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Fire Dog Forge

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Everything posted by Fire Dog Forge

  1. There is a new forum for re-enactment and historical based discussion, please visist http://ancientenemies.proboards83.com/index.cgi and become apart of it.
  2. Hello, Making a batch of severed heads, hollow, light weight fiber glass. Hand sculpted and painted in acrylics. Selling for $390 AUD for a bald head. Hair additional. Other options possible, eg painting and stages of rot, decay, or death. See details here: http://www.firedogforge.com/household.htm email me at: andy@firedogforge.com
  3. Here is a pic from a site Revolutionary War, I believe they sell the originals. This pic struck me as a charming and would be an interesting project, I would love to bring something like this back to life. It is dated to 1750-1775, any thoughts? I'll keep looking!
  4. Thank you guys, as soon as I post this I will begin into researching such a blade. If anybody has some pics or written documentation then please feel free to send me, otherwise I will post some pics here for your approval! Cheers Andy Fire Dog Forge
  5. Just a quick note, these aren't wall hangers, they are made for real purpose reenactment fighting. I can email pics of these in actual use, eg tempering properties and hardening. These are very durable blades. Andy Fire Dog Forge
  6. Could anybody please direct me to some pics and info on pirate swords and knives? Like most movies I'm sure they are Quite different to Hollywood's portrayal. I am thinking that weaponry would be a mixed bag of cutlas, sabre, short rapier?
  7. Hello, I make custome swords,knives, and armour for re-enactors. All of my work to date has been in the periods of Roman, celtic, and viking but I would love to do later. My swords are extreamly tough and durable tools, all handcrafted. Here are some pics of my work. Email for enquiries at: andy@firedogforge.com or my web site can be seen at: www.firedogforge.com Thanks................Andy Mod Edit: Made the link active.
  8. Hello, Thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Andy Malcolm and I am the owner/craftsperson of Fire Dog Forge, a small weapons and armour manufacturing business. I am a self taught blacksmith and armourer with a passion of re-creating objects as authenticaly as possible. I am also a re-enactor who initially had an interest in Viking Age, but more recently have became more interested in ancient cultures such as that of Greece, Rome, Germany, and the Celts. I am currently trying to start a small re-enactment group in my town of Horsham (victoria, Australia) focusing on the celtic period 54BC. I hope to learn more of the pirate culture here on this forum and the weapons common to this period...broaden my horisons and further my personal interests. Here are some pics of some of my work. if interested my site is at: www.firedogforge.com Thanks for reading my waffle! Andy
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