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Everything posted by Alvilda

  1. Yes indeed the outfit has been difficult. I've actually managed to begin acquiring items for it though. I might not look the most authentic, but it is getting better! Aye! And the hope for being there is looking brighter by the day! All ye pirates dealing with Hurricane Isabel, take care and sail safe! I'll be in the Gulf myself when it hits. Hopefully I find safe waters. ~Alv~
  2. Har! It would seem my plans once more walked the plank. Now I find myself plotting a course south this month, to the Missouri river delta itself! Lots of plunder to be found in N'Orleans of course, so my crew and I aren't too terribly disappointed. When is Colombus Day this year? Perhaps I shall still be back in the ocean of Corn in time to show up at the KCRF then to join the lot of ya. Still having costuming troubles though, mostly with finances. Been a while since my last take after all. Oh well, if I get there, I will just be blending in with the modern types and maybe next year will be better. ~Alv~
  3. Captain Emerald Shaunassey, it is my pleasure of course to meet you. I do hope to meet in a good fun swashbuckle someday! Show a little true colors.! Arrr! Columbus Day Darkmalkin? I might could find that easier to attend than the upcoming weekend of pirates. Seems I'm having a little trouble with some of my assistants... ~Alv~
  4. Where would the Iowa festival be? I am near the corner of Mo, NE, and IA myself, and too much farther than three hours away becomes out of the question for me sadly. I'd love that though! Geez it would be great to meet you and know someone had their eye out for the lost pirate of the corn! ~Alv~
  5. Oh I do bless you both! Honestly! Thank you Darkmalkin, I've been looking everywhere for the date of the KC Ren Festival. I was aware of it and that there sometimes where pirates about, but not the date which I couldn't find anywhere. Maybe I'll check it out this year! I've yet to go. I don't suppose you know where it is though? I'm not so far from KC myself honestly and it could be possible for me to go. Now I just have to wrestle up me self some piratey looking things! Any suggestions for a first timer?
  6. Good Evening Darlings, Such a lovely place here, I've dearly enjoyed reading of your exploits and adventures. I have a little trouble of my own here, and have been hoping some of you may know how to solve it. I have been slightly cursed to be a landlocked pirate in the midwest states sadly enough, no water to be seen only the rows of corn around me. I am looking rather closely to try and find festivals, gatherings or events in the Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas area that I might attend in the hopes of not forgetting the pirate in my heart. Any help would be rich, and doubly appreciated. [/color]
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