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Ol' Cap'n Flink

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Everything posted by Ol' Cap'n Flink

  1. If ol' cap'n Flink where makin' a pirate moive... Well... Being a big fan of sea battle, I'd probably have quite a few of those. I love the ol' wooden ships giving eachother full broadsides! Yarrr!!!
  2. Aye! I'll be sure ta' honour tha holiday Cap'n Slappy! Ye can be sure of that ye can! Arrr!
  3. Harr harr! It does one good ta' see so many friendly replys by mi' fellow buccaneers it does! And ta' offer me such fine swag after just joining this here crew really shows that ye be a man of honor Angus MacVox! I'd be honored ta' sail under yer colours! As fer the rest of ye, I hope ta' fight at yer side! Thank ye fer yer hearty welcome! arr!
  4. Favorite pirate movie... I'd probably have to say Yellowbeard. Graham Chapman is amazingly vulgar that it makes it hilarious! The new Pirates of the Carebbean is nice too. And the Disney's old Treasure Island. Favorite Quote from Yellowbeard: "She couldn't be yer mother. No woman ever slept with me and lived!"
  5. In my humble opioion as a bloomin' deck swabber. Monkey Island 2 was the best of the bunch. Too bad they don't make em like they used to...
  6. Avast mi' hearties! Ol' cap'n Flink has been spammin' his pirate lingo in various forums fer years. But I never be thinkin' that there be a forum fer people just like me! It warms this ol' salts heart ta finally be with mates with tha same interest, it does! Lookin forward ta' discussing all things piratey with ye, and ta' drink rum, loot and pillage! Arrr!
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