Jack an Apes
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Everything posted by Jack an Apes
Ah, I thought of something just now! Well, o'course I'm not known with the way of roleplaying in here, so if there's anything uncommon 'bout it, please tell me, I'll have a look at it. This version of roleplaying requires; You have applied for the RP and have been accepted by the 'leader'; You have one, and only one, character (unless stated otherwise by the 'leader'), and that there are no or little extra side characters, and they do not fulfill a major role in the story; For this RP, I am fine with just one main character. Second characters can be introduced in later stages of te play, it might be too early now. As for sideroles; preferably not too many, but short lines such as "Aye cap'n" for crewmembers are just fine. You act ONLY for your own character, and not for other members' characters (unless approved by another member) Characters at all time stay true to themselves (always IC) Characters are not Mary Sue (Sues tend to be very annoying to all) Out of character comments are stated with "Ooc: *message*" or any other way of showing a message is ooc. I forgot to mention that. I've been playing this type of roleplaying for so long I nearly forgot some people don't use these Laws of Roleplaying :') If this is in contradiction with any of the forum's (roleplaying) policy, please inform me, I'll have it fixed! ^^
Yoghurt with strawberry syrup and lots of sugar!
Apply. Write. Have fun. Well, not too tight or anything. Just making it all op on the way. I can't think of anything quite important at the moment. If I do, I'll say. basically I'll just start the actual RP when there are some (verified) applicants. I'm open to anything really.
Slut bunny *thinks of Playboy*
'Hoy, good friends. Let me first start off with some small talk. I'm very familiar and experienced with all sorts of role playing, but I'm not quite known with this forum's policy, even though I've read the guidelines o'course So beggin' yer pardon in avance if I do anything wrong - I'll buy ye a drink if I do Now then, I'd like to start off with a type of roleplaying I happen te prefer most. The story The Aqua Vitae: for so long mankind has been intrigued by this mythical drink that would give whoever drinks it eternal life. But it was nothing more than a myth, a fairytale, a dream. Until fairly recently. A 'new' island appears to have rosen from the sea, and people believe it is the sanctuary of the Aqua Vitae. Now, a race and a battle between pirates has started; a journey, a quest full of tratchery, betrayal, sly tricks and lies. I think it's best to start off with three (small) crews that will be 'competing' in the story, of which the names I shall later decide with ye. So, start signing up! I'll include a small copy-pastable standard application form, and am hoping to be checking them as soon as possible! [b][u]Character Info[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]What does your pirate look like?:[/b] [b]Miscellanous info:[/b] (optional) [b]Prefer to be in:[/b] (crew 1, 2 or 3) [b]Suggestion for crewname:[/b] (optional) Have fun! I hope. :') PS; ... is there any way I can change the topic title? I forgot to put something in it :')
I don't think Pirates'll be th' same without Depp, to be honest. O'course, Barbossa's a great character, but can he manage a film all by himself? It's already somewhat weird not te have Knightley 'n Bloom, even though their chars weren't me favs, but to scrap out 3 o' the mains... I be not quite sure actually if this be of very deep impact - JohnnyDeppWeb's opened an album for PotC 4 in th' gallery already and there's no news 'bout any departure on Depp Impact yet, and they're quite trustworthy... (you caught me, I'm a Deppfan )
White as a baby's arse, th' shimmerin' sunshine won't give me som' tannin' love But a simian sure thing How 'bout ye ole chimps?
Arrr, me mateys, few may remember me, but that be of none importance - Jack An Apes be back! And I be happenin' te remember th' beaut-o-full lay-out, what happened to th' pearl? Arh, never mind, none of importance. Seein' familiar faces, hopin' te have left an impression meself! Ahoy again pirates!
