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Everything posted by Abrams

  1. Aye, but maybe the problem is that there's not enough of his enemies blood on his shirt! In seriousness, though, that's making me doubt if I should make my check shirt or not...
  2. Have there been any macaroni art frigates, or finger-painted Jolly Rogers in the past? I'll go out and buy some stamps early so I can promptly deliver what I'm sending when the time comes.
  3. Well... Do stuff. Do stuff that a sailor (or someone from the period) might do. Hang around the beach, do woodwork, fire some guns! Do something with tar. Find out how / if period sailors washed their clothes, and try and simulate that. The real stains will stay in, probably. Try not to bleed on it, but it'd look alright. Don't fray your hems pn purpose -- a sailor wouldn't want to ruin his clothes...
  4. Patrick, this makes me wonder if you'll be playing some D&D at Pirates in Paradise!
  5. I suppose if I partake someone'll be my Secret Chanukah-Fairy?
  6. Well, it may not be PC, but I'm sure as hell getting that! Thank ye for the find!
  7. Jas Townsend has it... http://jas-townsend.com/product_info.php?c...products_id=249
  8. Michael, you're amazing. It's great to see a departure from the all-to displayed wide and frayed slops! I'd try and find some cheap thrift store shoes to mod first, just to get the right feel of what you want to do.
  9. Looks great, Silkie! What was the old one?
  10. Michael, those are of your making? They look great! Now let's see you in em!
  11. But it looks so great, Casketchris!
  12. If I recall correctly, lead poisoning was an all-too-common thing...I recall hearing about how there were remnants of lead in drinking glasses and other household items!
  13. I heard that the 4 comes from the term "Sign of Four," which in turn came from a Christian symbol of the Greek letters Chi and Ro...not sure what those mean though.
  14. I must admit, when first seeing the new look, I was skeptical. However, after getting used to it (and seeing the Sailors Kit page), I must say... it is a complete improvement! Keep it up!
  15. This might interest you: Apparently companies assigned these "Sign of Fours" so as to protect from pyracy, the Devil, and other unfortunate events. Courtesy of Wikipedia.
  16. Aye, Mister Foxe...those guns are looking a little... phallic, would you agree?
  17. This is indeed, a great thread. For a small event coming up on the 29th, I'm putting together a simple, "building-blocks" type of kit: Slops from Reconstructing History A Shirt from Jas Townsend that at least looks authentic A pair of Gurkee's Rope Sandals - although I'm not sure which style to get. I'll probably also include some sort of head scarf. Thoughts?
  18. Now, I'm not gonna be there (it is a shame), but will I be able to see boarding axes in pictures of these skirmishes? Y'know, really diversify up the weapons and whatnot...
  19. Hi, all. I'm finally getting my garb together, and I've found most of the things I want from various vendors (slops, shirt, and -- rope sandals!), but I'm still looking for a defining part, a sleeveless waistcoat. I mean, they just look so great! Hard to find, as well, so I ask for your help looking for them. The only one I could find that might be period is this, and not only am I unsure about the accuracy of it, they don't have it in brown. Well, thanks in advance. -Abrams Oh, and anyone know where I could get some sort of period belt?
  20. Aye, I'd like to see some of that...sounds enticing...
  21. That is indeed a good book. I'm in the process of looking for a more aesthetically pleasing one, though.
  22. If ye ask me, I think "Abrams" would be a fine name for this vessel. Err, if you don't wanna name something after me, that's fine too. I wish I could be there to restore / use it.
  23. BluePuppy, that looks phenomenal! What'd you make it out of and how large is it?
  24. Percussion - Drum kits, shakers (maracas and the like), djembe, etc. I'm working on getting a bodhran. I also wank around on guitar quite often.
  25. Sir, methinks you're talking about relative pitch. Relative pitch is the ability to tell if something is sharp or flat or good. Perfect pitch is the ability to identify a note just by hearing it (if someone plays a random note on a piano, you'd be able to identify it.) I, for one, thank the powers that I have at least relative pitch.
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