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Honour Bright

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Everything posted by Honour Bright

  1. Aye, that I have! But I still have my cookies.
  2. Thanks, Pearl and StrangeBay Pirate-- I do believe Pearl knows the writing partner as Captain Dungeon Spleen.
  3. Ummm..don't know if this is the proper place for it but in the upcoming Winter issue of Pirates Magazine? A story entitled The Ghost of Jenny Mack was written by yours truly, Honour Bright and her writing partner using their real names.
  4. Honour Bright has an announcement. She has a writing partner and a fictional story they wrote will be in the Winter issue of Pirates Magazine. So....Huzzah for us! It was written under our real names.
  5. Maybe the key can't be replaced, Jack darlin', but YOU can! Does the name Cade Jennings mean anything to you? By the look on your face...I thought so! And he has a whole bagful of cookies he so generously shares with me. *Honour picks the keylime cookie out of Jack's mitts.* CRUNCH!!!!
  6. I realize I am the new kid on the block so my comments may not be welcome but I like a great pair of boots. Tight breeches and a white gauzy shirt. Preferably blond, not too tall, thin. Eye colour doesn't matter as long as he has two. A great sense of humour and a way with words. Wears a rapier well and has a fantastic strut. As far as Moet and Chandon White Star Extra Dry Champaqne, I just won a bottle in a bet yesterday from one of my favorite pirates. To be shared with me after faire.
  7. *Honour bites her lip in concentration.* 'Let's see....Elves of Keebler or Mistress Fields...and there goes that scurvy dog partaking of a key lime cookie...' *Honour brings herself back to the matters at hand* Dear, dear Jack--if you had acquiesced to my request for an annulment, you could be eating those cookies AND sailing into the sunset without the old ball and chain here. *Are cookies considered community property?*
  8. Thank you, Boots, I'll keep it in mind. *Honour looks over and sees Jack munching on a cookie. {GULP!} Chocolate, no less!* 'Focus, Honour! Focus! You don't want a cookie THAT badly....' Her inner voice replies, 'But it is DOUBLE chocolate chip' 'Yes, but he already took a bite of it.' 'Go ahead, you know you want it. The cookie, that is..' 'JUST SHUT UP, OK? I'll handle this....' *Honour walks slowly over to Jack* *Tries not to look at the cookie-- double chocolate, huh?* Jack, I consider a lifetime of plunder is my REWARD for putting up with you. Passionate esteem? How about 'ran out of passionate steam!' And you owe me a new bodice for this close encounter of the coconut kind. And I may not have the legal proceedings on my um....person, but I have a writ to freeze your assets. No divvying it up with the boys! Key? We shall see. Now, where did I put it? *Honour walks off, looking at the rest of the pirates of the male persuasion* ANY OF YOU GUYS HAVE ANY COOKIES HERE?
  9. Welcome, Boots! I'm a newbie here too.
  10. Last time we tried to work out something on YOUR ship, you ended up with a boarding pike in the wall and your shirt caught in the door on your way OUT! Sorry, dear, that it was silk. Looks like muslin now for you! Your crew will have to deal with the fact that you were caught in conubial bliss for a month and that, dear heart, is enough to get me half of what is due me. Tell you what--YOU can explain it to them! *Honour checks to make sure her bodice dagger is still there. Whoever said diamonds were a girl's best friend?* *She then picks up a piece of crockery..nice heft to it..* And if I smell nice it is only because you sloshed coconut rum in my cleaveage. *Honour takes a bite of apple* Apple, darling?
  11. Aye, me darlin'--and ye know what happens to anyone who tries to pick that lock! *I don't know what..but doesn't it sound like a nice threat?* Oooh! Nice dip there, Jack me luv!
  12. I'd be delighted, darlin'... shall we whirl and dip? *smart move, luv, since ye came in with me*
  13. Den, deers nil any reason fer ya t' b'holdin up d'woll lad! Why nut take one uv dees lasses round the floor fer a dance?! *Honour taps her foot and crosses her arms in front of her..um...chest.* Aye, Jack, luv--ye be a choosin' but choose wisely... *checks to make sure bodice dagger is still there* *whispers to self* Aye, it is...
  14. Ah, Jack me darlin'--ye know ye'd always be safe with me. I'd never take a shot at ye.
  15. Not you, Jack. You'd be the first one there with a staple remover.
  16. *looks down at her boots* Aye, Luv, that's what happens when ye put boots on in a dream-state.
  17. Not too shabby, huh?! Ah, the man who would keep Honour in silk. Or at least her boots.
  18. I'd claim July. It's the middle of the year and I couldn't resist a staple in my navel, now could I?
  19. But where be the mystery then, Jack?
  20. Honour walks out of the pub and into the fresh sea air. The wind blows through her hair. Sackcloth? Nay, never! Too itchy on the skin. Silk, aye, that be what keeps me warm! And a good pair of stiletto boots, ta booty!
  21. I look at the rumpled Mistress Bright, "Aye, choicest booty." I scratch my head, "Me thinks this is why I drink ale." But...but..I rumple so WELL!
  22. I'm not called 'Bright' fer nothin'. Does this mean I can claim community property on his ship? *Now watch him go ballistic!*
  23. Let us just say it was a drunken night in port. By morning's light, I woke up to Ol' Jack in my bed and a marriage license on the dresser. A surprise for both of us indeed!
  24. "Aye, we other pirates choose the ladies whom can dress themselves!" I chuckle softly. Are you kidding? I DID dress myself!
  25. Pass the popcorn, RumbaRue and let's see Mad Jack pull his foot out of this one...
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