"Check on me" (Beyoncé)
A lil' ol' RPG-game I used to play on a Harry Potter forum, some years ago... dunno if you'll like it... "So here we are, on a peacefull lil' isle, in a peacefull lil' village... Captain's Corner. Keen on peace 'n tranquility, the villagers be. But nowhere to be found, th' last couple o' days, they be. Because ye can only can reach th' village by ship, pirates sometimes come aboard... Ever since a pirate ship has come, they plunder at night 'n even kill... Th' villagers panic, as they do not know who th' pirates be. Their defence: the noose. But they do not always just hang th' guilty pirates..." The Pirate in Villagersclothes is an RPG-game, but with a goal. There are two "teams", the pirates and the villagers. The villagers' goal is to hang all the pirates. The pirates' goal on their turn is to murder all the villagers. (A bit cruel, though ) Every 4th day of the week, the pirates go out "hunting" for jewelry... and blood. The 5th day, after finding a fresh body, the villagers gather and vote for the next to be hung. The 6th day, the noose'll be used. The 7th day is a day of rest . I'll get back on the voting later, but first: who are you? I'll keep a list of people that want to join. As soon as I've considered enough players are listed, I'll open the game with a post on this topic. All the players get a PM (private message) with their role. There are four types of roles: - A pirate - A villagers - The All-Knowing - The Immortal A Pirate: When you are a pirate, you know who all the other pirates are. Through the week, no matter when, the pirates have their own council about who's their next victim, and who will attack said victim (this is only of importance at the Immortal, whom I shall explain further later). The attacker will then on the 4th day send me a PM, with their victim. That same night, the victim shall be killed, (except for the Immortal). A villager: When you are a villager, well... you will always live in a state of fear. To be murdered, or hung. You do not know who's a villager, or who's a pirate. The only thing a villager rests is not to look suspicous and vote away those pirates! The All-Knowing: The All-Knowing, gets at the first day of the week a PM from me, with the revelation of a person's identity. He/she will not get a new PM with a new revelation until the person died. The All-Knowing may NEVER say out loud that he/she is the All-Knowing, or his/her revelation. But, to save the person (or murder, when a pirate) you may give hints. For the rest, the All-Knowing has all the same rights and dangers as a normal villager. (He/she is on the villagers’ side) The Immortal: The Immortal is not entirely Immortal, but when the pirates decide to attack the Immortal, the Immortal does not die, but kills. That is the reason I need to know who’s attacking. But, if the villagers vote for the Immortal to be hung, he/she does die… So the villagers’ll have a BIG problem when their Immortal dies o.O Just like the All-Knowing, the Immortal may never say out loud his true identity. It has the same rights as a villager and is on the villagers’ side. Voting: On the day of voting, you send me a PM with your vote. Simple, eh? Dead? Then you’ll “live” further as a ghost. You cannot vote anymore or kill. When the All-Knowing dies, he/she will not get PM’s anymore with revelations. I? As for me? Well, because I just enjoy playing this game so much, I’ll be the bartender . I cannot vote, and I cannot be voted upon! PS: because of the different time zones, I can sometimes be a little too late (25th, instead of 24th, for example.) It shouldn’t be an all to big deal. If there are any more questions…?
I was going to say: "evil twins", but now I'll say: evil identical ppl
She is now, thankgoodness. Also, the ambulance was yet no where to be found, neither to be heard Now I'm listening to my sister's eerie voice, while she sings along with Within Temptation's "A Dangerous Mind" "It's in your eyes, what's on your mind... Fear your smile and the promise inside... Yes, I AM talking about you, Jack!" *chuckles* I always knew I was evil
Captain (srry, switching over to Pyracy again :lol: )
What shall we do with the drunken...
Jack an Apes replied to Black Anne Rose's topic in Music & Shanties
Steal his rum with... eh... just steal his rum. Seeing as it's Jack Sparrow, I bet he would be devistated -
Same here, yet to be broken but by my 1 1/2 year old cousin, while her 5 year old sister is being brought to the hospital because of her ears... So you could also say I'm listening to the sirens not yet to be heard...
Ok, maybe not a really poetic quote, but I kinda like it. I made it my motto Well, changed it sligthely, but still... "He didn't resist temptation... He pursued it." -The Libertine
Harry Potter 6, The Half-Blood Prince, because I forgot it and want to be up to date before reading HP and the Deathly Hallows
president (Am I right, was there a president named Roosevelt? If not, Please, ignore mine and do another word)
Yummy Gummybear ( )
Ñàòè Êàçàíîâà - ðåäêèå ýðîòè÷åñêèå ñíèìêè
Jack an Apes replied to Caraccioli's topic in Beyond Pyracy
Haha ok. Interesting to see this,, uhm, "language" I suppose that if it's some russian dialect or Spamese, as you said, there would be a lot of different signs if I had the right font. Right now, I only see strange letters o.O ('-.- I'm missing something incredibly funny, I believe >.>) or is it supposed to look something like this: òðàíñâåñòèò ïîðíî âèäåî ëó÷øèå ïîðíî ìóëüòôèëüìû èíäèâèäóàëêè îäåññà òóðåöñêîå ïîðíî âèäåî ðîëèêè áåñïëàòíîå âñ¸ î ñåêñå êaëèãóëa ïîðíî ôèëüì ...? -
Lol alot o' ppl think of that when hearing Holland bread