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About Bully MacGraw
- Birthday 10/10/1956
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Saint Francis' Bay
History, Marline spike seamanship, black powder, and small sword
Listen to Papa lad. I am a yacht broker and I have heard many a story. Get a job in a boat yard. Go to community Col. and study marine diesel or marine electronics. get on a boat and go to sea when you can. Learn a trade get your 100 Ton ticket. There is a great need for marine professionals. Rember. the seaman of the GAP had a trade! Learn a trade and you will be valued. The route you are going is the easy way that will get you no where! lad, I am from an ocean going family. The biggest compliment that I ever heard was from an eighty year old retired captain. He said, "your George's son? Damn good seaman!" The sea is work! Work be fore you head out. Dare to be great!
Woodes Rogers captured the Manilia Gallon off Northern California in 1709(?) Spent some time off our coast hunting his prey! Cheers
Shirts are always tucked in 100% of the time UNLESS, they were an outergarment! That is just a shirt a bit larger with perhaps heavier fabric. This would be worn over everything Cheers
OK Here are the easy instructions for a scarf with a long tail. For illustration purposes, lay the scarf down on a table, fold in half diagonally. Pull the top fold longer than the bottom fold, creating a longer tail. Put on your head, shorter fold on bottom. Tie in the back with a reef knot. Done!
Good photo shop work. BUT does every one on the forum really feel that way about the three Senators?
The barrel of my CenterMark Fusil has a brown finish that is just rust! The builder told me how that is done. There is a product the is sold at Track of the Wolf the rushes the rusting process. I used the product on a second gun. http://www.trackofthewolf.com/(S(cvvaho22z...m=TRACK-BROWN-2 Basically, you wait for a humid day and apply it to a very clean, oil free barrel or other parts. If I recall correctly, several applications and some sanding in between creates the finished product. The barrel is then oiled. On the topic of barrels, does any one season their guns? Some thing like seasoning your cast iron cooking gear. Clean your bore very well and leave her unoiled. Put it our side on a very hot dry day then oil the bore very liberally. I clean my guns the traditional way with boiling water down the barrel with the touch hole plugged. I then use the ramrod with cotton and clean her own. DO this several times until the bore is clean. They oil the bore. Be sure all the gun is very dry and keep the lock dry. Ed
TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY! The article said the ship was in the “high seas” that means international waters! Perhaps the sea thug's side of the story is that the ship should have been closer so that they could have saved fuel. Those rich Imperialists Yacht owners are not green. They should move closer inland. Or perhaps they, the pirates, are poor third world Muslims carrying on the tradition of the Barbey Coast pirates that captured and enslaved European and American seaman for decades. Yes there is always two sides of a story. The coward that beats his wife does so because she should know better than serving a Chardonnay with his steak dinner! Or the child molester who wanted to introduce his children to love making. As a sailor I cruise without worrying about the side of the story of the punk who would seize my vessel! Ed
This folk put on the best sailboat shows around. They opperate the West Coast show out of Oakland. Woodenboat Magazine has been there in the past. This is THE only boatshow that every sailor goes to. Enjoy!
For early tatoos on Europeon's in New France, look at Frontier Folk http://frontierfolk.net/mb/ There is detailed information under the NewFrance area. There are photos of the used tools Ed
Regarding Tatoos being rediscovered by Capt. Cooks boys is a bit of English folk lore. The French Canadian's copied native tatoos and then in the late 1600's used catholic symbols . This was a very common practice. Tatoo was also used in Europe prior to this time. So Captain's Cooks boys introduced tatooing to the English. Ed
Good morning Mr. Hand The lineseed oil that I use on my two boats darken the wood over time. I mix the linseed oil with terpinetine and a bit of tar. Over time the wood darkens. I do not know if that is from the air or the salt water. WIll the beeswax and linseed mixture darken the gun stock? I have used a mixture of neatsfoot oil and beeswax on knife handles then buffed them. This created a nice finnishCheers Ed
Mistress Lilly, DO forgive my boldness, but seeing an image of your stays, creates an image of you in your stays! I do apologize for my boldness!
Period correct Sword hilts ? besides clamshell?
Bully MacGraw replied to Littleneckhalfshell's topic in Armory
That is a great 19th century sword. Looks German. The way the handle curves may be 1880-1920 nive sword Write to the folks at sword forum international. Post photos on that web site and you will have some info right away Ed -
Mr. Sterling Please look at the Frontier FOlk Message Board. There is a current topic on the subject. I f I may make a suggestion, if you have never built a boat before, this is a grand undertaking. BUT there are some interesting plans for boats being built from marine plywood. A Mr. Ian Oughtred has drawn many plans for boats of that material. Much of his work is influenced by traditional Scottish boats. Edward McGrath esq.
For more information on the construction of these boats, Google "Frontier Folk" a web site for 18th century reenactors. THey have a forum called the boatwright shp. THere are discussions for Long boat plans Ed