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Dennis "the blue"

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Everything posted by Dennis "the blue"

  1. Thongs-only made for privileged percentile. problem is I see the percentile thats not privileged wearing them, and I don't want to!!!
  2. today's random thought (or thoughts since it's been a while for me)...... when I was younger and couldn't spell a word I was always told to look in a dictionary.... to find it in the dictionary I would have had known how to spell it, which means I wouldn't have needed it in the first place why is it the older I get the hair on my head starts disappearing and reappearing in my nostrils why is it that all these Internet dating sites claim to be so good with hooking people up, but never seem to be running out of clients (including more and more and more of the these sites popping up) why is it that in cartoons and old shows the drop a banana peel on the ground and it makes somebody slip and land on their ass....I drop one and I get a ticket for littering ok I think that's enough randomness for now
  3. Yellow Bastard (char. in the movie)
  4. tranvestite stripper midgets
  5. One day at a psychiatrist office there were five patients waiting to go in. After a while the patients got tired of waiting. The first man an animal lover *wink wink* said “Let’s go fuck a cat”. The second guy a sadist said “Let’s go fuck a cat and then torture it”. The third guy had murderous intentions said “Let’s go fuck a cat, torture it, and kill it”. The fourth guy was a pyromaniac said “Let’s go fuck a cat, torture it, kill it, and burn it”. The fifth guy was a masochist looked at the other guys and said “meow”.
  6. Arrrgggghhh I already wished ye Blind Eddie a Happy one in person but I'll be doing one on here too. I still be waiting for the misses to finish stitching up the pirate outfit for your seeing eye "Chihuahua".
  7. Mullet (business in the front, party in back! oh yeah)
  8. English Muffin (mmmmmm nooks and crannys)
  9. ask a pirate monkey... You guys could have been doing that on here all along with my sidekick Spank "the one eyed" monkey. Of course if he don't like you, you might end up wearing some of his fecal matter, but thats a small price to pay.
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