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Dennis "the blue"

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Everything posted by Dennis "the blue"

  1. Can't you see the bottles?
  2. well if Patrick Hand has already staked claim to being the Lizard King, then I shall stake claim to another name. I'm the King of Rock and Roll! I don't think Elvis is going to say anything about it..... Somebody get me a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, the Kingis hungry. Thank ya, thank ya very much.
  3. I know it's winter and all but you know what I could realy go for right now.....a good Coke slushie!
  4. random thought...... Why do we go to such extremes to make our loved ones happy, when they say it's the simple things that do it....... Next time I'm just giving a woman a beer and a smile....
  5. Aye welcome there, I'm not to late to get some good drinking started am I? and ya can keep the gerbil, that not be my style.
  6. it doesn't stink, I just said it look like fecal matter not smelled like it too
  7. random thought of the day...... they say that white light is a mixture of all colors, so why is it when I mix all colors of my paints it comes out looking like the color of fecal matter just something to ponder.....
  8. sticking with the fish idea, what part of the fish does a fish stick come from, and what kind of fish does it come from, and it realy doesn't look like a stick its just kind of rectangular, and boy am I just rambaling about fish......what was I talking about again?
  9. oh by the way thanks for the compliment Silkie, and welcome back! I hope to keep them coming for you.
  10. new random thought, if a tree falls on a man in the woods and there is nobody else around to hear, does he make a squish when it hits him?
  11. random thought If a transvestite is reported missing do they put their picture on a carton of half & half?
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