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'Bastian Devareaux

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Everything posted by 'Bastian Devareaux

  1. On the way back from RF2, Captain Sterling and I stopped for gasoline somewhere in West Virginia....This sign was across the street.
  2. Oh Madame, you truly flatter....And may continue. The pleasure was shared in all earnest, and what pity that the weekend went by so quickly. As to your officer's condition, it is only just that in clearcut deffense, actions carried out were purly in the line of duty. The shipment had to be ensured of proper quality....and then sampled further to solidify initial findings.....
  3. Reportedly, upon going through Customs and being asked if there was anything he wished to declare, Oscar Wilde's reply was, "Only my brilliance."
  4. Generally speaking, more nuisance that necessity. There are advantages, such as emergency situations or if one is seperated from others at an event, etc. Beyond that, they seem an excuse to be rude or obnoxious. There was life before the Mobile, after all. < First weekend that did not involve demands of deadline, commitment or obligation, in over six months.....Ahhhhh, laziness is bliss. V City chaos or sleepy little towns?
  5. Departure was steadfast and quickly negotiated; a controlled pace manipulation of byways and structures penned on mental cartography, negotiated with artful ease. Now, in the Safe hold of trusted Venetian Dove, Sister and Brother's thoughts layered and spun like Piscean shoal...separated perspectives of shared subject matter. From second story perch, drapery was grasped gently and pulled ever so slightly away from natural rule of gravity. Italian Lady of the Eve comforted one while keeping eye on hang cloth assaulter. Curtain was allowed to cascade into natural stance and Brother turned, just enough to glance over shoulder. The fire of mischief that normally played dark eyes lay dead and buried without eulogy; lupine features set hard with stoic stance. Drawing away from hidden glazier composition, Beggar Prince reached for deserted glass of fermented elixir, seeming to contemplate its' existence before ceasing its' presence. Soft words were spoken to kindred and instructions given. He lingered brief moments more, then quit chamber's shelter for intents of the outside world....
  6. Here is one shot Friday morning of the Dennis Sullivan leaving the quay to make room for Windy 2. The fog was such a wonderful touch for many a photo shot.
  7. Might I say that it was a grand time to be had; a time of rekindling old aquaints and discovering new ones...A more charming town one could not wish to discover. I could very well scrbe a text to rival War and Peace in regard to the tales to be told and the best of company to be included in the list of characters. To those of Fool's Gold that I have had to honour of meeting in the past, it was of most profound pleasure to have encountered you, once again...And Lady B, it seems to tickle mine recollect of certain negotiations taking place in a temporary local near the Quay. Who says the malitia cannot be bought off....**smirk** My only regrets did not involve the weather; but the briefness of it all and those I did not have the opportunity to meet that were attending. To those I missed, my apologies...It was not for lack of want, but the flurry of it all which hampered our crossing of paths. I raise my tankard and doff mon chapeau to Archangel, dearest partners in buisness and dearer friends. A votre sante, one and all!!
  8. Nathan Kelley sat near tavern window with feet propped gratefully on near chair. Greedy draught was taken from simple wooden tankard and his mind wandered aimlessly having fulfilled another day at near Marshallsea. Wincing slightly, he adjusted posture and inwardly cursed the long hours spent standing and bowing to the whim of English demand. Another draught was savored as eyes trained to clear barrier and the view offered. Inner voice whispered the truths that Kelley preferred to ignore...It could always be far worse. Fate could have dictated his place to be amongst the milling lots clogging the lanes and byways... Those with no true place or means of steady income; flotsam and jetsam that scraped to survive. Another round was signaled for and he allowed his eyes to fall half-mast while awaiting small beer and the maid that would deliver it. A hint of smile lazed his lips in regard to the maid and the possibilities, if she might be so inclined. The smile widened with further notions if accord were managed, but all was brought to startled freeze as a familiar voice called out from across the Common in hailing. "Kelley!! Yer a layabou' bit o' it!" Nathane turned his head, training his attention to the disrupter and laughed at the jibe. "An' yer one to be crowin' so loud, boyo!" came the retort in turn. Sitting up, feet were removed from opposite chair as Kindred of the Aul Sod were brought together to commune. Barmaid drew near and was sent back for another vessel; slight blush on her cheeks at Burke's flirtations. Devon watched after sway of skirts with interest momentarily as he gained seating, "Fresh off the boat an' ripe fer the picken's." he chided then turned focus to table mate, who chuckled with a shake of head. "Now ye canno' be makin' claim to every Colleen tha' walks