed!
  8. My companion Boats, bought those fold up glasses (the ones where the ear pieces fold) from Jas Townsend and then took them to an optomitrist and had them made into bi-focals and turn dark in bright light. It cost him a bit, but for him it was well worth it. Everybody always comments to him how much they like his glasses when he wears them. They may not have been made in the Golden Age of Piracy, but they are as close as possible within the means of us today to use.
  9. Hey BP, does your sailboat look like the one in the pic's or is that yours?
  10. sucking on a cherry tootsie pop. and I know you evil minds out there can take that any way you want.
  11. We get paid? When? Where? Certianly not here!
  12. As far as I know the only faires that still insist on strict clothing requirements are Southern Faire/Northern Faire, and the Arizona Ren faire in the spring. Crimeny, you still have to take 'classes' to be in S. and N. Faires! Having worked in the costume department of S. Faire, I can tell you it really sucks having to tell someone their outfit isn't appropriete because they used the wrong kind of material, it's too bright, the color wasn't around at the time, and on and on. I'll never forget the couple that had their outfits professionally made, they were beautiful, except they used this horrible bright blue material. I would have let them go because of the work involved, but my supervisor said no to them. I was thoroughly disgusted with the behind the scenes garbage. Never did it again.
  13. Ok, here's the few pictures I took or had someone else take. Escondido Fall Faire The booth Halloween pic Oh those shoes! Really well behaved Someone's nightmare Pirate family Small pumpkin Cute dragon
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