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Wild Rose Morgan

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Everything posted by Wild Rose Morgan

  1. The Covington, KY River Raid Renaissance Festival will be taking place on June 16 and 17th, 2007 in Goebels park, just off of the Mainstrasse area (under the clock tower!) in Covongton, KY. The Hours are 11 am until 6 pm, and the cost is free! Come join Baron Munchausen and his friends as this German town is over run with.... PIRATES!!! There will be a pirate stunt show, a treasure hunt for the kids and more...and the rumor is the Emeror may even make a visit for the weekend! This is held in conjunction with the Covington Mainstrasse association's Goetta festival. What? You have never tried Goetta? Oh come on then, everyone should try it at least once! You might really like it! We are looking for vendors, if you are interested, please contact Riverraidfest@gmail.com or houndsman69@yahoo.com for more information. Prices for a booth are pretty reasonable. we also have a my space page under construction http://www.myspace.com/covingtonriverraid Come join the fun and play with us!!!
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