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Everything posted by Gsc

  1. I fully understand...everyone else has had great experiences. My issue IS, I was told mine was made and was being shipped off (a VERY long time ago). I have sent MULTIPLE emails/pms and no response... I was hoping he'd see this thread and shoot me a pm or email letting me know he just mailed it out...or at least an explanation for the missing box... crap, I'd even take my money back at this point... I just hate to loose that money.... I'm sure he's a great guy...just my experience has not been favorable... PLEASE contact me Capt. Midnight. Graham
  2. BE CAREFUL!!!!! I contacted Capt. Midnight to have one made...sent payment... I got ahold of him sometime later and he said box was done and going to be shipped... THIS WAS WELL OVER A MONTH AND A HALF AGO.... USPS Priority Mail only takes 2-3 business days. I have tried REPEADLY to contact him through BOTH pm's & emails... He has NOT responded to either after many tries. I am really bummed out...he seemed like a nice guy.... Has anyone else had this problem? Capt. Midnight PLEASE contact me through email...
  3. LOL- Thanks... That'll save the little italian guy from telling me the same thing :)
  4. Thank y'all both for the responses- exactly what I was looking for. Haunting Lily: Do the GoF buckles fit without any shoe modifications or do you need to cut the piece of leather that the buckles latch to down alittle thinner? Thanks again. Graham
  5. Quick question for those of you who have the Fugawee Concords- or know people who do. Q: Do I order my regular shoe size or a 1/2 size larger? I have read both ways in previous threads here in the pub.... Some were saying that you could wear a small/short pair of socks under your stockings that wouldn't be noticed BUT would provide extra comfort... My feet blister easy...this kinda sounds like a good idea.. I'd really liek to hear what everyone has to say about it. For my first pair of reenactment shoes, should the Fugawee Concords with the small Gentlemen of Fortune buckles work well. Thanks in advance- Graham
  6. It's getting close...Oct 2nd opening weekend... I look forward to it all year. Although my new historically accurate outfit will not be completely ready, the old standby garb is... We're hoping to camp out a few of the weekends... see y'all there.
  7. Aye- FUN & educational... It honestly sounds like a great time. I just finished going through a couple of hundred photos from the PiP 2006... I am going to do my best to make the '08 faire... Good luck this year and make sure to take lots of pics of the camp.
  8. if one of PiP's goal is education of the public, I feel that maybe having "extra" period items around camp is great for "show & tell" with the public. I was the head curator at the Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History for 4 years...I did alot of outreach at public schools, museum tours & arranging our yearly Living History Fairs... people do love the "little details" and you'd be amazed at the interest many patrons show when you take a few minutes to tell them about specific items...
  9. I'm putting together my historically correct kit and was wondering everyone's opinion on the correct belt widths.... I have read through previous threads that seemed to frown upon thicker than 2" belts....The buckles should be period correct from the buckle threads I've seen here in the Capt. Twill fourm... Smiling Fox Forge has 2 adult sized belts and I was considering ordering one... 1st is a 2 1/8" Belt: https://www.dkiempire.com/Secure/smilingfox...ils3.asp?id=421 2nd is a 1 3/4" Belt: https://www.dkiempire.com/Secure/smilingfox...ils3.asp?id=422 OR should I get the 1 3/4" thick hanger belt (Kinda leaning towrads this one) so I could carry my cutlass without having to deal with a baldric which from my understanding wasn't used very often during the GAoP (PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG): https://www.dkiempire.com/Secure/smilingfox...ails.asp?id=423 Thank you for your input
  10. Thank you...I'll go find the LOYALIST ARMS website and check out what they have. I have seen the Museum Replicas version but it just wasn't what I was looking for...THANKS ALOT for the lead..... Graham
  11. WOW- Thanks Rats- I just finished looking at the Pirate Brethren Site...alot of good info and links from there for period items... still didn't find a cutlass I liked..did read that Old Dominion Forge has a 2 year wait WHEN he is taking orders... oh well, probably just need to let it go and stick with the cutlass I already have... Thanks for the tip... Graham
  12. I guess alittle of both. I would like a QUALITY period correct cutlass that I could use/wear both at Ren Faires & at historical re-enactments...I'm tired of these cheaply made items that flood the market.... I want something to be proud of. I do a google search for the site you mentioned and check it out. THANKS! Graham
  13. After searching this board for a few weeks on and off, I have looked at all the sword/cutlass posts... Through this I discovered Old Dominion Forge... His cutlasses were EXACTLY what I was looking for- beautiful, historically accurate, and the clamshell guards that I love. I emailed Old Dominion Forge to place an order (I had/have $900 saved up) to get "the perfect" cutlass... He replied that they are currently NOT taking any more orders... looks like I'm out of luck... Do y'all know of any other forges/swordsmiths making period correct clamshell guard cutlasses? I've been watching ebay and doing google searches for some time... nothing meets the quality of the Old Dominion Forge items so far... Any leads would be greatly appreciated.....
