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Everything posted by Boucanier

  1. Cleaning through some of my stuff and found a pair of Fugawee "Franklin" style shoes. They are size 8, width E, and were worn only for a weekend by one of my friends, so they are like new with some wear on the soles and heels. I am asking $74.00 (or best offer) plus $10.00 shipping. This is a $30.00 saving, Fugawee sells these for $104.50 + $10.00 for shipping. To see pictures of them check out the Fugawee website: http://www.fugawee.com/Men's%20Colonial.htm Please email me if interested at billyyankjohnnyreb@yahoo.com Thank You, Bryan Stefancyk
  2. Not trying to start any trouble, because these guys look really good and seem to be heading in the right direction, but they are far from perfect. I would like to see them stop wearing slops in favor of trousers and breeches. It may just be me, but if you have a closer look (zoom in) at this photo it looks to be good photoshopping. It seems a few individuals pop up more than once in this photo.
  3. Thanks Mission thats great stuff!
  4. Many thanks to all those that have replied to the post! I greatly appreciate it. Bryan Stefancyk
  5. Does anyone know the origins of the phrase "a short life and a merry one." Any sources would be greatly appreciated. I seem to remember this phrase being attributed to Bartholomew Roberts but cannot seem to find any concrete evidence to supports this. Thought I read it in Johnson's but after searching through its pages for the phrase cannot find anything. Thank you, Bryan Stefancyk
  6. I tried doing a search to find the posts Ken made here a couple years ago sharing some of his research but could not find anything. Does anyone have any of the links to his posts? Also anywhere I can read some of his articles besides the ones on the Whydah site. Thanks for the help, Bryan Stefancyk
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