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Everything posted by darkRose

  1. Mateys.... At Faire...our booth seems to always be a place for people to meet...if ye need to please feel welcome to do the same here....Might even have a small bulletin board fer ye ta levae messages fer others ifin ye want........we will be there from Monday through Sunday......looking forward to meeting all of the crews!!! darkRose A Faire of the Rose
  2. Well mates ..it has been a while since I plugged the A Faire of the Rose....and our trip to PIP.... I posted awhilr back we would have strippy socks..and people want poitures..I said I would have bodices people wanted pitures...well here they are....I have alpt of other goods but these Io promised the pictures of....the Bodices..I have 17 ranging in sizes from 8 to 24.....priced from 125-175...these are boned in front....all different materials...even some plaids for Scottish Pyrate Lasses....Strippy socks....10.00 per pair...18 for 2 pair and 25 for three...good sampling of colors in the piture.....if ya got any questions please drop a line or PM...sorry to make this look like a catalog but peeple askd fer pitures..Brooches and Hangy things are between 10- 30$$ darkRose
  3. Have been reading a great book on Sword History and fencing...need to look this up....but froma fencers view some of the older movies fight scenes were actually much better......The book is..By The Sword...by Cohen( a world champion Sabruer)...It is very interesting reading if you are so inclined to that kind of thing... dR
  4. Aye lass.....I be lookin fer ye....we not be a fancy lot but we try to make all the pyrates happy....I gots some pretty dangly things..and usefull stuff too....drop on by and we help ye out the best we can..... darkRose
  5. Ye be commin te see me when we be down there mate....we git ye all prettied up....even share a mug o me rum with ye....if ye have a taste.. darkRose
  6. sounds to me like ye be needin an arming belt.........have a couple I be puttin together right now...what kind o frog ye be caryin?..... The following is a piture of our arming belt with frog attached for a rapier.....I can make a frog or "holster of sorts fer yer wheellock(s) This be the kind o thing ye be lookin fer? darkRose
  7. Thankee kindly there Stynky..sir.... I still be lookin fer me store to be put into the website...but there be sum pitures at afaireoftherose.com take a look though and I be lettin ye'all know when the store be ready....on line that is....I be postin special pitures here of things people be lookin fer from time to time and thanks fer the words on the baldric... darkRose
  8. I thank'ee Bully.... darkRose
  9. It be dependin on the configuration but sum'eres tween $ 40.00-$60.00...if ye want buckles and what kind o frog ye be wantin.and if ye want the holster on the front or not..colors ..black brown or that sort o redish tan...and if ye be at PIP...can make fer ye in jig time......we sort o specialize in same day delivery of custom work...it ain't fancy but looks good and gets ye wats ye need..... You can check with darkmalkin, Sheila or Merrydeath....they can vouch fer me quality and prices....and that I be a handsome rogue and kind to wemens and childerns... darkRose A Faire of the Rose
  10. Avast....i thank'ee Stynky fer the help with this... I been promisin pitures of some of our goods fer awhile now....and thanks to the geary Pyrate mentioned above think I have whats i been promisin.... This piture was fer the Baldric....it is me own and has the spot on the front fer me wheel lock. Its a one piecer...as I want room fer me wenches favors and me Pyrates Guild pin when I get er..... But can make em any size ye want with or w/o buckles.....fact we be bringin some skins un cut with so you can watch us make when ye ask for it.... Sos ye know We also make the shirts...breeches..belts...doublet the little pretty dang;ies from the hat...and got some new hat pins.... We be settin up at PIP...come on down and see us...... darkRose Master-Soldado The Enigmatic Rogue Propieter-A Faire of the Rose
  11. Lying on the bunk thinking...Nicole Kiddman...gunpowder...Nichole Kiddman...gunpowder
  12. Do we be havin a website...yepper.....Problem is that was explained in another spot...webmaster keeps sayin the stores gonna look purty...yeah ok....I will believe it when I see it. The hoop socks will be available by piture next week...I will e-mail pitures to those that ask..... If you would like to see the bodice style that I will be havin...visit Scotts Dragon Website thescotsdragon.com the bodices that lovely Willa and Joann have on are what we will be havin.... If you wish to visit our website go to ataireoftherose.com go to the silverleaf weeks and a see US!!!!..And that be me ugly mug on the splash page with me lady As soon As I can get I will send out any pitures I can.....as I still don't know when the Store will be ready.... darkRose
  13. I be addin some o these things to me plunder to be bringin to PIP...If anybody has some colors they migh be lookin fer let me know and I be seein if I kin find em fer ye.....no obligation to purchase jest let me know what ye might want to be seein...... Also...looks like we be havin a few boned Bodices avaliable.....very reasonalbly priced and made by one of me favorite bodice makers here in the midwest... darkRose
  14. Cap'n Ordered me gunner to sound a salvo fer ye....Happy Birthday... And I be tappin that special keg in me quarters to share a pint with ye darkRose
  15. I think I may be havin a shirt er two left in the economy size...and a apair o breeches left in stock.....and am busy buildin stock fer PIP...so if ye interested...drop a line..... darkRose@pyracy.com darkRose A Faire of the Rose
