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Everything posted by Misson

  1. Without doing a lot of research (I picked Truman's Annex because it is as close as you can get to the event, which I think would be a big plus): http://www.rentmyparadise.com/CHPics.htm That particular would wind up being $400 + tax (probably about $50 or so) per bedroom for the week (they say it sleeps 8, but that must be with people on the couch and whatnot).
  2. Nah.... it's a nasty rumor started by the counter-surgeon forces....... To a fellow who sees a bad pun snuck in sideways and takes it a step further.
  3. I love this picture! You really have an eye for this, William.
  4. Mission, barber-surgeon, Mercury, period, comma, question-mark and out. Leaning towards a hotel...or a multi-bedroomed house if there are several people interested. (Preferably in the Truman Annex...well, I can dream, can't I?) I wouldn't mind setting up thing like Patrick had, just to try it for one night, though.
  5. I thought these shoes were marvelous for the price. They looked great and were actually quite comfortable. Being diabetic, I have to be cautious of my feet, however. Like any new shoe, these had points that were rubbing, particularly since the mediums were a tad big on me. Inserts solved this problem quite well. I am having more trouble with a new pair of hiking boots I purchased recently than I had with those shoes, which were worn three days straight from their receipt. I agree with William; these are near perfect, affordable starter shoes for period re-enacting.
  6. Thanks to William Red Wake, a picture of me in my garb at PiP:
  7. I liked the discussion with Keith Richards. There was a rumor before 2 that he was going to be in the movies and someone (not sure if it was here or at PiratesInfo) said that he would ruin the movie. Even then, I thought this was an ignorant comment. (How can one person ruin a movie? It takes a whole crew of people to ruin a movie.) Richards was a neat addition, even if he is a bit spacey.
  8. I don't think that was me, mate. You might have been substituting my face for others in some of your drunken wanderings in Key West. Now that's somehow kind of disturbing... Really? I was sure it was you! I was even sober then. I remembered the title because it was a good pun...
  9. Ok, for the record, Mission is not afraid of blood. Mission is constantly, intentionally pricking his finger to draw blood for the infernal, non-period Glucometer. This 'afraid of blood' thing is just a nasty rumor started by scurrilous counter-insurgent forces. (So there. <- Stynky's dog) Besides, it won't work with my idea for medical skits, so it really has to go, as funny as it might have been. Those pictures are great! Thanks William. You have taken all my favorite photos of me. I'm also glad to see the camp was captured on film; I was starting to wonder. I have this project I am toying with and I needed some stills of the camp...further bulletins as conditions warrant.
  10. I liked the bloopers reel. I was surprised to see only two deleted scenes. (And delighted to find one focused Pintel and Ragetti). (Of course, the whole Singapore opening should have been in the deleted scenes... ) I also went back and watched the end, Calypso and all. As difficult as I know the maelstrom scene was to make (they went on and on and on and on about it in Cinefex), I would still have rather seen the various pirate ships take on the Armada. Alas, everyone except the main group were just window dressing... BTW, what good does it do to fire cannon when your ship is at a 30 or 45 degree angle? You're sure not going to hit the ship on the other side. All that gunpowder and shot wasted shooting projectiles down the spout! And can you imagine trying to haul those monsters back to reload them? Oi! The end fight was just too silly...Jack balancing on a spar when the ship is tipping into a maelstrom? Davy Jones (write him out, please write him out) walking on the same spar with that slippery crustacean leg? Firing bow cannon accurately at a ship in that huge storm? Silly, silly, silly... Although, I liked the post-credits ending with Will's son. I still can't imagine Elizabeth waiting 10 years for a day with someone, but there you are. Oh, and it's nice to be able to watch the movie with the subtitles on. Between Will and Davy Jones, I think there was a contest to see who could slur their lines the worst. (Orlando Bloom does this all the time. He has a slight lisp or something, I swear.)
