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About AlexRoberts

  • Birthday 08/22/1991

Profile Information

  • Location
    California San Diego
  • Interests
  1. Just as a matter of curiosity, why are you making a non operational flintlock from scratch ? It's the same amount of work to make a functional one. Are there legal issues where you live ? >>>> Cascabel I need the practice plus it's my first time making time a gun replica ever.
  2. I'm looking for a trigger guard because i am making a non operational flintlock from scratch. It'd be nice to find a cheap and decent looking one. It's for a pistol flintlock.
  3. What would be the right way to go about making a leather tankard? What leather? Would i need oils? Should i tan it? Do i need a wood insert for the handle? A sewing awl good for stitching it up?
  4. http://www.goldcoastfestivals.com/SanDiegoPirate.html San Diego Pirate Faire coming up this weekend! June 25th-26th 10am-6pm
  5. www.sdmaritime.org/buccaneer-birthday-bash Join us for a Buccaneer Birthday Bash Why is this a Full Weekend of Endless Piratical Delights One, Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides opens May 20th Two, Meet some of the supporting cast and hear the tales firsthand Three, Our own HMS Surprise was used for the movie Four, We've added a High Seas Sword Fight Adventure Show Five, It's just going to be good ol FUN
  6. Finished two bracelets so far. Working on a sheath now. Will post pictures tomorrow. Im interested in these books. If so please send me a message or something of that nature.
  7. Sad to see ye switch sides. haha. But atleast you'll be around here. Goodluck with everything.
  8. Happy birthday bilge munky
  9. Sounds like i shall be doing that. I have my almost finished my first bracelet. The snaps don't look right at all.
  10. Making Bracelets first bought some snaps and some studs and going to buy a stamping tool for boreders. I'll take pictures soon. My camera died and is out of batteries. There is a dts leather store that sells tandys leather stuff. They are really cool and teach me as i go. They let me use any tools they got. I will be buying more as a i progres, im addicted already. I suck at it but i use to draw and paint alil so maybe i can get good at this. What kind of work surface should i get? I heard marble is pretty good.
  11. So im learning how to leather work. Going to be making belts,sheaths,bracelets, and a bunch of other things. I was wondering if there are tutorials or what tools are good to be starting with. Tools i have - Rubber mallet Paint Scraper sharpened to do tracing Etching Knife Beveler Trying to go the cheap route just to start before i sell any thing.
  12. My tattoos are on my feet. Blackfoot on my right And Roberts on the left.
  13. Welcome to the board we hope ye stay.
  14. Disney is going to keep making films until the movie has only jack sparrow left....POTC One pirate one world.......
  15. Sorry to hear this. This is a great loss without knowning him and he shall be remembered.
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