  16. Ahhhh Mateys ...we be talkin Famous....er...Infamous..?
  17. I be doin that directly... just finshed er up today...got a meet this weekend and sees ifin I kin get me some good pitures taken....I ain't got one o them fancy dancy digital thingys....but knows sumone who does...so do what I kin...commin soon!!!!! In the meantime I will see if I kin find ye a piture of previous work... darkRose
  18. Well I be sticken me nose in agin...please don't cut it off.....I be makin Baldricks and the such.... just finished me own with the holster fer me wheellock on the front.....If ye have a special design or needs let me know and I be lettin ye know what I kin do...and have it ready for PIP... darkRose
  19. Ah yes...me wbmaster keeps tellim me how purty the new store is gonna be.....but he seems to keep fallin short of gettin er done....I apologize fer the trip..but as I say I done made the stuff in the piture on the first page...and be askin what ye be nnedin...cause I can do bout anything ye want..and reasonable too.... darkRose
  20. I let ye be knowin that me favorites be the Corsairs.....and though it might not be true form...Down Among the Dead Men...is the songs i be listin to every day......Of course right after me playin of Scotland The Brave.... darkRose
  21. DarkMalkin... Sorry bout the double post there Mi'Lady.....but we be hittin the rum just a wee bit much... Me Berth be in the grounds...somethin about the cabin calls my name....11 wenches and me and Cap'n Briggs....sounds like good odds ta me.... Sees ya on the morrow...and come by and sees me new slopes I be makin....think they be right purty I do...... darkRose Master Soldado the Enigmatic Rogue
  22. DarkMalkin... Agin I thankee lass....and be lookin foward to the meet his weeked...by the way..the Cap'n of the Blue Gryphon be aboard fer the weekend methinks darkRose Master-Soldado
  23. Beenin the person i be...just finshed 15 shirts..10 paiors o slopes...and a few Chemises....ah..the black ones are nice.....and various and other sundry projects....the leather Factory tommorrow on ter way to nebraskey Faire....ya know belts and baldrics.... but gots a new Pattern fer a coat when done will share with ye'all....its all cut...just needs the sewin...but first needs to get the business work done... Fair Winds and tight sails darkRose
  24. I be postin this 'ere note in this topic as is directly related ter it.... Me business A Faire of the Rose...be taken special orders fer garb and leather goods ta be delivered at PIP or before ifin ye want.....ifin yer need some special made stuff....drop me an e-mail at pierre@afaireoftherose.com and i be makin a couple more ventures out to Faire afore then...dressin 'em landlubbers that thinks they be pyrates....Be in Nebresky this commin weekend and in Grand Valley Michigan the week after....stop in and see us ifin ye be round... We can make yer pants shirts vests...and now a new coat be avaliable soon....also leather belts...Baldrics..sword frogs and the like.. ifin ye go to our website all the garb in the opening page piture was made by me ceptin the green hat...sos ye know we can do it fer ye.... darkRose Master -Soldado
  25. Ifin ye want good hand made period boots at very reasonable prices...I suggest ye look up armlann armoury....he does metal work but makes excellent boots as well..I have me a pair of knee highs and a pair o buckettops...and I love em...Tell Jon that A Faire of the Rose sent ye... armlann.com darkRose
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