  14. NICE post and pics...alot of valid points were brought up (I'm new to the re-enacting side of this so I'm always looking for new info to expand my understanding)... Thanks for sharing.
  15. Thank you everyone for the responses...glad I made a good choice. Crazy Crow has them for $20 (knife and sheath)...Pretty good deal (compared to the other places I have seen them for sale) if anyone is on the market for one. http://www.crazycrow.com/Merchant2/merchan...roduct_Count=42
  16. Slowley I'm changing out my "Ren-wrong" garb for period correct garb so I can hopefully become more involved with reenacting events.... One of the suggested pieces for a kit I read was a general purpose knife..... after much searching I just purchased (last night online) a knife that might fit the bill... It's a 9" (5" blade) 'Roach Belly' Knife...susposed to be based off of the 17th and 18th century design- a typical English style kitchen knife.... Nothing flashy...just a good lookin' basic knife... It comes with a basic black sheath... do you think this will work for historical events or will I need to purchase/make a new sheath? Any premade sheaths online that might be more historically accurate for sale? The attached picture came off the Crazy Crow Trading Post website (where I just purchased the knife from)...Dixie Gun Works sells the same knife & sheath but they are almost twice the price from Dixie Gun Works.... Please let me know your opinions on it....will it work for events like PiP?
  17. Hey Patrick Hand- I know you put alot of effort into making REALLY NICE PERIOD ITEMS...since your boss wants to go "Hollywood Sexy Pitrate" have you considered Ebay- There are a TON of sexy hollywood pirate clothing on there... I always use the "Pirate SCA" or "Pirate Renaissance" key words for searching...75% of the stuff pulled up may be exactly what she's looking for..... Since it's not for your kit and you will not be wearing it in the future, it may save you a bunch of hastle and time... I cannot sew...I REALLY wish I could... I guess I just need to start practicing. You'll probably be able to make the same Ebay stuff- even better- for MUCH less though if you do it yourself... Just some ideas... good luck... ever since I found this board I'm starting to save up to push my entire kit as historically accurate as possible...I'll be ordering from Kass's great site soon... I've been mowing over pics of everyone's garb for the general "look" I want to go for. Graham
  18. Very nice looking work! Great job.
  19. Just sent an email...interested in purchasing one of your Cartridge Boxes. After finding this site (and alll the GREAT resources it leads you too), I've decided to rework my garb into completely period items... Right now it's a combination of both period and hollywood... I am very impressed with the quality and effort everyone goes through to be historically correct... I love new challenges...I have a feeling that Kass @ Reconstructing Hostory will be getting alot of business from me also- she does AWESOME work & research...this should be a blast! Thank you to everyone... Thanks, Graham
  20. I was just wondering what everyone's favorite Pirate/Nautical paintings were. Personally there is just something about Howard Pyle's "Marooned" (1905) that just speaks to me....
  21. Ok this image is a few years old (Texas Renaissance Festival 2005)...I know have a new coat, belts, pants & pistol... still working hard at adding all the small details that really make the difference. Looking to get new boots/shoes here soon. Enjoy!
  22. Aye- Hopefully I'll see yer there. BTW Where is Middlefaire (in Texas?) ...what are you selling?
  23. Yarrr, PMed ya. I'm game! Thanks.
  24. Any pyrate crews or reenactor groups around the AUSTIN, Texas area? Looking to join possibly... please email me any info. Thanks, Graham
  25. Well, Every weekend is a good weekend for pirates at Ren Fest... Here's the link for this year's themed weekends (Oct. 6th- Nov. 25th)http://www.texrenfest.com/themedweekends.html Do many Pub members attend? I've gone most weekends for the past few years...this year will be a bit different because i'm working offshore for 2 weeks at a time (just means I get 2 weeks OFF when I get back every time), so I'll be able to make 1/2 the faire. Graham
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