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Posts posted by NVBarbossa

  1. I prefer the more traditional names myself, for my fleet, yes a commadore needs his fleet. here are a few of the names I have come up with.



    and the ever popular flagship name

    bowspirt envy



  2. RumbaRue,

    Thanks for the welcome, I was told it was a great place by the Lady B.

    My port of call is not quite hell, but you can see it from here. :lol:

    Actually I am sailing the high deserts of the Sierra's in a place called Nevada. So that makes me a high desert drifter of sorts.

    As for me age well I be about :lol: right now, lol. I be 42 for you who be a wondrin.


  3. Strangebay,

    Aye, a full tankard be a beautiful thing to behold, and even better to be holdin. :lol:

    The potccostuming group has been most helpful in the picture and resources area, yet the materials still be a hauntin me.



  4. Hello all,

    Hoisting a tankard and buying a round for all

    This here be NVBarbossa, some of you know me by chatting, even fewer by sight :-) Some things are best that way. lol.

    I am looking to put together a Barbossa outfit and I anm starting from scratch, I have lots of pictures to start, have some friends here that can help with the sewing and patterns, but I am vexed as to some of the materials. If anyone can help it would be greately appreciated.

    I thank ye much



  5. MerryD,

    Now you wonder why Lady B is sooo enamored with me.

    B.A.R.B.O.S.S.A.: Beguiling Amorous Romeo Bestowing Orgasms and Sensual, Slow Affection



    MMMMMmmmm......yup, that definitely fits ye well! B)

    Christine, it sounds as if a tongue has waggled, how be it that you are privy to such info?

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