off a gangway. Didno' yer Ma tell ye tisn' right to be greedy? A sin it is, says so in'na Good Book..." "Oh ho ho....Go ta throwin' tha' in me way, an' all the Angels on High know ye to be a right Saint!" Tankard arrived, contents trace wiped off upper lip with handy sleeve and speculative expression was cast, " How's the Job?" Nate stretched leisurely with reply, "Tis the same as has been." A grin appeared as he continued, " An' yer own..?" "Been a wee on'na strange o' late, bu' the take as gran' as ever..." Kelley glanced about casually then leaned in, " Don' imagine ye've laid clutch to the Dew, eh?" "Aye, tis a matter o' fact. I'll be makin' sure to get some yer way. Could'no be makin' yer brother do wit'out. I don' be in envy o' his workin's..." "Could be worse." Nathan shrugged. "Could be better, too." Came retort. " Don' have no doin's wit' hangin' folk. Ye think Aul' Peter cast a blind eye to tha'?" The Other laughed, it was an on going joke betwixt the two. Conversation continued back and forth as wit strewn game of badminton and draining of tankards. But faltered with notice of Rouge interruption breaking the duller palette of lane outside. Kelley shook his head as they hove into view, commenting lightly, "Now there be a poor bastard I canno' envy, even wit' them fancy trappin's..." Devon turned to see what companion was centered on, offering smallish jerk of startle when reality struck. Other's expression gained inquisitive facets, " Are ye in aquaints wit' tha' fellah?" Thief's attention dropped to the table surface," Aye, bleedin' Lazarus wit' more lives den a fekkin' cat......"
  9. Brother moved with care, giving the outward façade that it was he and not the other that was being addressed. Veiled survey was made of regiment’s goings on as Sister was gathered in embrace akin to that of Lovers and drawn near. Back was turned to fleuve de rouge, a blockade of form against prying eyes and he leaned close to her ear in mock nuzzle of neck. “Look away…Pay attention to me and look away, Renard. There is nothing we can do here and you put us in danger by giving notice or inviting attention.” There was no allowance for contradiction to wordings and the stiffness of Aurore’s stance gave way to something more subtle, one attempt given to pry from Kindred’s encompassment was met with hiss of displeasure. “Non!…”, came harsh whisper. “This is not the time, not the place.” Nudge of Lover’s touch came as after note to what keen ears had warned in footfall and releasing Kindred with warning glance, Sabastian was quick to harken to Ransom’s verbose. Snaking an arm around Aurore’s waist, guidance as well as support, were given and opposite direction was chosen. Precise navigation was dictated, cutting into blind alleyway… And into the audience of Watcher in the Wood. Childermass appraised trio briefly, then gave silent motion to follow.
  10. Dauphin Voleur listened closely to what she relay and gave small nod in concurment to what was offered. Glancing over the top of Ransom's head, subconscious made not of inviting mound of hay in far corner; its' possibilities much intriguing but for the fact of Sibling's company. Parting kiss furthered the thoughts that taunted more primal conjuring, but she was brief with its' render and he gave into the cards not playing to his favor. Watching after her departure, attention was quickly drawn to regimental passing on more traveled thorough fare. A break in crimson plumage at very midst brought hay strewn ponderings to sudden halt and turn. As the reality came to full bloom and Sabastian pivoted rapidly to where Aurore had been standing upon emergence. Movement to the right further startled his senses to quick reaction finding her not within the sheltering shadow but within lane's full view. A wave of nausea rolled the pit of inner soul as one word resounded the barriers of structure left and right; a wrenching sound of fear and uncertainty in its' wrought. "Jean...?!" Then Fox moved towards Keepers and Kept..... And wave of nausea stregnthened as he moved rapidly to intercept.
  11. The passage wound lazily, an occassional dip; an occassional rise...but always heavy with the scent of soil and moisture. It was here, in the lower dermal layers of Gia, that time seemed to suspend and Man's Laws were over-rules by something far more ancient. Then the dominance of steady incline took its' place and rule of serpentine route. Pause was given to step, and wolfish features turned attention overshoulder; oil and flame caressing dominant cheekbones and playing within the reflection of ocher Windows. Chapeau's shadow covered the smallish rise of brow as focus travelled from Lover to Kindred. Moving to her side, quiet query was made and negation was signaled. Dauphin watched Fox momentarily then nodded with tight lipped response berift of verbose. Concern could almost be seen upon swarth plains as he returned to former placement and pace was regained. Up ahead, a tiny crease of light lay to view by the attentive eye, and as it was brought closer, Sabastian handed over man induced lighting into Lover's care. Cocking an ear minutely to the right, attention was focused intently to the Upper World, the the Gateway was opened. The smell of equin and hay overwelmed Subterra's hold; the darkness brought to lighter tincture; secluded and guarded by wooden fortitude...
