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Everything posted by NVBarbossa

  1. Pirate Margarita Scale ingredients to servings 1 1/4 oz coconut rum 3/4 oz amaretto almond liqueur 3/4 oz triple sec 1 splash cream 3 oz orange juice 3 oz pineapple juice Build over ice in a collins glass.
  2. Pirate Float Scale ingredients to servings 1 part Captain Morgan® Original spiced rum 1 part root beer schnapps 1 part Stoli® Vanil vodka 1 part cream Add all ingredients, in order, into a highball glass. Stir if desired.
  3. Peachy Pirate Scale ingredients to servings 3 oz Captain Morgan® spiced rum 1 1/2 oz peach schnapps 2 - 3 oz orange juice Fill highball with ice, add rum and schnapps, fill rest of glass with OJ, garnish with cherries.
  4. Old Pirate Scale ingredients to servings 1 1/2 oz vodka 1 oz Bailey's® Irish cream 1 oz Malibu® coconut rum 1/2 oz orange juice 1/2 oz pineapple juice 1/2 oz mangos Shake everything with ice, pour and serve
  5. Mad Pirate Scale ingredients to servings 1/2 oz butterscotch schnapps 1/3 oz Bailey's® Irish cream 1 dash Tabasco® sauce Blend butterscotch schnapps and Baileys together in a shot glass. Add Tabasco sauce and serve.
  6. Irish Pirate recipe 1 part Captain Morgan® Original spiced rum 1 part Irish Mist® herbal liqueur Combine in a shot glass.
  7. Fuzzy Pirate recipe 1 1/2 oz spiced rum 1/2 oz peach schnapps 4 oz orange juice Build over ice in a highball glass.
  8. French Pirate 1/2 oz Orange Curacao liqueur 1 oz dark rum Champagne Pour orange curacao into a champagne flute, add dark rum, and fill with champagne (preferably brut).
  9. Cheeky, here you go. The Pink Bikini Martini 2 oz. Watermelon Schnapps 1 1/2 oz. Vodka 3/4 oz. Sweet and Sour 1/4 oz. Triple Sec 1 oz. Pineapple Juice Shake ingredients together with crushed ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with cherry and pineapple wedge on cocktail pick.
  10. Cheeky Actress 'pink and fruity"? scrathes head and ponders let me see what I canm find ye that'll fit the bill
  11. English Pirate INGRDS: 6 oz Bacardi® light rum 12 oz sweetened iced tea 6 ice cubes DIR In a large (20 oz or larger) mug or mason jar, pour in rum and fill to within 1 inch of top with sweetened iced tea. Add ice and enjoy. Lemon can be added to taste.
  12. Dead Pirate Seaspray INGRDS: 1 3/4 oz Malibu® coconut rum 1 3/4 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur 1 tbsp whipped cream Dir. Pour the Malibu rum and Kahlua into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake vigorously, and strain into a cocktail glass. Top with whipped cream. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, and serve.
  13. Chocolate Pirate Ingrd: 1 1/2 oz Bacardi® 151 rum 1 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur 1 oz milk 2 scoops chocolate ice cream Dir: Blend ingredients in a blender until smooth. Serve in a chilled wine goblet
  14. Bubbly Butt Pirate recipe ingredients: 1 oz Captain Morgan® spiced rum 1 oz butterscotch schnapps 4 oz cola dir. Fill highball glass with ice, add 1 shot butterscotch, and 1 shot Captain Morgan's, fill with cola.
  15. Bloodthirsty Pirate recipe Ingredients: 5 oz light rum 1 oz peach schnapps 9 oz cranberry soda 1 oz cola Directions: Stir all ingredients together in a collins glass, and serve.
  16. Clear the decks here matey's this may take a bit o time to list the pirates drinks For starters Angry Pirate recipe Ingredents: 1/2 oz peach schnapps 1/2 oz coconut rum 1/2 oz Maui® Blue Hawaiian schnapps 1/2 oz Melloni® melon liqueur 1 oz pineapple juice 1 splash chilled 7-Up® soda Directions: Pour the peach schnapps, coconut rum, Maui Blue Hawaiian schnapps, Melloni and pineapple juice into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well and strain into a cocktail glass. Top with chilled 7-Up, garnish with lime, and serve.
  17. NVBarbossa looks at the door as it opens, is it a friend? Foe? Nay in walks a sultry and seductive vexing minx with curly locks of hair. Silkie sashays up to him, and as he gets lost in her magical fingers running through the hairs on his chest he bends so as to allow the curly haired lass with the bedroom eyes to wrap her arms around his neck. Completely enjoying the sweet taste of her gentle lips, lips that would make the sweetest wine pale in comparrison. Barbossa's hands run slowly down her back feeling every crossing of the lacing on the back of her corset, as she releases him and her one hand rests upon his shoulder their eyes meet a slight smile comes to NVBarbossa's face, Barbossa holds up a long ribbon in his hand, Silkie looks at it and ponders about it for a minute, what is it about that ribbon that is so familiar? Where has she seen that ribbon before? Sudedenly, Silkie realizes that it has gotten a bit chilly in the pub, it dawns upon Silkie like a beacon in the night welcoming a lost ship the ribbon in Barbossa's hand is hers, as she looks down she sees that her corset has fallen to the floor, and her shirt is just barely covering her most modest of modest areas north of the equator. And Barbossa says. " It is MY pleasure to meet you as well". to be continued. Silkie I hope you enjoy NVBarbossa :angry:
  18. quickhandsrob, This here be NVBarbossa, and I welcome ye to the pub, hoists a tankard for ye. The inner harbor eh. I had a berth for a small time in the old tindeco factory right next to the Marina there facing the fort and harbor. beautiful area. NVBarossa :angry:
  19. Charity, Welcome aboard, and thank ye for a most warm welcome. I am glad you made it with time to spare, now drink up you are behind in the quaffing of a tankard or two.
  20. Captain Siren of the Poesidon, I haven't had me insides turned out, without loud screaming in a long time, especially without having to beg for it first. NVBarbossa
  21. Christine, Thanks to you hun, for beening a good pub buddy, and your welcome for the drinks. NVBarbossa
  22. Now to all the fine ladies who are in here with me, I am so inclined as to be almost humbled in your presence Now lets drink up and have another round NVBarbossa
  23. Silas, ye are most welcome for the tankard, now drink up. NVBarbossa
  24. Tar thanks there might be a couple of leads in there. NVBarbossa
  25. Captain Siren of the Poesidon, Well never let it be said I have denied a lady a pleasureable request within reason, so, I will be more than happy to make your cherry plundered and you can have as many cherries as you want too for your plunderin, and I will be willing to put my all into it for you for as long as it takes to make you pleased. All I ask is that you make this Capt. a Screaming Viking in return. NVBarbossa :angry:
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