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Jack an Apes

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Everything posted by Jack an Apes

  1. '-.- ... It makes me feel I'm out of knowledge Don't tell me this actually is a language...?!?
  2. Forgive me if this one is already posted... Charlie's Lesson Charlie's teacher asks her class: "There are six birds sitting on a house. Two of them you'll shoot. How many are there left?" Charlie raises his hand and answers: "None, miss, because the others will fly away scared." "No, Charlie," answers the teacher. "The answer is four, but I like your way of thinking." Then Charlie stands up. "Now I've got a question for YOU, miss." he says. "There are three women eating an ice cream. One bites, one sucks and the third licks it. Which one is married?" His teacher turns red. "The... licking one?" she asks. "No," answers Charlie, "The one with the wedding ring, but I like your way of thinking."
  3. Congrtulations, dear friend! Al real beauty she be already. And such a well chosen bandana Wish ye all th'luck with 'er!
  4. Holland (They used the Spanish Inguisition for ppl that say crap about God (forgot the word for it xD Oh yes, heretics))
  5. Welcome, me lass, te th' pub! Thanks fer yer offer o' rum, but I prevere fine wine meself. *Throws a coin at th' barkeeper and drinks 'is wine all in once* Pleasure te have ye 'ere, lass! PS, Lady B, nice new signature
  6. That's some interesting "Jack the monkey" page you have there, Misson. I think it is well done and extremely creative. And the whole POTC room intrigues me... BTW, thanks, Maloney It wasn't all that hard work I'm extremely frustrated because I can't upload a picture of a black spider monkey, which I found extremely cute. (yes, I'm a guy. I just have feelings xD ) Although, this picture: creeps me out o.O I do believe the monkey's not a zombie, but it's close to that And I think I should read this book. :) (If it is a book, only saw it's picture)
  7. ... Who's seen Planet of the Apes? I haven't, and it's a shame. :'( *Dreams away about a movie about monkeys* Oh, excuse me, where was I? Ah, yes, my tribute! OMG a tribute to monkeys?!? Yes! Who's with me?? ... Wow I have a fan o.O ok, enough of the monkey stuff. I'm sorry. '-.- Let's re-name this topic: Show us a pic of yer favorite pet! I showed mine *points to pic of girl* ... *Ahum* I mean: *points to pic of monkey*
  8. *Sister looks disappointed at Lady Alyx' "oh no way, total diff looks if you ask me....", but brightens up at her: "Johnny is so much sexy hotter!!!! "*
  9. Haha lol yer absolutely right! It is really annoying :S but sometimes funny Yeah, I noticed some different in chin... Johnny's face is really, eh, skinny, or bony o.O you can nearly see his skull. Even I can say he looks better old '-.- OMG I'm so ashamed now
  10. me! ... no seriuosly, me
  11. Ok, so my sister is INCREDIBLY obsessed with Johnny Depp... Goes like: "Oh, he's soooooo hansome!!!" "Look at those cute little eyes!!!!" "Jaaaaaaack take just a good look at him!!!" And suddenly she mentions: "Jack, what do you think about Matt le Blanc? You know, Joey? Doesn't he look like Johnny in, well, his 'younger' years???" At first, I didn't care. But I continue thinking about it. It's really creepy, for a guy my age, thinking about two men so much! xD So, I need opinions: Do Johnny Depp and Matt le Blanc look like each other??? To help ye all: (Johnny) (Matt) Ok, so they're not the best pictures... Did you know finding good close-ups that actually look like each other is EXTREMELY hard?? It keeps bugging me, hope this is the way to get rid of it! (PS if you have better pictures, please: POST ) EDIT: Matt... (lol hoping they DO look like each other too much xD ) Might be a better picture.
  12. The Jonas Brothers version of "Yoho, yoho a pirates life for me!" Only I find the "stand up, me 'earties yoho!" part a strange one o.O
  13. roller coaster tycoon (a ride was called like that in a standard park )
  14. Hector Barbossa be a good fellow, (well, out of a certain perspective ) An' Jack Sparrow be havin' a good sense o' trouble, Hector be th' perfect example fer what a pirate is and should be, Though, another tactic, a strange and senseless one, (like Jack's) can be very usefull though. Concentrate on th' treasures? Or yer social life? All together: which one would you be (or in female version o'course) 'n wy? Fer me a difficult question, but I think I'm goin' te take an example of B arbossa, a real powerfull, 'n te me likings "frightening" enough te be a big peril fer the seven seas. What's yer opinion 'bout them? Fer some this might be an unnecessary question, seeing as Lady Barbossa and Jacksparrowsavvvy be postin' in 'ere, as I noticed But I was just wondering, why Jack or Hector?
  15. I just be using: Fair winds, matey! But, no "fair winds" saying fer me now in 'ere, still enjoyin' it
  16. Fergive me, but I thought it was "Tie ' im up te bed with th' Captain's Daughter," or something like that? Not that it really matters... Anyways, it'll probably be another version... Wich reminds me, actually... he finally got his "mar-i-age" *gasp* I prefer a suit meself
  17. *claps hands* Some fine writing there, me lass. Like said b'fore, some grammaticall mistakes. But ye be a lass from a different country. An extra applaus fer still bein' able o' writing something like that, I figure Keep on writing, ms. (or mrs...?) Rose, Anne So, poor ol', erm, excuse me, young?, Raymond be dead, eh? Can't ye write him back alive or something? I liked the guy Haha lol, sorry, just kidding, do whatever ye want with yer story! As soon as ye continues writing again, which ye should!
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