  12. Tunnel of single coursing gave way to oblong area of who's circumference was undetermined as it's boundaries dodged from lamps subtle touch. Suspending contained lumination aloft, shadow crept backwards in humble respect as Light Bringer studied the options presented in trio. One burrow gave forth an intoxication breeze of saline perfumed bottling; the other two that of heavier earthen contents. Far left would lead to one of the warehouses near the break of Land and Sea; Center would emerge in Livery....Far right would split twice more. Sabastian regarded each with equal care and chose carefully. With a sidelong glance to the Coveted, Center was selected. It was not the destination itself, but the shortness of journey that drove this one above the others in want. With slight incline of chin, direction was silently given and precession continued forth to acquire fresher air above.
  13. At chest's bottom lay the rungs to freedom and there landing place, which was rather snug comapred to the chamber above. Wating until his two charges made safe footing below, Sabastian returned all to securing then followed. The anti-chamber gave little away in nature, the lantern as an accomplice to the enigma with its' greed retention of light. Just beyond ladder's placement, the subtle outine of anker existance could almost be discerned; rounded oak nestled comfortably together as if in secret society meeting. Herein, occassional waft of earthen moisture tickled the air then disipated only to return again. Crouching, Dauphin's fingers caressed large iron ring, and with twist, submitted next portal for Lover's approval. Hand was offered in support to the next journey downward and mischievous amusement stroked lupine features at the delight dancing Sea Hawk's eyes. Moving to Sibling's side, gentle stroke of finger turned back invading tress clung fast to cheek, and was replaced by kiss of same render. Steady breeze took over where wafting once held reign, the earthen smell compounding with zeal at its' release from gate's barrier.
  14. Enough time was allowed for Sibling's full dressing then portal was brought back on hinge support, low lamp glower giving some sense of the surrounds. As Day to Night lay the differences of small room and its' neighbor. Though clean, it was a hodge podge of furnishings and castaway bric a brac...a shoddy dead end. Door was brought to closure and Dauphin picked his way amongst the chaos until large chest was neared and lamp set on crippled table in near standing. Hasp was taken and brought upward, low light sneaking peeks at contents therein. A meager display of displaced what nots looked hopefully upward to initiator’s want; desperate children of another time. Beggar Prince glanced briefly to the Coveted waiting at outermost reach of lamp's beckoning then attention returned to inner depths of wooden maw. Quick fingers searched and fondled the unknown, engaging that which was not to be seen or acknowledged. Soft click released what was desired and hodge-podge elevated it's standing. Sly grin crossed angled features and motion was made to bring female companions closer. Lamp was removed from table's keeping and right hand regained posturing of single digit accusation. Extension was made forward....Then down.
  15. Seth Childermass blended to the break of alley and main way, wraith tinctured features concealed by chapeau's expanse of brim. From penumbra's casting, he watched the man in officer's company with an interest that most would, or could not fathom. As Other's focus changed, so did Childermass' and the bluster of Scotchman and Redcoat alike were but static to main interests. The form that made controlled departure from melee' drew minute incline of chin and tilt of head; stirring deep within the recognition of gait and effort of smooth segue. A ruse that came close to accomplishment, only to fail without consideration or manner of genteel renderings. Brutal action of musket kick made claim and finalized the Square's capture; the rattle of steel capture laying cease to bird's flight. Briefly, Wraith glimpsed upper floors of Dauphin's possession, knowing instinctually that warren had been abandoned in favor of burrow's subterranean pathways. Nothing would be found Above...nothing known off the Below. Becoming one of the many which swirled Port byways, he faded from view. Destination plotted, foremost conclusion achieved and emergence wagered on to win.
  16. The flurry of sudden eruption and that which followed in its' wake did well to stoke pyre already just under containment. Narrowed eyes tracked departure to finalization and the main door that hung agape from the process of such. Lover's queries gave weak competition to the thrum that sounded in his ears as features grew stoic but for what ricocheted in soul's windows. Chamber was crossed rapidly, portal closed and secured with the punctuation of locks shot home. "Sebastian, besides you, who wants that man dead?" He looked over shoulder to her, one hand placed firmly on heavy wooden surface and cold calm replaced anger's flame by smooth change of guard. In peripheral, break of worn white shroud verified that Sibling lingered in hearthside door. Mental cogs and gears turned with oil efficiency generating answer. "I can think of many that may desire such outcome, but which of those that dares the gambit of current is not a thing of clarity...." Moving with urgency to armoire, chest was removed from lower section and loyal Curs extracted. As each was laid out on flooring plains, pause was given and lupine features turned to those of which he coveted. "We must leave and do so without delay..." Arm was raised, one finger extended accusingly to Four Poster's portal, "That is the way..."
