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Everything posted by Misson

  1. I want to play Blabber-Mouth Santa! (It just sounds like a peck of fun, doesn't it?)
  2. No, Duchess got it right - it is from Stranger than Fiction. Although I could just see David Duchovny saying that... I haven't seen 1941 since it came out. All I remember about it is Belushi firing on a giant ferris wheel... I don't recognize the new quote.
  3. Man, this thread so died. You would think that last quote would have been a shoe in with this group, too. (Yet, I don't know it.) I am posting a new quote. "You're staring at my tits." "Uh...I was? I don't think I was, I don't think I'd do that. If I was, I can assure you it was only as a representative of the United States Government." (Great movie. Existential hilarity ensues.)
  4. Why??? About as accurate as "Braveheart" (NOT a compliment) I suspect Bess's comment was more directed at a certain actor than the realism or lack thereof. My OT point was that there is no Hollywood movie that portrays history accurately. In fact, I am arguing that it would be impossible to do so, even if you wanted to and had an unlimited budget. Going into a movie expecting accuracy is setting yourself up for disappointment. I mean accuracy such as each person defines it - which I can just about guarantee is wrong since none of us was there. We have to go by accounts that were written by people from their perspective of what happened, which is biased by their view even if they were there. There are no impartial observers. At the end of it, you just have to accept Hollywood history for what it is. They never seek to recreate accuracy, they want to create a blockbuster. (Way, way OT, but I just read about a computer program that inputs movie scripts before they're even made and predicts whether the movie will be a hit or not. They did a test with 9 scripts, several studio heads and the software. Result? The execs got 3 of 9 right and the software got 6 of 9 right. ) "Each age tries to form its own conception of the past. Each age writes the history of the past anew with reference to the conditions uppermost in its own time." -Frederick Jackson Turner You can get the ship in that link separately. In fact, that's the only way you can get it. (When you read the fine print and you'll discover that you have to buy the ship for $59.95, the group with Jack for $59.95 and probably different groupings on the ship for $59.95. Quite an expensive thing to buy complete. ) It is some sort of collectible miniatures thing (Hawthorne Collectibles) and I believe it is sort of, kind of supposed to be for Christmas, although that particular site says it's for Halloween. There's an open one on eBay that's got an opening bid of $29.95, although it also has a $20 shipping cost. Search for "Black Pearl Collectible."
  5. I just saw that again this weekend. What a compelling story. (What an awful score. I wish anyone else had scored that movie.) I have a bin that contains components from which I assemble costumes for Haunted House when the mood takes. It's your basic stuff - a skeleton shirt, biker boots, a black robe, a mailman shirt and pants (a fan of my character Mute got me the pants. ), make-up, hairsprays, flotsam and jetsam. There are some photos... 1. Mute who killed the mailman 2. Weird Poetry Monk Guy The beauty of my bin o' costumes is that I can make all sorts of different combinations and permutations.
  6. Mainly because it was recommended to me. To be honest, it was a reasonably good movie and I enjoyed it on its own merits.
  7. I was watching the movie Kingdom of Heaven recently. It's about the Crusades and keeping/taking the city of Jerusalem. I get most of my reviews from Netflix these days and I noted that the top couple of reviewers were all complaining about historical inaccuracies. Now, from what I read, they are correct. (Although even recorded history is wide open to interpretation as most of us are aware.) However, I didn't even assume that the movie was factually correct. In fact, I had watched it without reading the reviews and I enjoyed the epic quality of it so much (if not Orlando quite so much), that I wondered just how much of it were true. So I did the research to find out. Anyone who thinks Hollywood sticks to the facts is openly admitting naivety. Even movies that say that they are factual are interpretations. (In fact, everything is basically an interpretation, including your entire world view and mine.) "Each age tries to form its own conception of the past. Each age writes the history of the past anew with reference to the conditions uppermost in its own time." -Frederick Jackson Turner As for the toys...well, at least they're making them, right? All who want a toy Black Pearl that is mostly right shall have one! (For the right amount of cash.) Hey, I was looking for views of the toys when I found this decoration. Cool! (Albeit pretty pricey when you have to buy it in bits and pieces.) http://www.collectiblestoday.com/ct/produc...rdid-917133.jsp
  8. Did the professor write a book? When I was magazine editor of a student engineering magazine, we worked with the Technical Writing instructor to get articles. She gave the students an assignment to write an article for a technical journal complete with two illustrations. We got to pick the best articles from two classes. That solved a huge problem for us.
  9. Metaphorically speaking...(I found these in a newsletter I get and thought some of them were pretty funny.) He spoke with the wisdom that can only come from experience, like a guy who went blind because he looked at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it and now goes around the country speaking at high schools about the dangers of looking at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it. He was as tall as a six-foot, three-inch tree. The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't. John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who had also never met. From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city and Jeopardy comes on at 7:00p.m. instead of 7:30. Shots rang out, as shots are wont to do. The young fighter had a hungry look, the kind you get from not eating for a while. He was deeply in love. When she spoke, he thought he heard bells, as if she were a garbage truck backing up.
