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Everything posted by Bright

  1. India Pale Ale http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_93xjUtwYU&feature=share&list=UUD9-iEwBo_jShklWVeu3L2Q
  2. Calm Seas Never make skillful Sailors The maritime duty of a mariner to assist less fortunate mariners in peril on the high seas can be traced back to medieval sea codes
  3. There have always been and always will be as long as there be a sea, pyrates ;-} There be a group on FB calling themselves Authentic Pirate Living History
  4. The more aye study the more aye learn. The more ayes learns the more ayes forgets. So why study ?
  5. Yep tried to find the post about the tornado at the tall ships festal in Charleston, long gone from the record ;-{
  6. http://youtu.be/N8MzxLD9B4I
  7. http://www.flintlocksetc.com/specials_pistols.htm
  8. http://www.piratefashions.com/blackpowder_flintlocks.html Pirate Fashions has one in stock
  9. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=210175169031600&set=o.215862656994&type=3&theater
  10. http://oldexchange.org/ stop by The Tavern next to the old exchange for yea rum rations ;-} https://charlestonpiratetour.com/ This one is not a pirate attraction but worth the visit http://www.friendsofcharlestownelanding.org/ http://www.powdermag.org/programs.html
  11. http://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/ahoy-me-hearty-jolly-roger-flag-flown-atop-second-world-war-submarine-resurfaces-four-decades-after-it-went-missing.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ahoy-me-hearty-jolly-roger-flag-flown-atop-second-world-war-submarine-resurfaces-four-decades-after-it-went-missing Gordon Brown, 66, of Gosport, Hants, found the flag, which belonged to the HMS Tantalus in his sister’s attic The flag had been given to his father Jack, a crew member on the submarine, but lost when he died 40 years ago A Jolly Roger flag flown atop a World War Two submarine has resurfaced – after going missing for 40 years. The flag was last flown on HMS Tantalus at the end of the war in 1945 and was given to the boat’s youngest submariner, telegraphist Jack Brown, at the end of its service. But the Jolly Roger went missing following Jack’s death four decades ago and has only just been found again by his delighted son Gordon in his sister’s attic. He now wants to see the flag flying again. Mr Brown, 66, from Gosport, Hampshire, said: ‘I was so pleased to have found it again, especially in such good condition. ‘I thought it had been lost but I’d been nagging my sister to look for it and thankfully it turned up in her attic. ‘Someone offered my £1,000 for it but I will never sell it. ‘I want to see it flying again as it would be the first time since 1945 and then I will give it to a museum perhaps.’ The history of HMS Tantalus is told by the symbols on the flag, with four bars representing the torpedoing of four ships and two daggers denoting the submarine’s two ‘cloak and dagger’ operations.
  12. On Face book https://www.facebook.com/groups/215862656994/
  13. The Age of Sail Maritime Alliance is a 501©3 not-for-profit historical and educational organization that was formed in 2008 to help organize and support 18th and early 19th century living history maritime events. The ASMA utilizes period boats and other maritime resources to help teach and portray this facet of our history, and a great emphasis is placed on nautical skills, practical seamanship and safety. Membership in the ASMA is open to all living history maritime impressions from the Seven Years War, the American Revolution and the War of 1812. Anyone interested in joining is encouraged to read the FAQ section of this website. Each year the ASMA sanctions a number of public living history and educational events throughout the United States and Canada. The 2012 events have been chosen and are listed on this website's "Events" page. http://www.ageofsailmaritimealliance.org/
  14. HELP us launch our pirate reality show http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mutinyonblackraven/mutiny-on-black-raven
  15. Bright


    Ship's Bisket: 18th Century Breads, Part 1. Cooking with Jas. Townsendhttp://youtu.be/FyjcJUGuFVg