  11. It's snowing to beat the band (whatever that means) this morning in southeastern MI. I like snow when it's fresh. Everything sounds like it has weight - it sounds different. All that white fluff covering up the scrubby, bedraggled ground. You can hear the crunch of your boots packing the snow down everywhere you go. I don't even mind moving the stuff (now that I have a snowblower and a nice, short driveway.) They said it was going to snow several nights ago and it didn't. I was sort of disappointed when I woke up to another view out the window of sleeping trees, mottled, month-old leaves and barren ground. Today, everything is fresh and new.
  12. For those of you who don't subscribe to my newsletter, I decided to post it early (I always post them, so don't feel too special ) in a sort of preview post. A lot of you may have seen Boo, but may not have gotten the chance to talk to him in depth. Since I got that chance when we went for cracked conch (and missed the battle), I thought I'd share it with you all. I usually come back from vacation with a success story or two for my newsletter and two minutes into conversation with Boo over conch, I knew I had found my story. Enjoy! (Anyone got a picture of Boo? Anyone? Bueller?) www.markck.com/articles/Success Tips/Living.htm
  13. Actually, he's standing there frozen because that whole section of the deck blew off the sinking ship in the background when Bugs threw a match into the powder room. "I'm Pirate Sam. The meanest blood thirstiest Doggone worstiest Shoot 'em up firstiest Pirate to ever sail the Spanish Main."
  14. I'm working on the Mercury flag, but that can be the club pin. Ah...you'll probably do something serious. I think the feet would really explain everything. Or this:
  15. Hey...the dates are changed for the forum description! Thanks, Booty!
  16. Hey, does anyone have picture of the encampment? Does anyone have a shot of Boo?
  17. You know, the Mercury doesn't have a flag that I know of...
  18. I finally got round to watching the part of the movie I like (everything after the pointless (story-wise) Singapore stuff up to the Calypso release (if they make a fourth one, PLEASE tell them to write this character out of the script)) and I concur: Rush made this movie. He was awesome. His nuances were awesome. I, OTOH, did like the introduction of Jack, especially after Iron Bess explained that he was not insane, he was evaluating his character in the "multi-Jack" scenes. Plus the stone crabs are one of my favorite things in this part of the movie (even if they are linked to Calypso). I haven't got to the extras yet. Maybe next week. (I've borrowed the second season of McHale's Navy and am enjoying those just now.)
  19. *Sigh* Truth be told, there's not very many place in Key West where this is still true. We had a great location for the camp.
  20. Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tomorrow night? Substitute "medical scarificator" in for "Queen Anne pistol" on WRW List #4 and we're talking about the same thing.
  21. It's so iconic! I had to include it.
  22. "It's rated..." *bang* "Oh, sorry. These blackpowder guns..." *shrug*
  23. That is me #4 from the right, next to Mary, center row; in the blue bandana. We got ya', Nigel! I created a new topic for this photo with numbers for easier reference since we had all been talking about doing this during the event. That's been updated so that everyone is identified. You can see it here: http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12128 Sorry for any confusion!
  24. 10. This forum is the first place you look on the pyracy.com board when checking in - mostly to see what new developments have taken place...for an event that actually ended in early December! 9. Every morning you awake with sea shanties in your head. 8. You wonder if your spouse's buttons are "period correct." 7. You add variety of fine rums to your stock of liquors. 6. You find yourself calling people "mate" at work. 5. You feel naked without a hat... 4. Or at least a bandanna! 3. You occasionally slip into a really bad old english accent. 2. You set your alarm to go off 5 minutes in the morning so you can bandage your feet. ("My feeeeet!") 1. Someone who heard you were playing pirate recently asks you, "Have you seen the new pirate movie?" and you wonder if that's grounds for justifiable homicide.
  25. Hey, that finished the first photo! Well...except for vendors Tom and Barbara. We're not sure of their names. Any other bingos? Any other bingos? Any other bingos?
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