  17. Swarth fist came down with brutal contact to burnished surface as Sterling made quick retreat to hall beyond. Eyes retrained to Lieutenant and feral flicker roared to full pyre. Once again, Sabastian regained his feet and with fluid stride, cut the distance of mere paces to where Sibling remained. A deepened sadness drove back the fire as Aurore was gathered protectively to him and words whispered in sooth of mother's tongue.
  18. Sabastian rose abruptly from seating at Sterling's actions, "Non, Capitaine...Not again. If there is explination to be given, then it is to my Sister that you owe the debt. Consider what you do carefully, I shall grant you this boon...there are chambers that interlock to both sides of this room. Perhaps you should take advantage of such privacies and relate to her what your mindset is. She is grown, and is of her own mind...it is to her that your sins must be confessed; for I have mine doubts that I can remain impartial." With silent resolve, Dauphine regained seating and craved the peace that had existed in not so distant past.
  19. Jawline tensioned again at Sibling's statement and glance was slyed sidelong to her approach. With heavy exhalation, Sabastian kept in rein the thoughts that boiled in mental borders as gentle hand came to rest on one arm..
  20. Sabastian's features were hard set as seating was taken in large armchair at table's head. He said nothing at first, constricting the anger which desired the arena. "Capitaine went his own way, without regard to my Sister...His concerns only that of his own. I had no way of knowing his intentions with brusk departure and brought her here so that some comfort could be obtained. And now...after ill use of my graces, I am to just roll over as was expected from my kind before coming to the New World...Are we all not dogs begging for a bone...Not human...Just something to be trod upon by our betters....." Soft voicing brought his verbose to halt. "Alexandre'....C'est assez."
  21. Her movement drew his attention away from guests and wave was made to place pistol away, a smallish nod in request for Lover's silence. Table was then indicated for seating of all.
  22. Dauphin watched as orders were relayed and complied to, with the last Jack Tar out of sigh and quick survey made of the surround then main entrance returned to. Sidelong glance was given as portal was eased back on hushed hinge, allowing access to Sanctuary. Resecured, Sabastian turned to face newly arrived with hardset jawline and feral flicker smolder within darkened sights.... And he waited with the ever patience of feline at mouse thresh hold...
  23. Dark sights measured all concerned and in low voicing he gave directive indicating the displeasure of incident and the attention being drawn by so many choking hall legnth. "Enlevez-les de mon seuil alors que je vous offrirai tous les deux à l'intérieur. Mais faites ainsi avec le soin et le silence..."
  24. Years of Life's harsh play of hand conditioned those of such ilk to never give in to the luxuries of deepest sleep. Burrowed deep in lair's comfort, the slightest disruption of calm stirred instinctual awares and dark pools aroused from hibernation. Survival forced action to retreive nearest Hounds; Soul's windows narrowing then quickly taking in the options as heavy fist fell on wooden innocence. "Maîtresse Sterling! Ouvrez la porte s'il vous plaît. C'est votre mari. Je suis venu pour vous prendre au navire!" Lupine features tilted slightly to the voicing while nimble fingers caressed Hounds and insured bark as well as bite were at command. "I'm going to assume, despite his asking about his "mari", that this is not some irate husband who thinks you have absconded with his wife for a night of frivolity. So, do we open the door and see who it is, or do we just fire through the boards and ask questions later?" Beggar Prince heard Lover's words in half shades, as if they were spiraling down deep shaft and echoing cylindrical walls. Movement from far corner drew his center as Sibling emerged from adjoining room and one finger was raised to halt further progression. Lover's query rattled mental corridors in brief as recenter traversed to chamber portal and one word was uttered in whisper to the later, "Non..." On bare feet, Sabastian neared doorway and listened carefully to the world beyond...rustle, low voices and silence. Brief silence of ungolden measure cast off by next hailing of more subtle render upon neighboring door. With noiseless gesture, portal near Four Posted Citadel was indicated to those in his care and locks were slid from receiver's keeping...
  25. Del Rio, Texas 1959 ~ Radney Foster
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