  16. Edward Bright AKA Old Sea Dog Sailor of the Seven Seas (Oceanus Arcticus), (Oceanus Antarcticus), (Mare Septentrio Atlanticum), (Oceanus Meridies Atlanticum), (Mare Indicum), (Mare Septentrio Pacificum), and (Mare Meridies Pacificum). Age: age and treachery will overcome youth and skill Job: Jack of all trades Master of the Silent Dispatch Land Owner: Plot with me name on it some were Privateer Papers: neither confirm nor deny Weapons: most dangerous weapons are them that you don't see, Master with : pike, cutless, pistols, dirk, dagger, knives & swivel gun Named after his great grandfather who sailed with Sir Francis Drake. According to legend Edward was born at midnight on the festival of Samuin and is said to possess unworldly gifts. He was sent to the colonies from Greenock Scotland, were he was to become a brewer and work the farms and breweries for his wealthy benefactor, who had sent him due to his killing of nine cattle rustlers at the age of fifteen, to prevent reprisals and a clan war. The new world brought him no reprieve from troubles as attacks by the Spanish and the English burning his benefactors crops, farms and pubs forced Edward to sea for his living working closely with the Brethren of the Carolina Coast, he is known to have served under Captain Long Tom on the Cornstyle Revenge, on board the Jolly Rover during two sieges of Georgetown with Captain Richard Kopcho,The Gamecock under Captain Abraham Whipple and with Captain Gypsy Jack master of the dreaded night attacks on board the Nomad across the Caribbean. It was on the Nomand that they tell of his right hand being cut off in a battle and upon their return to Carolina he grew another wile in some backwater Traven tended by Rose O’Malley. He has seen action in many ports on the east coast and rumored to have dispatched over thirty men in service of the both the English and Spanish crowns with his bare hands not counting those who faced his steel in failing to carry out his gentle request to comply or die . Yea would not know by his soft spoken and easygoing manner that he has such a black heart toward those he feels have wrong him, and dispatches death in a blink of eye. He is seen as a kind man and lover by so many of the serving wenches in many a port or Traven. He knows his way around a ship as well as he does with the ladies. Some say it’s because he bees a good top man that knows how to work all the lines when it’s comes to calculated collisions. He has been seen most recently in the company of the Charles Town Few and rumored to be their Quarter master for his quick way of settling disputes among the crew. Unfortunately documentation is lacking and we will probably never discover the truth with any certainty. The answer, if there is one, is lost in the mists of time, as is sadly the case for so many pirates and privateers that were successful in hiding that there were indeed on account or their true identity from history and those that they sailed with as well.
  17. Story of Bright's colorsThe History and Traditions of Skull Art Within the Military of the USA, our warriors have incorporated SKULL ART into a brand of brash, self - assured art work that is typical of the American spirit of the Frontier and High seas adventure which dates back to American colonial times. Soldiers and Marines, Submariners and Sailors, Aviators and Pilots have created and continue to create and paint insignias often without official authorization, but part of a unit's esprit - de - corps. Nowhere is skull art more prevalent than in the U.S. Special operations community and skull arts originals and lasting legacy to it, which this document will chiefly address. It is representative of the Esprit de Corps... Skull's brandished via patch or paper send a message right away, "death to our enemies and we fear not death," all in one tidy little package without any verbalization. It was understood universally - whether the fight is in on the High Seas of Early Colonial America; deep within Japanese occupied China or in the present day middle east. Ironically it was the pre colonial American Privateers who first modified their privateer Ensigns from 13 stars and stripes (representing the 13 early 1700's American Colonies) to fly a Skull and Cross Bones Art for the Americas. A Privateer is a sailor with a "letter of marquee" from a government, which "allows" the sailor to plunder any ship of a given enemy nation. Technically a privateer was a self employed soldier of fortune paid only by what he plundered from an enemy and thus, supposed to be above being tried for piracy. Most often, privateers were a higher class of Sailor with either naval or maritime service under his belt and came from good families. Privateers include Buccaneers (originally a term for those privateers who fought against the Spanish, later a general term for pirates of the