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Posts posted by John_Young

  1. I went to a TRU just south of me today and found all the sets save the Black Pearl.

    The female fig in the one skull is Tia who looks like a voodoo priestess.

    They had a set called Port Royale not on any of the package pics (TRU Exclusive?) Which has Jack, Liz, and A British Soldier. Looks to be fun hunting them all down.

  2. Th' first gold doubloon be mine fer spottin' the prize!

    I was at me local TRU (TRUe Pirates they are with jackin' up the prices) and found 2 of the PotC2 Megablok sets.

    According to the packaging and instruction insert, this line has:

    2 Jack Compass (like the MB Pyrates treasure pouch, in theory). One has Davey Jones, and the other has Jack and both come with little pieces to assemble. I got the Davey compass (twas the only one they had) and he comes with a miniature ship to ride in.

    2 Skull Islands. Now with Jack "braid" . One has Jack and a Liz (I'm guessing, it was a female fig and she makes the most sense), the other has Jack and the Hammerhead guy (I got this one since twas the only one they had).

    The Black Pearl! Oh how I wish they had that in stock. It's the size of the Sea Marauder's Stormstalker, only it is failyful to the BP, they didn't just rerelease the first ship with a different figurehead. Looks to come with Jack, Will, and Bootstrap. (Those pics are tiny).

  3. I would care if a simple, easy search of the forums didn't find at least 5 other topics talking about the same game. It's been in development and it will probably be released the same time Middle-Earth Online finally gets out. Which is to say necer.

  4. I don't like the large "dueling" figures.

    I went to my Target last Sunday and for the small figs they had some Will Turner, Pintel, Bootstrap, and Captain Cthulhu. Went back the next day and they had just 1 Bootstrap left and the telltale sign of giddy girl slobber all over the empty pegs.

    I think I'll just be collecting the "pirates", none of the supernaturals for me this time thank ye.

  5. My In-laws live in Philly and it's only about an hour and some change outside the limits to the faire.

    If anyone will be there in early September (aye, the same weekend as Dragon*con, alas) Give me a shout.

  6. Well let's be technical too...

    I could put a copyrighted item on a shirt. And I shouldn't get in trouble as long as it's for my own personal use and I neither sell them nor give them to anyone for any purpose or profit.

  7. I've never been fond of Gasparilla since it's way to Mardi Gras and not to my tastes... but I hear folks have a blast.

    Hurricane, I see yer ship is called the Blackheart. Did ye hear that the Blackheart will be a ship in the "Pirates of the South Seas" set?

  8. Women were BAD LUCK at sea, and any woman who wanted to go on a ship had to be either well protected or a slut who serviced the men on long voyages.  Period.  Check your history books. 

    You, sir, should check the history books. If you can recall my post, I spoke of Grace O'Malley, a true historical female pirate figure. I suggest you visit your local library and look it up. I'm done with this subject now. No more will be said.

    Grace O'Malley who is by and large a mythological figure blown out of proportion by "history" you mean?

    I would suggest you read No Quarter Given's January 1996 issue where it discusses female pirates and that not everyone can be Anne Bonney and just how rare female pirates really are.

  9. Bonney and Reed were by all accounts true Dogs.

    Let's leave the Pirate Queen ideas to the LaMorte sisters and to Geena Davis overacting all over the silver screen in Cutthroat Island.

    Women were BAD LUCK at sea, and any woman who wanted to go on a ship had to be either well protected or a slut who serviced the men on long voyages. Period. Check your history books.

    Let's leave the female pirates to ren faires and PotC fanfiction, mmm'kay?

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