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The WildHair'd Wench

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Posts posted by The WildHair'd Wench

  1. If you have a friend in the city where you're going or you can make arrangements with yer hotel, simply UPS the goods before you travel and put insurance on it. If you send it a week before, might not cost as much and when yer done, simply ship it home. Might be a costly, however, nowheres near what you may have paid for these items and risk having them lost.

    I'm traveling in June and shipping items a week before we travel because it would be too much of a hassle taking on the plane.

  2. What say you, but wouldn't it be somethin' if they put Keith Richards in POTC2 as Jack's dad? Have sort of an Indiana Jones III sort of thing happening. Couldn't you see those two bickerin or like doublin' the mischief? After listening to Keith Richard's drivel of a speech on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame I figured they'd have to put him in the second one. Come on any writers surfin' the boards here for idears? Well, they're probably readin' all the hot and heavy fiction on the Johnny Depp board.


  3. Aye Ladds n' Lassies,

    T'other nite, on 'entertainmemt tonite' there was a bit about what's happening with POTC 2... They says that their gonna do the same thing as the Matrix... film POTC 2&3, back ta back....

    Anyone else see this?

    Seein' as it was on TV, Is it a grand ruse, or reality?

    Iffn' it be true, Where do I sign up ta be in 'em?!?!?! :o

    Let's just hope it's better than the Matrix sequels. :o

  4. The last time I did that, I found myself a baby, a different skin color, a different sex and a whole different world. I promised myself never to do it again. But alas I can pretend being in the world I left behind, minus the constant threats against my person, the bad hygeine and the equally bad smells. Me tankard is definitely half full.

  5. I'm a late faire monger and went my first time in 1994, but from 1994-1996, I'm glad to have seen what it was really like because those were the first and last years I really had fun at big faire in Southern and in Northern. When there was a definite spirit there and you saw some outstanding art from the vendors and well worth the price they asked. However, I remember reading the article when this corporate git filled with much shameless greedy drool, you're almost tempted to throw him a kerchief. I think the year was 1996 when many of the vendors who had been there for years left replaced by a bunch of medeival looking souvenir shops. Public intoxication was down, the goon squad operated like a bunch of nazis, and a friend who worked the faire was charged with sexual harassment - Wot?!!!!! I as a female went to the faire to get sexually harassed!!! I guess it was her first time at faire. Northern Faire seemed to be a bit better than Southern Faire for a while, but I think the last time I went was 1997 and didn't go for few years and popped by Southern in 2001 and it was dead. I've seen more life at a Puritan Revival.

    I 've been going to the smaller faires, much better. I won't be sorry to see them go. I have great memories, but I would rather spend my coin supporting people who understand the real meaning of faire.


  6. I'm late. Well, we had a good time, no one spotted me, but perhaps next time. Had a sword made for me 5 years ago, but lost touch of the bloke, but happily saw him there so I should be gettin' me sword soon!!! :rolleyes:

    So who's goin' to San Juan on the 25th?

  7. Last week we went to see POTC again and we went to a snobby area over at Fashion Island, CA. Blast, we felt like we were the only ones there. How many of you were quiet during the "rum" scene. We were laughing our heads off and still it was absolutely quiet from everyone else - HOW CAN YOU SIT THROUGH THAT SCENE AND NOT LAUGH OR MAKE A SOUND? Well, after the movie we were applauding as usual and still nothing from the audience and there were a fair amount of people there say it was 35% full of people.

    Eh, I would have been better off with the peasants, but they were the only ones showing the film at a convenient time.

    ARRRGGGGG!!! ;)

  8. Captain pirateWink.gif Jack Sparrow holds the two shackles together and flings the chain connecting them over the rope, holding on to the loose end. Thus, he can let go of the chain at the end of his slide, but still be handcuffed.

    Jack! Jack!

    he's our man,

    if he can't do it,

    nobody can!

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