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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Thank ye, Oderlesseye, fo' th' kind wishes from a pirate such as ye. :) And thank ye as well, Christine. It did... sort of. Not th' Bday I wanted but oh, well. I'm enjoyin' th' pictures of those who went to th' Santa Maria gathering. Would have gone to that (what I prefered t' do on m' birthday) but it was just not doable unfortunately. But I did have a good lunch yesterday (albeit a day late). ~Lady B
  2. Happy anniversay, Cheeky. :) Loving the pictures already, Pubmates. I'm whimpering now. Oh, well... perhaps next year. Looking forward to more images. ~Lady B
  3. :::applauds::: Brilliant Muntiny, Oderlesseye. Th' lot of them just followed suit didn't they? A wily devil ye be. Mighty fine Captain ye'd make, too, I'm sure. ~Lady B
  4. BONES! Aye, I'd be more than honored t' add ye as crew and join yo'r crew. Such a fantastic pirate as ye. Shall look ye up. ~Lady B
  5. Waistcoat... gotcha. Hmmm.... pondering about whether to do it with sleeves or not sleeves. Thus far I have the sleeves on it. Oh, decisions, decisions. Bugger. :) Mighty nice though. Loves th' coat thus far. :::thumbs up::: ~Lady B
  6. Alas, Roberts.... umm, th' image doesn't show up, mate. ~Lady B
  7. I know I be lookin' for a bottle of the Key Lime. Alas, can't purchase it yet until I get re-embursed (highly unlikely) from m' bastard of a "bro-in-law" :::Grumbles::: who decided t' take off that particular bottle and drink th' whole damn thing without m' permission durin' th' Flood last June. Aye, I was incredibly pissed as that bottle I had set aside t' be a gift for a fellow pirate. :::le sigh::: Don there or not, a rep of Pirate's Choice would be nice... but if none be there, Tis understandable.. I suppose. I'm not gonna stress over it though. T'was nice that they made th' trip last year. Greatly enjoy the rum. Fabulous stuff. Despite the craziness at Pete Straw's Midwestern Hurricane Party last year. I do have a bottle of Molassas Reef. Pondering about bringing it. Not sure yet. Will see though. Lookin' forward t' seein' the lot of ye at Port Wash. Hopefully. ~Lady B
  8. Glad ye all be makin' it home safe an' sound. Eager t' see pictures of th' fabulous event. T'was upon m' mind th' whole weekend. ~Lady B
  9. Hmmm... Maybe Talderoy can clarify. I've seen th' infamous devil himself pop by th' Pub more often. :::looks about for either 1st Mate Matt or Talderoy:::: ~Lady B
  10. Thanks, Gents. But that's about th' extent of th' Log book I've gotten with it. I've been writing down on a regular pad of paper the wind, weather and whatever else. But I haven't had much opportunity to do much else in the actual recreated log book yet. Would fancy seein' other log books. :) After all, recreating these replica ones are a work of art. ~Lady B
  11. So, shoot me if this be in th' wrong spot... hang me if this not be allowed at all. But... I figured I'd pass this along anyways havin' just seen this on MySpace posted by th' infamous Talderoy and reposted by PIRATES Magazine. Have at it, lasses an' gents! ~Lady B PS - I don't think it has t' be restricted t' only YO'R Captains. I think ye can nominate anyone's ye know that ye think be deservin' of th' Title. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ahoy mateys, There be big doin’s afoot here at Pirates magazine. We’re holding a contest to pick the nation’s best buccaneers. With your help, we’ll scour the globe to find The Devil’s Dozen; 13 scallywags that best exemplify the spirit of piracy. That’s right, YOU can join the ranks to be one of the 13 official Pirates Magazine Devil’s Dozen of 2010. Here’s how the contest works: if you’re part of a cosplay pirate crew, parade group or a pirate reinactor, send in a photo of your captain along with a short paragraph about him (or her). The editors of Pirates magazine will pick twelve captains from east of the Mississippi and twelve captains from west of the Mississippi (Aye, we’re splittin’ the world right in half like a cutlass through a cooked goose!) to comprise a total of 24 captains from which 13 proud pirates will be picked by their peers and the readers of Pirates magazine via www.piratesmagazine.com. So e-mail a photo and paragraph about your captain to me at davenichols@piratesmagazine.com. Your entry for the Devil’s Dozen must reach us by July 31st, 2009. Watch the Summer 2009 issue of Pirates magazine to see the 24 captains chosen for step one of this here contest and we’ll fill you in on how you can help pick the final 13. The identities of Pirates magazine Devil’s Dozen for 2010 will be revealed at a lavish pirate banquet during next April’s Fells Point Privateer Day in Baltimore, Maryland. If chosen, you will receive that rarest of all prizes, the Pirates magazine Devil’s Dozen sterling silver ring by Skinny Dog Designs, makers of the Pirates of the Caribbean rings for Disney! Remember, you must travel to and attend the Fells Point gathering (at your own cost) next year to become one of the Devil’s Dozen, and must be willing and able to vote on important issues in the pirate community such as the naming of the 13th member of this foul company. We’ll also present the Pirates magazine Pirate of the Year for 2010 with THE GOLDEN HOOK! Sound intriguing? Just think, as one of The Devil’s Dozen ye’ll go down in history without having to swing from a gibbet. You’ll also appear on the Pirates Magazine masthead in our prestigious Order of Leviathan. So get busy and send in a photo and bio on your captain today so we can run this killer contest up the main mast. --Dave Nichols Talderoy adds: !!!! A Custom Sword Cutlass by the Famous Tony Swatton of Sword and The Stone www.swordandstone.com and one from renowned MATT Stagmer of Baltimore Knife and sword www.baltimoreknife.com will be presented to the Devil's Dozen and they will then Dice in Pirate Fashion for these blades!!!! This is going to be a high quality yearly event. OK mates Please repost this fer olde Talderoy Show us yer support and wait until you see the magazine with the 24 Top Pirates we will have the rings on the cover!!!
