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Jolliet Rouge

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Everything posted by Jolliet Rouge

  1. I am dearly sorry for your loss. My condolences, thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs to you Darlin'.
  2. Aye, Darlin, I only would be nibbling on a man of my choosing that is. And what wicked fun is that? MMmmm, oh and of course a few bites to remind him of me.
  3. Packing for a well deserved Holiday.
  4. Strawberries and blueberries.....mmm,.
  5. Nibbling...ooh, I like to nibble.....mmm, it can be deliciously wicked, depending that is on where it is you are nibbling.
  6. Very true Captain Lasseter. I like the quote. Here is another by Benjamin Franklin: "All human situations have their inconveniences. We feel those of the present but neither see nor feel those of the future; and hence we often make troublesome changes without amendment, and frequently for the worse."
  7. For this Holiday weekend I plan on taking time to re-read one of my favorites of Shakespears's Comedy's "Midsummer Nights Dream". I adore Shakespeare. Next week I am going to start a series by James L. Nelson.
  8. Let me know if you come up with any terms worth using. I may just add it to my line of work.
  9. I am enjoying the time on the Pub. So another round of drinks to every one! I hail from Pennsylvania darlin' sir. And I have many a tale to tell..... (Jolliet winks at every one)
  10. Aye, I agree Blue Puppy. I had me some trail mix just the other day and I picked out all of the almonds to eat. Why do they use so many blasted peanuts any way?
  11. , I am wiping tears from my eyes! Thanks for the laugh Kendra dear. I Loved them all.
  12. Cinnamon and Sugar Elephant ears....mmm.
  13. and breath like fire
  14. Aye, Now I am going to need to did out my copy and watch this movie along with Roman Polansksi's Pirates. Master and Commander, what a Wonderful movie.
  15. Mmm, I am eating cubed honeydew melon and cantalope with a bit of cool whip.
  16. Aye, in the Pirate way. I will remember that the next time I am chasing down a fugitive. Thanks for the idea Jenny.
  17. Aye, well don't you worry any man that attempts to dance gets a gold star in my book. I won't let your feet stumble darlin'. So I will put you down in my book for that dance. (Jolliet winks and blows William a Kiss)
  18. Aye, dear Jenny, that I agree with, especially when I am hunting down a fugitive.
  19. MMm, I will be bringing something to drink, a nice rum punch. So William, do you dance?
  20. Sitting back on my front porch, listening to the train whistles and drinking a nice glass of wine. The evenng air is cool and crisp after a nice hot day. I can see the stars shining like diamonds in the sky. Ah, what a beautiful night it is.
  21. Syren, dear, you may also want to think about adding either coins or bells to your belt as well. Just a thought.
  22. Ducks you say? Ooh, then that makes him extra special then, now doesn't it?
  23. got caught red handed
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