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About blackbonie

  • Birthday 11/13/1973

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  1. this is very true here. my garb gets rave reviews at pirate events and ren faires, yet here it is looked down upon. i recomend to anyone that if you have garb not made from silk,linen, or wool just dont even show it here. thats what ive learned.its a good site to get ideas and info from.
  2. silly question: is Pyrates Magazine and Pyrates Way magazine the same thing? i have some issues of pyrates magazine and like it pretty well (tho alittle high priced). i have never seen one actually titled Pyrates Way.
  3. i was hoping to see that more people from here would be going.i cant wait,it sounds fun.ill be wearing my latest coat made from grandma's curtains (not really,but its that kind of fabric,lol)
  4. where can you buy a coat for $175 ?
  5. heres me at the escondido fair (already posted it in that topic but oh well).i dont know the guy,he just wanted a picture with me.lol
  6. yes i did look at the hat pins.i almost bought one,theyre beautiful. i didnt recognise anyone from here tho.when looking at all the pirates i did wonder which ones were members here tho. the piratescharles were awesome, and that very old couple too.i had a great time. next time i will be less shy and talk to more strangers.lol
  7. i just got home from the escondido fair and it was beautiful day,cool enough to wear a coat but not cold.heres a (bad) pic of me, and me and some random pirate who asked to take a picture with me.i never met him before but we kinda matched .lol
  8. im a tattoo artist,for 6 1/2 years now .before i started working shops i was a helicopter mechanic in the marine corps.
  9. i forgot all about woods rogers. maybe he'll show up in the last episodes? i havent got that far yet. to me beamish is like a little puppy growling at something- tries to come across as tough but is still just a puppy,and everyone is always out to get him.lol
  10. Maybe..... I always thought that the term "Hollywood" coverd the Pyrates playing..... as in not worried if anything was authentic or not..... but it's fun and looks cool...... Some, don't worry about the History part... but wanna have fun being flashy and look cool........ I have yet to meet a Pyrate costume nazi...... We don't do that crap..... COOL........ i call myself a hollywood pirate and if i had to describe it i couldnt do it any better than that.i do try to incorporate things that resemble history,but i liven it up to where im happy with it. unfortunately i have heard pirate costume nazis,i just dont know why
  11. lol. i just posted my opinion of it in the pirate movie thread. i like it alot. i have developed an affection for lt beamish.
  12. i havent seen many of the ones named so far,but potc 2 was my favorite,and i am enjoying the dvd series (from the 1950s,b&w) of "the buccaneers".
  13. i love the way you expressed that. i totally agree.
  14. yeah you guys pointed out the rounded neck on my red coat so i squared this one off.i dont really know what other mods it needs.
  15. cool.ill do that.im making another right now from the simplicity 4923 pattern but i doubt anyone here is intrested.then ill start the other with a more authentic fabric
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