Atlantic, specifically the Caribbean. The Buccaneers were first hunters of pigs and cattle on the island of Hispaniola - and French Corsairs a term used for Christian and Muslim privateers in the Mediterranean between the 16th and 19th centuries. The Christian Corsairs were known as the Maltese corsairs and they took their orders from the Knights of St. John to attack the Turks and counter Barbary corsairs from North African states often "hired" by Muslim nations to attack Christian Corsair ships. Early First evidence of Skull art Used by US forces commences as far back as 1692 with Colonial American Privateer Thomas Tew who was a licensed Privateers man from Rhode Island. His flag did not have a skull or even a bone, just an arm wielding a cutlass or scimitar. Tew like many privateers simply retained their old (Jolly Roger) symbols, although black became the favored color. Sir Thomas Tew seemed to think it more polite to suggest violence in his flag rather than death, and took the image of the sword rather than skull or bones. The message however was no less clear regarding the fate of any who opposed his advance. The images on a pirate flag were designed to indicate a certain message. The skull was a sign of death, but a skeleton, often with horns, indicated a tormented death. A dart or spear was used to indicate a violent death in contrast to the bleeding heart denoting a slow and painful death. The hourglass gave a threat that time was running out or that capture was inevitable. A raised fist or hand clutching a dagger or cutlass was to indicate a general willingness to kill. This was the image Tew chose. In the event that a ship was particularly evasive, or a pirate was particularly brutal, a red flag was raised to indicate that no quarter would be given (no lives would be spared) once the ship was captured. Tew's Ensign though not with Skull art was as recognizable on the High Seas as any earlier or later Pirates "Jolly Roger." Though most people knew that Tew was a pirate, little is known about him prior to 1692 when he arrived in Bermuda and purchased a share in the sloop "Amenity". From there, he got the additional owners of the sloop interested in taking on a privateering commission from Bermuda Governor Isaac Richier. Together with the Royal African Company, they were to attack the French factory at Goori, in Gambia. Tew and his crew instead chose to sail off to the Red Sea where they attacked an Indian ship which they found to be very profitable. Tew settled in Rhode Island, but eventually was lured back to piracy. For when the outlets for legitimate privateering dried up at the end of the War of the Spanish Succession in 1714, many privateers turned to piracy. He took command of a pirate ship and sailed off to the Red Sea. He was killed in June of 1695 while attacking a large ship belonging to the Great Mogul of India. My black flag is that of U.S. Special operations community that rules the night not seen or heard as my flag or tattoo of my flag on my right shoulder is rarely seen as many special operations are not seen nor heard of. The Skull is "death to our enemies and we fear not death," all in one tidy little package without any verbalization. It is understood universally. The crossed cutlasses behind the skull are the weapon of an operator that is silent and used as close quarters weapon know to be the choice of skilled operators, or ayes means privateers, as a tattoo you are marked for life and those colors never run and a form of permanent identification as well as a comment to a cause. Now, all my trade is ball and blade and blood forever more and the sting of salt and spray, the ocean’s howl and squall I’m a wretched soul, I'm a privateer, drowning out at sea I’m killing and I’m drinking my blue heart to black
  18. http://www.myspace.com/music/player?sid=20863614&ac=now Bartholomew Roberts by The Roving Tars
  19. Trying to figger out how to share media such as a song here but haven't found a hosting site that works like they do for photos, which is really to bad as I know there be a lot of shanty's we all like to be able hear ;-{
  20. http://www.beyondhollywood.com/cuttthroats-and-scallywags-abound-in-first-trailer-for-starzs-pirate-drama-black-sails/
  21. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/25/whale-bone-porn-ann-pimentel_n_2950987.html?ref=topbar
  22. http://youtu.be/HwZ3h5AN1oo
  23. http://youtu.be/N8MzxLD9B4I
  24. http://youtu.be/nNh-D1wb0bw
  25. http://youtu.be/HwZ3h5AN1oo
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