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Mary Diamond

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Everything posted by Mary Diamond

  1. Hmmm, Silkie... perchance were you attending PiP 2006? Our paths probably crossed there ~
  2. OI! I'll have you know that he WAS NOT! ('Twas the other way around!) KIDDING! Just KIDDING!!
  3. Ah, charming (in a half-baked way) as always ~ and charm goes a long way!
  4. Hello, Jackie-boy...
  5. Well, while I am not pretty, in a rugged toothless sort o way (I still have my teeth... SNAP!) I still like the idea of the game ~ :) Well met, good friend!
  6. Well, now, William, be that VICARIOUS enough for ye? The missus was kind enough to share a spot of lip color for me in the lav, then up the stairs we come to find sneaky Pete! BTW - the fine gent standing in with us was NOT her Da', twas her BEAU. Her Da' beat a hasty exit when he saw what we were up to ~
  7. aHA! I thought that was you - but, as aforementioned, the sieve on my shoulders lets all names slip away from me ~ Thank you for your kind compliments!
  8. Tis true, so true - it's what's inside that hooks me. The devilish sparkle in his eyes, the hint of a dimple (then I know I am really in trouble)! and if he is dressed in lovely black pants and a burgundy dress shirt ~ well, unhhh... hmmm? Whassat? Oh, excuse me - train derailed, no survivors, sorry. Yes, it starts on the inside.
  9. Wrong forum, perhaps, but, too be fair, a response... ^ Yep, die-hard gamers both < Halo2 RULES! Loved Quake, DiabloII, Myst, but prefer the online experience and general bloodletting of Halo2 :)
  10. Awww, don't pick on Mike's knees! I thought they were cute and right at tickling height!
  11. The soft warm hum of the furnace drying every microt of humidity out of our house... And, downstairs, the reassuring BOOOOMmms of my hubby playing (and perhaps winning?) Lost Planet on the XBOX. Soft snoring from our beagle Diamond, while Stitch the cat contentedly closes her eyes (ah, safe - the d - o - g is asleep).
  12. Ah, here is one from the Time Warp, provided most kindly to me by the good Blaze!
  13. Ah, my other obsession - shooting boys with really big guns. Oh, that really isn't so different after all, is it? OK, line up! Stand still, d@^^it! You're making me waste ammo! And you know how I hate to waste rockets ~
  14. Truly, I will never forget RF2 ~ I smiled til it hurt, laughed til I was hoarse, and danced til my corset boning was forced through the fabric (what the H#LL is poking me? Oh ~). Such wonderful people from every walk of life and time period - indeed, I need 4 lifetimes and as many fortunes to explore it all, but RF2 was like a delicious feast, a buffet for the senses. My only regret ~ it is but once a year. My fondest regards to the AMAZING Captain Sterling and crewe of the Archangel, Mike & Mike (Bollow & Blaze/jack) - my sweet (if coerced) dance partners, lovely MerryDeath, the AMAZING Ceasar and his good Romans (why DIDN'T they stay and dance? I am sure Mike Bollow had on the same amount under his kilt and that didn't stop HIM from dancing with me! ) and many others who probably told me their names, but, as aforementioned, I remember better by face - see, I have a sieve for a brain. Please, please - PHOTOS! I didn't have a camera, and I know others were quite busy with them! Please post links!
  15. Ah, BALMY, say I! We are up to a lovely +4 degrees, from -4 this morning, wind chill at -35. Just a few more degrees so I can walk to the hot tub without my feet freezing to the deck...
  16. Ah, BALMY, say I! We are up to a lovely +4 degrees, from -4 this morning, wind chill at -35. Just a few more degrees so I can walk to the hot tub without my feet freezing to the deck...
  17. Greg aka GoF ~ Thank you for the Frappr Pyracy Pub map(http://www.frappr.com/pyracypub) - I had heard/seen Frappr before, but was unaware of this specialized form! Thank you also for your GoF website - it remains one of my favorite reference links as I continue to learn. And thank you to all who kept us so well informed of the sad plight of the Royaliste - I am new here, but happily made my contribution to this beautiful ship and hope to meet her tenacious captain and crew one day! May she have many more years of full sails.
  18. Ah, a tall, lean man, broad of chest, quiet of manner, with lovely dark hair ~ that is the one for me ~ and I am so deeply in love with him! Lucky me, indeed, that he is my husband a my soul's true mate!
  19. Evil (as per the hubby) :)
  20. The mercury is sitting at a lovely -2 degrees right now - and you wonder why I nicknamed us the Snowy Chicago Pirates! Brrrrr ~
  21. ^ Goodness, no, I am far too new, and self-conscious, and tongue-tied. That's where I hope the good crewe of Archangel will be able to help me out ~ < Brand new to pirating and reenacting and such, but, goodness, is it legal to have this much fun? V What is your favorite Pirate event in the States?
  22. A very happy birthday to you!
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