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Jolliet Rouge

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Everything posted by Jolliet Rouge

  1. OOOh, guacamole...mmmm, sounds delicious. I may need to have some mexican food tonight with a Corona.
  2. The roaring sound of cars as they race on the Nascar track.
  3. OOh, now, if I had me three wishes...which would I chose? So much in life can be wickedly delicious. Perhaps my first wish would be to sail around the world on a period ship. My second to have as many men as I desired. And my third, well....I will be keeping that open for a bit....
  4. Ooh, I love a good party. Please count me to be on the Kate. Thank you kindly for the invite. Anything I might bring?
  5. Aye, I am feeling frisky and looking forward to the 4th of July. And I am hoping to be making my own fireworks with some one as well as watching them.
  6. I am now just stepping in to the Pub for a bit o' fun and laughter. Any one care to dance? Ah, and how about a drink? Or any thing else wickedly delicious?
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