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Maureen McCoy

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Everything posted by Maureen McCoy

  1. I just started readin' A History of Pirates by Nigel Cawthorne....I am enjoyin' it immensely.
  2. Thank ye all for so much information on this subject. Me sister is pregnant and wasn't sure if she could continue with her re-enacting till after the birth of the babe. This will make her happy. Thanks again.
  3. Home is where me heart is which is for the sea. If only I was there. For now I am on land far from the water. So to cheer me self up I will have a drink of Rum....and offer another round.
  4. Classic Queen.....Bohemian Rapsody
  5. Well I be hopin' Hester that you have a Grand time of it. Please have a Corona for me....since me Birthday is on the 4th of July....I Love Holiday Weekends.
  6. Hello to ye all. I am steppin' on board. Lookin' forward to meetin' all of ye pirates. Here is around of Rum for those of ye who be thirsty.
  7. Enjoyin' the day and lookin' forward to the weekend.
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