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Nathaniel Cross

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Everything posted by Nathaniel Cross

  1. Thank you all very much. Captain Sterling those two documents will both do very nicely. Thank you again for the help. Nathaniel Cross
  2. Tis' a most excellent idea shipmates. Might have ta give it a try. And I too would like ta see more of ol' Hector Barbossa. I'd vote him Cap'n over Jack any ol' day. Suppose that be why the crew of the Black Pearl decided ta be goin' wif' Hector.
  3. Anyone willin' ta give a poor honest pyra...er merchant, a loan ta acquire one a these fine fine weapons? Please. Come on. I be good fer it.
  4. I was wondering if anyone knew where one could obtain a copy of the King's Amnesty given by Woodes Rogers gave when he arrived in the Bahamas. I would be interested in any other royal pardon as well. Thanks, Nate Cross
  5. Luck be with ye. Keep us posted on yer progress mate.
  6. The tombstone is a real beauty mate. Wish I 'ad 'appened on the idea meself. But reckon says I, that each be thar own.
  7. Any type of leather covering for the hand...er stub eh?
  8. I looted all mine from Hancock Fabrics. Nice selection. Not sure if they have a website or maybe a store in your area.
  9. That thar be a remarkable tattoo that one 'ass. Err 'as.
  10. Awesome thanks for the information. Sounds like an interesting read.
  11. Have any pictures?
  12. Thanks for the info. I will definitely check it out.
  13. Nice work Mr. Wolfe. Fine hand ya have there.
  14. Great work 1st Mate Matt. Nice sig indeed.
  15. A great one indeed.
  16. Not good? Mate that sounds down right delightful. Um, I mean, ohh right. That must be most unfortunate for said lass. My apologies dear, let me help you wit' that eh.
  17. Almost brings new meaning ta walkin the plank eh.
  18. Good luck with the project. Hope it turns out well.
  19. My kit is a little more on the hollywood side. Especially with my bucket boots from caboots.
  20. I'm pretty interested in how the progress is going as well. I wish you luck in your venture mate.
  21. Forty and three dollars, now that be a fair price ta be sure.
  22. And wha' scurvy rat doesn't need ta shoot a tenny ball 300 some odd yards? :
  23. I own a pair of caboots and swear by them. I have had them four years now and they are still good as new. Love em.
  24. Now that be worth a plunderin.
  25. Fine weapon indeed mate. First class craftsman.
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