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Everything posted by KrissXed

  1. Sounds fun! I'll have to keep you in the loop as I will be asking for continuous help. Haha. I still know very little about swords, but am very ready to learn. So I may try out different combinations and see what yall think. Ooo.. This is going to be a lot of fun! THANKS BESS!
  2. Thank you, that site sounds great. I'm off to bed now, so I shall check into it tomorrow... I never take offence... I know he's got to be a busy man, and I've tracked the message and know he hasn't even gotten to it yet. All's well in the neighborhood. And while it may be a wall hanger.. I would still have fun with it. Haha.
  3. I shall grant you that. I'm a hound for puncuation and capitalization. Granted.. I can't spell for grog though. *shrug* And I'm sorry to break it to ya Jim, but I'm no lad. I's a Lass Anyway, back to busines... I'm not about to be spending anywhere near a grand on a sword. I'm not THAT into them yet. A few hundred dollars.. maybe. But I'd like my first one to be relatively cheap and easy to handle, something I can goof around with. I don't need sharp edges or anything of the sort. Don't want to go choppin' anything off, yes? I've a friend who is into Katanas.. and he has agreed to work with me as far as handling, so I'm set there. I may go into collecting eventually, but for now it's going to remain a small hobby and interest. But if I can find a good Norrington replica for around $200, I'll be all over it. I PMed Billy Bones, and he's yet to get back to me. *shrug* I live in California, and there is a shop near my mother's work called Pirate's Plunder. The owner there informed me that he supplied many of the weapons for the pirate movies. So I think when I get back to Cali (I'm in Texas on vacation at the moment) I'll drive down and check out the store, see if maybe he can help me out. I'm just testing the waters as of now, but I truely am interested in this. I also went on Ebay last night to look for smallswords.. but none of them came close. So I started browsing broadsword replicas from LOTR (because my mom wanted to see them...) and I found what seemed to be a great sword for under $20... seemed like a great deal... Anyone know if this is krap? I was really really tempted...
  4. Hey, no worries. To be perfectly honest, I'm new to this whole thing. I'm not lookin' to carry it around, hah, I'm only sixteen! I never really wanted just the replica, although I'm not surely I understand the difference. Are you tellin' me I can get an ACTUAL sword that look's just like Jame's, colouring and all? As I said. I'm so new to all of this. I'm glad ya'll are so welcoming though, thanks
  5. Thank you very much, Jim, Bo, and Kenneth. I think I shall send a PM to Billy Bones.. that is a great idea. Capt. Bo, Thank you very much for the offer, but I'm afraid I've no interest in actually using the sword. I am a die hard Norrington fan and my only interest in the sword is as a collectors piece. I thank you very much, however, for the offer. Kenneth, I shall check out that site, thank you. Woot! I'm a few steps closer! Thank you gentlemen!
  6. Hey everyone. I'm Kriss.. new to the site, was refered by my friend Siren.. anyway. I have been searching ebay and any other sites I can possibly think of.. and I have been finding Sparrow and Barbossa sword replicas left and right, but I've yet to find a replica of Commodore Norrington's sword from Pirates of the Caribbean. And for being the only sword that is constantly mentioned and seems to have its own plotline, this makes me rather sad. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone might know where I could find one, if at all. Much thanks to any who can offer a little help! -Kriss-
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