  12. LOL... Oh, and Roberts.... question... ye said that th' silk damask justacorps ye spotted and took pics of in the V&A musuem in the UK had lining? Be that corect? Making this justacorp as best as I can. But have been pondering on making it with lining or not. ~Lady B
  13. Any particular year or decade? ~Lady B
  14. To all ye mom's out there.... Hapy Mommy's Day. ~Lady B
  15. Oy! I'll take up yo'r offer of a drink with ye, good sir. Welcome to th' Pub, Gunner Gordon. I'm sure ye'll find th' company of this here establishment most delightful. We welcome ye heartily. Glad th' Gent had encouraged ye to come. ~Lady B
  16. Watching from the "safety" of the counter side, she couldn't help but to be caught up in this rather interesting mild drama. With the annoucement of the "free" drinks, made every man in the tavern brighten up with some newfound spring of energy. More drink they demanded. Poor place 'll be dry before long. Perhaps it would be a good thing for her. She was on edge a moment ago when men looked like they were being kicked out of the tavern and denied their daily ovedose of rum and mead. Standing there as the tavern seemed to become moreso... wicked. Louder, crazier... almost border obnoxious with the lot here. She waited for the Master Keep still.... patiently. Trying to. As a wench walked by she grabbed hold of the poor lass to halt her and almost yanker her about face. "Inform th' Master Tavern Keep that someone be here t' conduct business. 'specially if he wishes t' keep these louts well saturated and satisfied so's not t' riot and roar." The poor wench was both annoyed and edgey as it was. Nodded and swiftly went off... served a couple more tables, got a glare from the Lady before making off to find Thomas Neede. She knew better than to bother Mr Neede. But at this point, she didn't know who's wrath would be worse... Mr Neede.. or the mysterious Lady.
  17. :::Wipes a tear from the eyes::: awww... thank ye most kindly, mates. Means lots comin' from ye such fine wishes. M' day could be better but bein' here does lighten m' day. Such a fine lot ye be. LOL... Rumba... I love what ye said! I do hope that m' life is resurrected so t' speak. Resurrection be m' new crew I'm trying to get rolling and created (tough as th' devil). Resurrection taken from m' real name as m' real name is derived from Anastasia, meaning "of the resurrection". Damnit... I'm older than Sam Bellamy when he died from the Whydah shipwreck! Blasted it. But... oh, well... all th' more reason t' have fun. Ye never know when th' Devil will be let loose and God 'll take ye. And with what Syren stated about today bein' National Pirate Day... I re-declare it t' be National Pirate Day... so says I! :::Rolls in the barrels of rum and various drink, a feast is prepared, plenty of rum cake, cabana boys for th' lasses, wenches for th' gents::: Come an' carouse all ye lot! Enjoy thyselves! ~Lady B
  18. Ahoy, Blackthorne. Glad t' see another midwesterner in th' vicinity. I hail from Iowa (for now) and Captain of th' Resurrection (another new crew in the vicinity). Former First Mate of the Fool's Gold, venturin' out upon m' own now. I hope t' cross paths with ye at Port Washington... in a good way that is. Good t' see another pirate of the Midwest. Never enough of us. I'd ask for a drink... since tradition is th' newcomer buys th' drink... but how's 'bout a true round at Port Wash? ~Lady B
  19. What?!? No Star Trek outfits? Oh, come on! ~Lady B
  20. VERY, VERY windy right now after a wickedly severe thunderstorm rolled through earlier this evening. ~Lady B
  21. I can't believe I nearly didn't catching this! Shame on me if I did. A hearty happy Birthday to ye, Mr. St. Graves. An old salty sea dog such as ye... I hope ye had one hell of a fabulous day of celebration. A man such as ye deserves it. So here's to ye ;::holds tankard high::: In th' immortal words of that funny alien feller that flies on some ship of the stars.. "Live Long and Prosper"... long life from avoidin' th' gallows... prosperin' with plenty of plunder and gifts. Pillage on, m' friend. ~Lady B
  22. :::grins heartily::: Ahhh... warms m' black heart t' hear how much ye prefer Barbossa over Sparrow. :) Ehhh... forget a script and sending it in... how's about fan films? Like what some do with the Star Wars films? Hmm? Backstory? Interesting idea.. but I hope not. Story continuing forward is best. Besides... at the time Will returns and there's the wee kid... wouldn't it be about time for th' Seven Years War perhaps? Tensions rising, etc once again? Freedom rings, that sort of thing? Ye never know. ~Lady B
  23. Spindlely thing ye be, Matt. :) Perfect for being a pirate though. Thank ye for th' measurements though. ~Lady B
  24. Welcome to th' melee, O'keefe th' younger. Glad th' devils :: clears throat::: "Encouraged" ye t' become pirate. I'm sure ye'll greatly enjoy PiP, no question 'bout that. Do come... sit... and I'm sure we old salty sea dogs, scallywags, blighters and brigands 'll help ye prepare for th' best time ye'll ever have. ~Lady B
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