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Everything posted by BessFlint

  1. mmmmmmmmmmm my addiction other than archery and sailing?
  2. ........... no. not at the moment.
  3. ensures everyone has a drink. I did wonder about being another Bess, but, hey. It will test peoples minds as to which one they are talking too!!
  4. Fair winds to the Royalist.....
  5. thanks for the piratical welcome!
  6. Stifles a smile as she watches Jenny relieve Jacky of said item. Settles down to watch the antics in the bar.... feels just like home. As for a bit more on me. Live in southwest England, and really am a deckhand on a square-rigger. So the antics in this 'ere pub remind me of nights ashore...
  7. The truth is... the only ones that don't bite, don't hav teeth! .............now has a disturbing image of pirates with no teeth gumming everyone to death...
  8. ......spooky i bought 9th gate last week too. Not sure if it was one i would watch repeatedly. Although it seems to be one of his films that you need to watch more than once to fully understand the workings of the charature he plays. Found another of JD's films whilst shopping today.... well it would be rude not to purchase it.....
  9. Sorry to drag an old thread back. But, just wanted to say, I was there!! I sail as part of the Prince Williams crew as deckie, nurse and purser. Not at the same although at times it feels like it! Was hoping to come and see some of you guys, but alas had to work onbard, so never got to see Charleston.
  10. ...........watches from the sidelines. Biting tongue in reply til i get to know people better.
  11. ........Bess flint pushes open the door. Taking a deep breath she offers to buy a round of drinks whilst eyeing up a new crew to join.
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