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Tar Bucket Bill

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Everything posted by Tar Bucket Bill

  1. Yes, the Clearwater hats are very nice. I was lucky enough to get a pecan-colored cocked hat on Ebay a while back. Mine only has two of those little metal hooks -- one is missing. By the way, how were hats cocked up back then? I've heard there were a few different methods, maybe even depending on the time period. Ribbon cord? Hooks and eyes? Are the hooks that Clearwater includes with their hats authentic for that time period? I'm focusing on the 1716 period. Thanks for your help. Tar Bucket Bill Graphiker1@aol.com
  2. The Fabrics Store has some nice green linen for less than $7 a yard. It's called Green Tea. I just got a yard of it in the mail yesterday for my head scarf. http://www.fabrics-store.com Good luck! Wm. Tarkett
  3. Thar's a new site that's just appeared on the horizon. Reenactor Stuff dot com http://www.reenactorstuff.com Looks to show promise fer obtainin' used plunder. Not much on it now since it just started Sept. 1 though, but something to keep a weather eye out fer. Best of luck to ya. -Wm Tarkett
  4. To Master Crow: Alas, nay, unless'ye counts crossin' the English Channel. I don't counts 'er. To Mad Mary Flint: Thank'ye kindly fer the suggestion. I shall give 'er a try. Wm. Tarkett
  5. Ahoy! Permission to come aboard. This bein' me first posting, I'm not quite familiar with the site yet. Anybody know where to find an MP3 downloadable file of the melody of the version of "Fifteen Men on the Dead Man's Chest" that Billy Bones (Lionel Barrymore) was so fond of singin' in the 1934 version of "Treasure Island"? So far, I've been on a lee shore with this search. Me shipmates is much obliged. Wm. Tarkett
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