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Midshipman Sickleback

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Everything posted by Midshipman Sickleback

  1. Merry Christmas *or* Merry Hanukkah Merry Kawanzaa Merry Winter Solstice :) And I still don't think I spelt the middle two right. But have a wonderful winter whatever culture! :angry:
  2. Sickleback sidled into the bar, avoiding the smooching decoration with practised ease. "Welcome t'the two Spaniards! I no' a pirate...*cough*rather the opposite at times but that's a different kettle o'fish*ahem!*...but still! Pirate or no, I plunder. Sick' then procedes to sit back and watch the commotion.
  3. That reminds me of a scene out of t'film Vertical Limit. Blood amazing! I cope well in cold weather, it's hot weather that kills me
  4. Ah that's amazing! Once I get home I'll make one, this computer is rubbish
  5. ^ A scrap picture of my Nans dog I drew when I was 9. Too sentimental to let it go < can't wait to go to the Prom (May) in a Victorian/pirate themed dress Way too exited! V What do you have planned for New Years eve? (How do you do those downward pointing direction things btw?)
  6. I got a 12 <.< But then again, I always was drawing too much to listen to topics on cars and technology anyhow. Self-taught what I know on computers
  7. Getting a bullseye with my longbow always makes me warm n' fuzzy :) Especially if it means beating all the other lasses I'm shooting against. And congrats to Saltypots and Callenish!
  8. Thanks for the links Captn' Bo and Crimson, I'll most certainly be checking them out asap. And thanks for even more greets! Have yourselves a pint of rum on me for making me feel so welcome
  9. I dunno about booty but I have a longbow Thanks for the welcomes everyone :)
  10. Not exactly piratical, but close and nautical nevertheless. Me preparing for Halloween as a Captain. There is a blazer that goes with this but I didn't manage to get a photograph of it. It's just something cobbled together within a week. Consists of joggers, t-shirt, jacket and some neato bucket-style boots. ...I really didn't want to take this outfit off.
  11. Ahoy all! Elizabeth here for those who wish to know real names, or Sickleback for those who like t'keep things simple. So why have I joined a pirate forum? Well that's easy! Pirates are love. Ever since I was a little nipper diving into my Dads toolbox to try and find something worthy of the term 'cutlass' I found pirates fascinating. And so that sort of crazy love has now passed to today, where I find myself dressing as a midshipman (or on occasion Captain) for Halloween and buying a pirate skeleton hoodie. Mucho love. I'm also looking into re-enacting lately but so far finding something in the UK to the time era isn't coming up too succesful So I found this place and...here I am :) ~Liz
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