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Posts posted by Hawkyns

  1. Aye, and grand it were. Me gun crew and I left New Haven in the rain and drove to Providence, there to board the Sloop Providence for a rousin' afternoon. On arriving, we found most of the other crews had not made it, with the exception of one chap, Frank, from the Speedwell.

    Most of me crew are new to the sea, so there was time needed to acclimate to the differences of runnin' cannon on a ship, as well as learning to keep the hell out of the way of the deck crew. Soon learned, though, and my brave lads were soon haulin' lines like old hands.

    The sun came out strong, so down Naragansett Bay we sailed, and made ready to fire a broadside of 2, two gunners to each 4 pounder and a monkey servin' both pieces. Coming broad on the larboard side was our target, a large country house with a party of F&I rangers and gunners to make our enemy. They fired first, but we soon returned that and secured the guns to cross to the starboard side and do it again. Twice we repeated this, for a total of two broadsides from each side. Wi' volleys of cannon and musket from the shore, and our broadsides, the Sunday sailors must've wondered who the hell had come a'visitin' such a quiet and staid bay. Finished 'em off with a volley or two from the small arms, pistols and blunderbusses. Cap'n said she were too shallow to go right up for close combat, the Providence draws too much water. So we let what was left o' the buggers live to fight again. And so, back to berth with more line haulin' and learnin' for my lads and a bloody good experience all round.

    So now, I sit with a mug o' rum to write me log. The sooner we do it again, the better, says I.



    Master Gunner

    Cannon lend dignity to what would otherwise be an ugly brawl.

  2. Detonated due to a couple of factors. Standing in ranks, firing a Swedish volley with matchlocks. There is generally a fair amount of sparks in the air, as well as the occasional loose piece of match. We figured he must have had a clog in the valve that held it open enough for a spark to enter. Combine the two, and..... boom. I've also seen bandoliers chain fire for the same reason. I love my matchlocks (got 2 of them), but never let it be said they are the safest weapon out there.

    The superposed charge guns were a fairly popular experiment in the late 18th C. Even Nock made a couple. The weirdest one I've seen was a square barrel with nine barrels set into it. There was a series of channels between the barrels to guide the ignition charge from barrel to barrel in sequence. That one held 42 charges as I recall.

    Knock was also the chap who came up with the 9 barrelled volley gun. Single charge in each barrel (.50 cal), all fired simultaneously with a single flintlock. Made for Marines in the fighting tops. In practice, the recoil was so great that it knocked them out of the tops and down to the deck. Some of you may have seen this particular weapon in the Sharp series about the Peninsular campaigns. It is the weapon that Sergeant Harper carries.



  3. Me lady wife has decided to go on the account with me but is having problems deciding on appropriate kit. She has plenty of wench garb, but wants to do more male styled garb. We've been looking at pirate fantasy stuff like the art of Clyde Caldwell, Don Maitz, or Edward Beard. Looks great to me, but is that going to be too way out even for this crowd? Opinions please, ladies?



  4. Me lady and I are registered at the Atlantic Shores Resort. Yes, it's the other end of Duval Street, but by the chart, it's no more than a mile and a quarter, a reasonable walk by my standards. Does that sound right to those with more experience of the place? And it is on the beach, always a consideration.....



  5. Please, Royaliste- easy on the N word, ehhhh? Just becuase some of us want to do the historical thing....

    Anyway- I've been buying from Godwin for the last 20 years. His stuff is top notch, but not by any means cheap. You get what you pay for and his quality is absolutely the best.

    Another good weapons dealer is Loyalist Arms out of Canada.


    Got one of their 16inch brass barreleed blunderbusses and couldn't be happier.

    Fair Winds



  6. I've also seen refernce to duckfoot pistols being issued to prison guards in the 1800's. Sort of a riot control piece.

    I've seen a powder horn explode on someone's hip during a battle. Fortunately, he was wearing wool doublet and leather buffcoat, and the powder flask was of wood with a blow out panel. He got a bruise and his leather was pretty well scorched, but no other damage



  7. Capt Weaver


    here is a link to a rather humorous looking man in a thrum cap

    1590's ship's captain???


    Have a care there, Cap'n. The chap's a good friend o' mine and a real decent sort. Does some amazing research and has a huge library. Got me a facsimile of 'The Mariner's Mirror" He's into major authenticity, so doesn't do much with pirates, but for the re-enactment side, he's tops.

    The thrum cap is from The Practical Goose. One of the 16th-17th C sutlers, not on line yet. Email Leigh Tartaglia at Leigh@dandy.net and she has some in stock or will make them for you.



  8. Ahoy All!

    Will be going to the festival for the first time with me lady. Are there rules about weapons once we get there? Can we really wander about Key West with swords, daggers, and firearms? Are there any no-go areas? How about other establishments? Can we go in to Margaritaville fully armed?

    I've seen references to black powder, also. Are there safety regs and an armourer to check you out? For blade combat, do you use blunts or sharps, and is there an overall coordinating body that handles rules so that no-one actually gets spitted?

    Sorry if this all sounds a bit paranoid, but I've been a re-enactment safety officer for too many years. I like to know what I'm getting into.

    Fair winds!!



  9. New to the discussion, but I'd say that with a large bore pistol, say over .50, then a single ball would not be your preferred load. Half a dozen swan drops or small shot would be much more reliable at short range. Has any actual loaded piece been recovered with load intact? :blink:


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