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Jack an Apes

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Posts posted by Jack an Apes

  1. Welcome, me lass, te th' pub!

    Thanks fer yer offer o' rum, but I prevere fine wine meself.

    *Throws a coin at th' barkeeper and drinks 'is wine all in once*

    Pleasure te have ye 'ere, lass!

    PS, Lady B, nice new signature :huh:

  2. That's some interesting "Jack the monkey" page you have there, Misson. I think it is well done and extremely creative. And the whole POTC room intrigues me... BTW, thanks, Maloney :huh: It wasn't all that hard work :huh:

    I'm extremely frustrated because I can't upload a picture of a black spider monkey, which I found extremely cute. (yes, I'm a guy. I just have feelings xD :huh: )

    Although, this picture:LENS_p204-5_web.jpg

    creeps me out o.O I do believe the monkey's not a zombie, but it's close to that :huh:


    And I think I should read this book. :) (If it is a book, only saw it's picture)

  3. ...

    Who's seen Planet of the Apes?

    I haven't, and it's a shame. :'(

    *Dreams away about a movie about monkeys*

    Oh, excuse me, where was I?

    Ah, yes, my tribute!


    OMG a tribute to monkeys?!?

    Yes! Who's with me??



    Wow I have a fan o.O

    ok, enough of the monkey stuff. I'm sorry. '-.-

    Let's re-name this topic:

    Show us a pic of yer favorite pet!

    I showed mine *points to pic of girl*


    *Ahum* I mean: *points to pic of monkey*

  4. YOu need ta find yerself a gerl ta look at mate! :rolleyes:

    Oh come on now..you just left that one open hehe. I know you need to halt her torturing you with boy questions.

    Haha lol yer absolutely right! :o

    It is really annoying :S but sometimes funny :lol:

    Yeah, I noticed some different in chin... Johnny's face is really, eh, skinny, or bony o.O you can nearly see his skull. Even I can say he looks better old '-.- OMG I'm so ashamed now :huh:

  5. Ok, so my sister is INCREDIBLY obsessed with Johnny Depp... Goes like:

    "Oh, he's soooooo hansome!!!"

    "Look at those cute little eyes!!!!"

    "Jaaaaaaack take just a good look at him!!!"

    And suddenly she mentions:

    "Jack, what do you think about Matt le Blanc? You know, Joey? Doesn't he look like Johnny in, well, his 'younger' years???"

    At first, I didn't care. But I continue thinking about it. It's really creepy, for a guy my age, thinking about two men so much! xD ;) So, I need opinions:

    Do Johnny Depp and Matt le Blanc look like each other???

    To help ye all:

    johnny_depp_portrait_b_and_w.jpg (Johnny)

    1joey.jpg (Matt)

    Ok, so they're not the best pictures... Did you know finding good close-ups that actually look like each other is EXTREMELY hard?? ;)

    It keeps bugging me, hope this is the way to get rid of it! ;)

    (PS if you have better pictures, please: POST ;) )

    EDIT: Matt_LeBlanc.jpg Matt... (lol hoping they DO look like each other too much xD ;) )

    Might be a better picture.

  6. Hector Barbossa be a good fellow, (well, out of a certain perspective ;) )

    An' Jack Sparrow be havin' a good sense o' trouble,

    Hector be th' perfect example fer what a pirate is and should be,

    Though, another tactic, a strange and senseless one, (like Jack's) can be very usefull though.

    Concentrate on th' treasures?

    Or yer social life?

    All together: which one would you be (or in female version o'course) 'n wy?

    Fer me a difficult question, but I think I'm goin' te take an example of B arbossa, a real powerfull, 'n te me likings "frightening" enough te be a big peril fer the seven seas.

    What's yer opinion 'bout them?

    Fer some this might be an unnecessary question, seeing as Lady Barbossa and Jacksparrowsavvvy be postin' in 'ere, as I noticed :ph34r: But I was just wondering, why Jack or Hector?

  7. *claps hands*

    Some fine writing there, me lass.

    Like said b'fore, some grammaticall mistakes. But ye be a lass from a different country. An extra applaus fer still bein' able o' writing something like that, I figure :huh:

    Keep on writing, ms. (or mrs...?) Rose, Anne :huh:

    So, poor ol', erm, excuse me, young?, Raymond be dead, eh? Can't ye write him back alive or something? I liked the guy :huh:

    Haha lol, sorry, just kidding, do whatever ye want with yer story! As soon as ye continues writing again, which ye should!

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