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Dennis "the blue"

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Everything posted by Dennis "the blue"

  1. shoofly pie mmmmmm hungry now for pie!
  2. to your ice problem, the one guy I used to work with had the same problem. If I remember correct he stoped that by spraying wd-40 on the bottom of the door. Not 100% certian on that one so don't shoot me if it doesn't work.
  3. random thought.... If a woodchuck could chuck wood would he? and why would he? and where would he chuck it? would he be happy chucking wood? would he chuck wood just because his parents chucked wood? does he dream of doing something other then chucking wood? I think I'm over thinking it
  4. random thought of the day...... I was recently watching a show about alien abductions, and a bunch of the people were saying they were analy probed. I then began to wonder what kind of sick perverted degenerit aliens do we have coming to this planet that have to keep stick stuff up peoples butts! This random thought of Dennis "the blue" was brought to you by KY Jelly Never be caught off guard by aliens with out having your KY with you.
  5. ^to many to think of, why rent I'll bring some to the house <spends way too much of my money on movies and cds v what do you spend to much money on?
  6. ok xray vision in Walmart is just a bad thought to begin with. You realy don't need it since half the woman at the one by me have their underwear hanging out the backside, and not because they are showing off their thongs. It's because their ass is rolling out from their sweatpants.
  7. the costume is your choice..... now to add a twist since we are "Pirates" do you use your power for good or evil?
  8. Random thought of the day.... Today it's a question. If you could have one super power what would it be, remember it's only one? Mine I think would be able to teleport to where ever or when ever I would like to go.
  9. random thought of the day.... when you lose something they say it will be in the last place you would look. Of course it's in the last place you look, because if you find it then your done.....
  10. random thought of the day why do they put artifical flavors in lemon juice, but real lemon juice in dishwashing liquid.....
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