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Kuthroat Kim

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Posts posted by Kuthroat Kim

  1. There may already be a thread about this, but International Talk Like a Pirate Day be comin up...what do people have planned for that weekend? I need ideas! Also, anythin goin on in Oregon???


  2. Im working at a salon right now, and although I'm not a stylist I know a little about em.

    if your hair is longish already you dont need extensions. Dreads work best for africian americans, but caucasians can do it also. The best bet would be to go somewhere to get them done, but you can do em yourself if you want. Just buy some dreadwax and section off pieces of hair, braid and then rat them with the wax, the wax contianer might have directions on it also.

    There's also stuff you can buy for more temporary 'dreads' too. It gives the similar effect, but washes out at the end of the day.

    hope that helps. you'll have to show us some pics if you end up doing them.

  3. Wow. I guess real pirates are still on a roll. Do you think people in these areas would be offended by our piratical garb? (pirate/jolly roger t-shirts, etc.)??? Just an interesting thought....

  4. I saw Dodgeball. it was just as I expected...not a "good" film by any means, but fun and entertaining. I agree that Steve The Pirate gave it an added bonus. I felt so bad for him at the end :D

    I am a big fan of funny movies of the Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller genre too.

  5. Thank you everyone for the good ideas! I will be aye to rent a few o' them. Of course I already own PoTC, but I be lookin fore t' viewin some classic Pirate movies with me mates. Thanks again.

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