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Cap'n Knifehand Ken

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Everything posted by Cap'n Knifehand Ken

  1. 'appy Birthday Dark!!!! 'ave a drink on me!!!
  2. Ah, me Mad Beauty... them thar stats do stike me fancy!!! Ye truly sound like a treasure!!!
  3. Aye, me Mad beauty, me an you would be the stars!!!! Might you fit tha bill fer tha ample bosomed pirate wench!!
  4. I raise me glass an' toast ta Rupert"Blackbeard"!!!
  5. Scupper, I agrees with ye! Rupert"Blackbeard" be one o' us! 'ave ta admit, I was a bit sad ta see tha ample bosomed blonde wench leave sa soon!!!! Survivor Pearl Island be me guilty pleasure....the cap'n 'as spoken. :)
  6. Me own pyrate movie, eh? Not much plot...just pillage, plunder, drink, swordfights, treasure, drink, lusty ample bosomed wenches, more pillage, more plunder, more drink, an' more wenches!!! That about sums it up!!!
  7. Welcome aboard Lass!!! 'ave a drink on me!!!
  8. 'appy Birthday Molly!!! I be drinkin' to yer health, wealth an 'appiness!!!
  9. I've 'ad a bit much ale, feelin' footloose and fancy free!!! A toast to all aboard... May you pillage and plunder an never be caught, May you find all the gold you ever have saught!!! 'ere's to ya!!!
  10. I raise a glass for any occasion!!! DRINK UP ME 'EARTIES!!!
  11. Sparrow's Flights o'Fancy Don't judge me too harsh!!! 'ave a drink o'rum an all will be square!!!
  12. Pass me the Margarita mix and some tequila and I'll drink both and mix it in m' mouth, then eat some salt an I'm good ta go. Wastin away again...you knows the rest!!!
  13. My favorite movies, eh... Pirates of the Caribbean(by the way, got a great dvd quality version off of Kazaa...I am a pirate!!) the Matrix and Reloaded Those are the only's that matter at this moment.
  14. Glad ta be meetin ye Captain!
  15. Aye Captain, I be drinkin to all those ye mentioned...have ta pass on tha cabin boys, tho! Tha way I sees it, ta me, men are missin 2 things ta look good, tha letters "W" an "O"!!!
  16. I'm raisin me glass to all ye lovely lasses an ladies!! Drink up!!! Tha more ye drink, tha more charmin I become!! Savvy? Alll ye scurvy sea dogs onboard, join me in a round fer tha ladies! Without whom life would be just an empty ship with no sail!
  17. Me favorite scene be the first ta show Cap'n Jack Sparrow. Sailin on the sinkin ship, lookin regal and proud!
  18. Thank ya for tha info, Scupper. Will be a very merry Christmas fer me
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