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Cap'n Knifehand Ken

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About Cap'n Knifehand Ken

  • Birthday 08/14/1967

Profile Information

  • Location
    New Hampshire
  1. Was thinkin' o' namin' me own ship (after I commandeer it) Tha Flamin' Stench o' Death!!!!!
  2. Bein' tha lustful pirate I am, I find beauty in all the wenches, but one o' me favorites be Charlize Theron!!!! I be keepin' her aboard me boat anyday!!!!!!
  3. Pirated me a good quality copy off tha net!!! I am a pirate, never claimed nothin' more! Me money stays where it belongs, in me pocket, wheres it can go ta me favorite charity...MESELF!!!!! Don' get me wrong, POTC was a great movie, saw it once in tha theater, will definitely buy tha DVD! POTC, again, is a great movie, but piratin' is more profitable!!!!
  4. Warms me black 'eart ta see me thread bein' used so much!!! Honey, Capt. Weaver sez, an' ants, eh? Like yer style Weaver!
  5. Why might ye be leavin' us Lass? If ye don't mind me askin', if ye check this post once more.
  6. Sometimes I calls it cheese steak, but that be jest me I guess.
  7. What do ye do with a drunken harlot? Get drunk and take advantage of 'er, what else!!
  8. 'appy Birthday from one Cap'n to another!!!!
  9. Thar once be a pirate name o' Kurt To all was known as a flirt When a wench would walk by He'd politely say hi Then put 'is hand up 'er skirt!!!
  10. I did not know this songbird ye speak of, but me sympathies go to 'er kin an friends.
  11. *I'm talking about the fruit of your loins. Fruit of me loins? I haven't got fruit in me loins! Lice, yes, and proud of 'em, but no fruit! *
  12. *stagger,stagger,roll,stagger...*
  13. Aye me Beauty....Tyla, he be a worthy front man. Tis a shame they ne'er got tha regonition they so rightly deserved. "How could anyone fall for a drunk like Billy Two Rivers?"
  14. Not sure if I can be of service offerin' any piratin' tunes, but jest wanna say, I likes yer taste in music!!! Don't know anyone into tha Dogs Damour but meself 'til now!!
  15. Thanks to ye fer all tha 'elp!
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