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Honour Bright

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Everything posted by Honour Bright

  1. privateer with a unique outlook
  2. whichever way the wind blows
  3. Rogue *to peel my grapes*
  4. You're on your way to the grocery and stop at a fabric store. You see the most beautiful iridescent goldenrod silk and have a 40% off coupon burning a hole in your pocket. So you reason, 'we really don't have to eat this week....'
  5. Deadbishop! Hey, it's me! We always end up in the same places. Now if I can just get Athena over here....
  6. Blue Puppy-- The rings and the ties go on the INSIDE of the skirt. If you wear this, I suggest tying the underskirt with the rings and ties before you put it on. Then just step into it and THEN put on the underskirt. That way you don't have to fumble with skirt-on-skirt. Whatever you do, DON'T bend over before you have the underskirt on. I did that and have yet to live it down. In a faire parking lot, no less. Here is the finished look.
  7. www.piratesmagazine.com
  8. I realize this is a thread about bodices but someone asked about hitching up the skirt. Being a relative newcomer here, I didn't want to get in any trouble so that is why I am posting this. As a way to show how to hitch up your skirt. Even though this is a bodice topic. Am I making any sense? No? I figured as much. Step one-- Step two-- Step three-- Step four-- This is all done with two sets in front, two in back (about 4" from the back zipper). Be sure and use twill tape and use fray-check on the bottom of the cut edges so they don't ravel.
  9. Blue Puppy-- I used the same hitching method I do on my overskirt for renfests. Let's see if I can explain it... A gathered skirt. Two in the front and two in the back-- there are four sets of 12" twill tapes sewn into the waistband. 1/3 of the way down, I sew a curtain ring. 2/3 of the way down another curtain ring. (this is all on the inside) I thread the two ties through them both and draw them up and then tie them. Oh, hell....let me post a picture of the method. For the pirate skirt I just used the same system but only two in the front instead of the four drapes. Makes sure you have pantyhose or striped stockings. Shows off the boots really well.
  10. It's not exactly a bodice or stays but it is a leather waist cincher and it is WONDERFUL for a back support too. Cool hat, huh? *Ignore that bottle of Coke. It should have been Pepsi*
  11. I usually wear a leather waist cincher with a blouse and tights. The waist cincher can also go over a red dress I have. OK, so it might not be all that piratey, but I love the look. I made this a few years ago for our pirate festival, only wore it once but paired it with a skirt that was hitched up in the front. It is red/silver/gold brocade. *should have raked up those leaves, I guess*
  12. Thanks, Mission--I'll have to check them out. I love Robert B Parker, Ed McBain, Raymond Chandler, John MacDonald, Rex Stout.... And as a parting thought, here is one of Raymond Chandler's--- “ Those hot dry winds that come down through the mountain passes and curl your hair and make your nerves jump and your skin itch. On nights like that every booze party ends in a fight. Meek little wives feel the edge of the carving knife and study their husbands' necks. Anything can happen. ” —Raymond Chandler, 'Red Wind'
  13. John MacDonald's The Dreadful Lemon Sky. An old Travis McGee story. I love any book with a hard-boiled detective in it. The book is falling apart so it is in three sections. I can toss it as I go... Raymond Chandler, anyone?
  14. If anyone is interested, there is a nice piece of fiction in the Spring issue of Pirates Magazine entitled The Taflkast Justice. Written under the names of Wench and Daniels. Wench would just happen to be Honour Bright..which, um....happens to be me. Just thought I'd mention it in passing....
  15. YAY! I finally got a copy of the Winter Issue. On page 53, complete with illustrations, is The Ghost of Jenny Mack. Written with my writing partner under the pen name of Wench and Daniels. Way too cool! And we've got the Spring issue too!
  16. I can see you going through security and trying to explain why you have cookies, Jack! 'Well, you see...there's this wench who I claim is baggage..I mean WAITING in baggage claim...' Thank you all! This is a big step for Captain Spleen and me. (Those of you at the Colorado Renfest will know him) We have the spring issue for a story too, and hoping for a series. The magazine should be available in the next week or so at Borders and Barnes and Noble. I love the magazine. Very well put together and informative.
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