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About elninoprimo

  • Birthday 10/11/1985

Profile Information

  • Location
    Keller Tx
  • Interests
    Pyracy and reenacting in genaral.
  1. I am back and as of yet have bought nothing. The only thing i have done is commandenered a vechile for the purpose of the voyage. I have been laid off and looking for a job. I have a good seamstress. I am also looking for pirates in the keller fort worth area so i can have an idea as to what this event will be like thank you all gracious.
  2. I will be joining ur crew hopefully i will make a donation for a seabag a snapsnack and a haversack.
  3. I would like to thank you all for your replys I have fallen under the weather lately and am just getting round to using a computer. it is very hard to use one. Thank you alll.
  4. I am planning on driving from texas to PIP. I was hoping to attend the careening camp. Thank you so much. Buenos tardes.
  5. I had a few qustions regrading pistols and rifles. On many plates i see them with sashes or something holding the pistols up to 4. How would you recreate this. And i have seen many antique pistols beautifully engraved and inlaid with gold. Would this be practical for a common pistol or rifle.
  6. Buneos tardes mis compardes. Hello all my friends. This will be my first time at PIP and I will have a uniform, and I am planning on purchasing my two pistols and a rifle and cutlass. I am new to pirate reenacting but am willing to learn. What will i do for food. Will i bring period food. Or what. Thanks you guys. I am a trying to portray a spanish pirate and have un buen tiempo.
  7. i have some minor experience with blackpowder. But not with flintlocks. I would also like to know more about hand to hand this will be my first event. I will purchase two pistols and a rifle at the event. Ye no se pero querio mater algein.
  8. Hello my pyrate breathen. I am knew to pyrate reenacting. I did a little civil war reenacting. So i have a few differnt questions. Can anyone point me to where i can get knowledge about uniforms and weapons. I am intrested in PIP and would like to attened. Where would the ammuntions and such go. I have never cleaned my rifle and am planning on purchasing 3 at PIP. Is there any differnt way to cleaning your rifle. I am also intrested in sort of a spanish theme as i am mexican. How far do you guys go when reenacting out of curosity. Hope i am not treading toes.
  9. Captain sat i am in fort worth tx. if you come up with the booty for the gas one way i will glady take you. I am new and i am trust worthy
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