  10. I'm looking for a hat...and shoes. (What size are your feet? ) So you want my Ruby Slippers do you? What size is you head? How much would you spend on a hat? And your little dog, too. Last time I purchased a hat for which I was actually measured I was a 7-1/8. That was quite awhile ago, though...some people I have gotten a much bigger head since then. (I'll trade ya' more than its cost in Star Wars AFs. )
  11. I believe I have that issue of Time somewhere. If it's the one that I'm thinking about, I got through about half of the articles before I set it down (and put it God knows where). There is a very interesting documentary out there called Autism is a World that I recommend if the topic interests you. It follows a autistic woman around who has autism, but has still managed to go to college with the aid of some volunteers and an interesting little electronic communication device.
  12. I am reading an overview book of theories of consciousness ( Consciousness: An Introduction by Susan Blackmore) for a paper I'm going to write. (For Psych 1, I decided to write about the adaptive unconscious, so it seemed like a good idea to write about the conscious for Psych 2.) I've come to the conclusion that consciousness is no kind of subject at all. The experts can't even agree on what consciousness is and if we truly have it. Since it's such a mess and is open to so much interpretation, everyone gets in on the fray including psychologists, neurobiologists, philosophers, spiritualists, non-spiritualists, physicists, doctors, lawyers and indian chiefs. And, at the end of it, they still can't agree on what it is. So they argue about the fine points without actually determining what, exactly, they are arguing about. What an absurd topic I have chosen. (I have, however, read about the things we discussed in the now deleted philosophy thread including the bicameral mind (which most of these people believe is incorrect) and the Cartesian theater - sort of a formalized version of Plato's cave (which nearly everyone believes is incorrect, including some proponents of parts of it. They take great pains to viciously attack it - which makes me a bit suspicious).) I must say, I like the bundle theory most of all. It basically says what we call consciousness is just a bundle of experiences going on throughout the brain at a given moment that make up our awareness, or consciousness, in that moment - which varies in the amount of time it can last. The bundles are serially connected and may include memories, yet are not dependent on the actual memories to maintain their awareness. This would explain why at one moment we can be totally focused on the present with apparent "conscious" awareness only of the now and at the next serial "conscious" moment are totally or partially focused on some past event(s) and the effect on the present moment (bundle). Personally, I think we are not ready to discuss consciousness like adults. Whatever an adult is conscious of. However, I've ordered two more books on the subject. (This is sort of fun - like particle physics and chaos theory. It's the sort of topic that the more I learn, the less I realize I understand.)
  13. My insulin pump. (Not for very long, though.)
  14. I'm looking for a hat...and shoes. (What size are your feet? )
  15. Target has fog machines for $30 right now. I don't know how good they are, but they're pretty cheap. (Used to be you couldn't touch one for under $150.) In fact, they were having a sale on them around here recently. Check back in the Halloween section. The only problem with them as cannon smoke is that, as I recall, they tend to send a pretty intense burst of fog - not really like a cannon would.
  16. Shouldn't this thread really be in Beyond? All my movie reviews are over at Netflix under username MarkCK. The best way to find me is to look up F-Troop, Season 2 if you're a member. I am one of two reviewers. Incidentally, there is no rhyme or reason to the DVDs I decide to review.
  17. They must be expecting a robust Christmas season... This one is cool: http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo...2168#LargeImage I wouldn't actually buy it at that price (Or probably at any price - what would I do with such a thing?), but it's still cool. Also, the Dead Man's Chest Lunchbox is a natural tie in item.
  18. "That demmed elusive...Pimpernel." I've seen both the original and new version and they're pretty comparable, actually. The new one is a little more complicated in execution, but the story is essentially the same. The older one is a bit more subtle, however, and slightly better for it. They both use the phrase "Odds fish!" several times. (It seems to me that the Sheriff of Nottingham says the same thing in the Bugs Bunny cartoon Rabbit Hood...if I'm not mistaken, he says, "Odds fish! The very air abounds with kings!" when Bugs hits him on the head one of those times.)
  19. I was watching the classic version of The Scarlet Pimpernel the other day and I noticed he kept saying "Odds fish!" So I wondered what that meant... Noun: odd fish ód fish or odds fish ódz fish 1. Someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group So I am an odd fish. In fact, we all are.
  20. You can buy it at Disney's Web store. Or you can probably still find it at Toys Backwards R Us. That's where I've seen it.
  21. Well, it's Halloween season again and that means I must do a haunted house prop for the Jaycees. This year it was a skeleton tree. For those of you who are interested, you can check the first page of it out here. Here's a promo shot:
  22. Mine is in my Pirate-Themed Living Room, so you hardly even notice it...provided it's not plugged in so that the red LED number glares at you.
  23. Or just plain Mission. I sent in my form.
  24. Hey, I got one. It sits on one of my end tables. (The light up heart is a little cheesy. The red digital number on the front display is also distinctly non-GAoP as well...) You can get them at Toys R Us and through the Disney website.
  25. I'm no expert, but a one person cat worked for me. (I understand they're less likely to tip over with twin hulls.) (Bob actually said I could continue to steer if I wanted to, I was just goofing around when I posted that. I thought you'd find it funny.)
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