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Kuthroat Kim

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Everything posted by Kuthroat Kim

  1. I be havin a Pirate Party soon and I be lookin fer some films to get me and me mates in the Pirate mood. Any suggestions fer classic pirate films? (cheezy/funny is alright)
  2. No worries mate. Keep lookin and I'm sure you'll find some other pirates in yer waters. :)
  3. I be from Portland, but lately spendin most o me time here in Eugene Oregon while I finish college. I've been diving near the Puget Sound as well, in Hoodsport WA. Good times, great dives. I took my advanced certification dives there too. Excellent for night diving.
  4. I got back not long ago from diving, sunbathing and sight seeing in the beautiful Turks and Caicos Islands. From what I learned, it has quite a piratical history. I highly recommend visiting if you be wantin to spend some time in the carribean. If you have any questions about it let me know.
  5. I havent heard of this cruise, but it sounds great. I've been around the carribean meself, Cayman Islands and Turks and Caicos. but never to Barbados or antiqua. When you get back you'll have to tell us how it went. Have fun.
  6. I be a diver as well...not in Texas though. I be in the chilly pacific coast. Enjoy yer self!
  7. I think you wanted responses from pirates from other countries, but I be from Oregon, spending time between Portland and Eugene.
  8. I have to add that I went to Disneyland for the first time recently and that ride was amazing!
  9. Thanks! I've been wondering about the full lyrics fer some time...That be a great anthem
  10. Aye. There be websites that you just put in yer phone # and they send you the ring tone. There also be ways to download it directly to yer phone, but I don't know how to do that either.
  11. It's a pretty new term. I don't know too much about it, but it has a lot to do with a certian kind of music. And a style where being "uncool" (nerdy, etc.) is "cool." Don't quote me on that though, but its the best explanation I can come up with.
  12. Great tattoos Lasseter and Royaliste! Those look great and its made me even more excited about gettin one. Also, I really appreciate everyone's input about the tattoos. It may be true that sailor jerry was raceist, but it doesn't mean that the nautical star tattoo or his other designs symbolize raceism does it? I still really like the idea of the star as well as the compass rose "helping to find your way" etc. Not to mention they have nautical meanings and look nice :) I'm suprised to hear people think of the star as a straight edge tattoo. Last I heard striaght edge tattoos were X's on the hands. Anyway, I'll be keepin you all posted of my decision!
  13. Can anyone tell me the lyrics (or where to find them) to that "a pirate's life for me" song from the Disney ride?
  14. Great pics matey! Were you snorkling or scuba diving? I dove at Grand Cayman, and visiting the stingrays was so much fun! What great animals. Did you get to pet them too? :)
  15. Thanks Miss Adventure for that bit o' info about the nautical stars...I too have noticed how popular they are, but since I still liked them I decided I didnt care. And I thought it was cool that I would actually somewhat know the meaning of the stars ( I liked the idea of them guiding you, etc.) But since you say Sailor Jerry was racist that DOES change my opinion a bit. You've given me a lot to think about, and I'm going to do more research before making my final decision. You're right that the compass rose might be a better choice, since I've never seen anyone with one before. Thanks a lot for the advice! You said that you're a tattoo artist...where do you work?
  16. Nah Ive just known it for years, and it be my fave joke of all time! All those other "Arr..." ones are great too...I'll have to be tellin me mateys about those as well. Who ever said "boo, hiss": What better jokes do you have???
  17. I must say I prefer my original pirate name, but here be a fun quiz to find out what name they give you. It gave me the name "Black Bess Rackham" http://www.fidius.org/quiz/pirate.php
  18. This spring I be heading out to the islands of Turks and Caicos for some scuba diving. Anyone ever been there or know of good things to do there? And, does anyone know of its piratical history?
  19. Aye! I visited Grand Cayman too for some scuba diving two winters ago, and it be by far the best place i've ever been! The stingrays are such great creatures. I hope you enjoyed yerself!
  20. Did everyone hear about the Pirate Movie? It was rated arrrrrr!
  21. Another one: This be the best joke of all time.... A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel attached to his crotch The bartender says "Hey, you have a steering whell on your crotch" The pirate says "Arrrr, it drives me nuts!"
  22. Thanks! I ran across that earlier meself. Great info. and I love the meaning behind it. When I get the tattoo, I'll be showin you a pic.
  23. Here's a picture of one....I does kind of look like the compass rose
  24. I found the answer to me own question! Here it be (if anyone is interested) the common nautical star tattoo that most are familiar with (red and black) has a counter part that is green and black. the colour red is used to represent the port side (left) and green is used to represent the starboard (right.) Nautical stars were first tattooed on early sailors because they relied on the stars to find their way, therefore they always had a star to be with them and always knew where they were going in their own lives and at sea. It was kind of a sense of security and guidance.
  25. Anyone have a Piratey or some kind of nautical tattoo? I be thinkin of gettin a nautical star on me back. Does anyone know if there be a real meaning behind nautical stars?
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