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Everything posted by Smilingotter

  1. There's one guy who does almost as good a job at www.sithcamaro.com. He showed up at Celebration 3 - a huge Star Wars convention - as Capn' Jack. George Lucas was have a Q&A session, so he gets up and slurs out "Ah would like ta know, why do your new movies not feature any pirates?" which got a big laugh. Lucas responded with "Did Steven send you?" which got an even bigger laugh.
  2. I very much enjoyed it - humor, action (could've used more swordplay, but oh well) and ILM definitely brought their A-game. I am sorry Sao Feng (sp?) didn't have more screen time, and that they didn't do more with Monkey Jack's undeadness. Is it odd that I felt like Bill Nighy was more recognizable in his squid-ish form than as a human? :)
  3. Sorry, I haven't even tried it myself yet. I was kind of hoping someone here had, and would chime in with an "it's great/fair/waste of time" review.
  4. http://www.voyagecenturyonline.com/index.php (I didn't see it mentioned, if I missed it I apologize.) A free, multiplayer, online game about the time of "wooden ships and iron men" - sounds too good to be true... :)
  5. No, since I started moderating another board, I've developed a deep, abiding hatred for all things spam. I guarantee that none of my posts will offer the ability to make anything larger, longer, healthier, or wealthier.
  6. www.angryalien.com, for those who don't know, is THE place for those who love to see 30 animated versions of their favorite movies. Oh, and all the characters are portrayed by bunny rabbits. " Anyway, they've recently merged both "Pirates of the Caribbean" films and given them "the treatment." Enjoy.
  7. Thanks - I'll look into those patterns. Would y'all say that the doesn't have any lining (from the look of the folded front panel, or that the lining was done in the same material?
  8. Capt. Grey - yep, it's the same me. And I haven't forgotten the hakama either - I still have your email address, and still have some decent material. (And I still intend to do that at some point, when my disposable income is a little less laughable...) Atala - those would be a start, but they should probably be longer in addition to the double-breastedness. I found a few pics: I don't have a pic with a good view of the length, but it was such that he was able to wear the typical black pirate belt over it. So I'm thinking about 5-6" below the waist. It looks to be leather/suede, though I don't have to have an exact duplicate. Material and color are negotiable...
  9. Alright, my first post here (Breathe...try not to be nervous... just picture everyone here in their underwear... ok, that yielded mixed results...) While money is currently short, I don't anticipate that situation lasting too much longer. Therefore I'm starting my search now. Like the topic title/description says I'm looking for a double-breasted vest not unlike the one that Tim Curry wore as Long John Silver in Muppet Treasure Island while he was acting as ship's cook. It looks a lot like a Union or Confederate officer's jacket, minus the sleeves, so if all else fails, a pattern for one of those could be useful. Still, if someone is actually selling a similar vest, I'm not above paying for the convenience of not having to use my nearly nonexistent sewing abilities. Any suggestions would be all sorts of appreciated. - Tom
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