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Billie Bonnie

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Everything posted by Billie Bonnie

  1. If you can send me an MP3 I'll play it. Hell, I'll play just about anything...its internet radio we can do more or less whatever we want. send any MP3s to : saoirse@celticcrow.com or on the night of the show you can send me files via AOL instant message ... the user name is VoltaRadio -Billie-
  2. It is 9-11 PM eastern standard time. I'm based in Philly Every Wednesday night. I just put up a very bare bones website...but it has my archived show if ya' want to give a listen. I still need to work some stuff out, but I think it's pretty good for my first show. http://phillyimc.org/volta/billie/archives.html Billie
  3. Ello' ! I just started up me very own internet radio show! Give a listen...if ya have some music ya think I should play...pass along the info. The Pirate show is on the 31st...so if ya send some some MP3s I'll give em a spin ! ********************************** New on RadioVolta.org ! By Hook or By Crook with DJ Billie Bonney Every Wednesday 9-11 PM http://www.radiovolta.org saoirse@celticcrow.com An eclectic mix of folk songs from just about nowhere; Tunes harvested for your enjoyment by a hoard of pirates, faeries, witches, diggers, hobos and nuns. Expect to hear anything that could possibly be considered folk, bluegrass, roots, punk, blues, hillbilly, americana and world music...plus the occasional irish rebel song just for fun. *************************************** Tentative Schedule 12/10 : Attention Deficit Disorder Night; The First Show! 12/17 : Religion and War 12/24 : Solstice Party 12/31 : Pirates, Privateers, Corsairs, and the odd shantie. **************************************** Radio Volta, the audio working group of the Philadelphia Independent Media Center, is an outgrowth of the webcast team that broadcasted over the "Internet waves" during the 2000 Republican National Convention. Named after Philadelphia anarchist Voltairine de Cleyre, we are an independent community-based collective of creative individuals, committed to airing challenging and nontraditional cultural, educational and news content. ****************************************
  4. That be a difficult question darlin' I was born in Olney, grew up in Kensington and the North East Philly during college I lived in Elkins Park, and South West Philly (University City ) and now I reside in Grey's Ferry. Which bit o' philly did you call home ? -Billie-
  5. Well, most books on Piracy stretch the truth...there are very few first hand written accounts of Piracy. Much of it was written down after the fact, and most of the stories we think of as "history" are really just myths and legends. But ALL history is like that, what may seem true to one person (or group of people) could be considered legend and mythology by another. There were women who went to sea in the British Royal Navy disguised as men (and boys)...because of this we can assume that there probably were more women pirates than just Ann Bonny and Mary Reade...they probably just didn't get caught We can also assume that there were not hundreds of women dressed as men running around on ships. That era of history was very oppressive towards women, and if we focus too much on the amazing exploits of a dozen or so empowered women we may end up overlooking the reality of sexism during that time period. I NEED to get the book Women Pirates and the Politics of the Jolly Roger ! I believe it was written by two anarchist feminists involved in the german autonomist movement. I actually got interested in Pirates through anarchism...the first book on pirates I bought I got at an anarchist bookstore What do people who read the book think of it ?
  6. Boucan knives are interestin', used for huntin' n cookin' by boucaniers. They were made out of used or broken swords (cutlasses usually). Also don't underestimate the marlinespike .... it be nice n' pointy :) Billie
  7. thanks for the information, will be look'n for the book. Now about the other publication, what might that name be? It be called XTRA TUFF ... its a wee little zine' (homemade magazine) put out by an amazing person by the name of Moe...you can get the Zine' here: http://ratserv.com/microcosm/zines6.html scroll to the bottom...they be in alphabetical order...its only a dollar from the website...but if you be a fishin' women and ya contact Moe...you can git it for free ! If you be involved in the fishin' profession, and ya e-mail me off the list I can give ya her info. -Billie-
  8. >>Sorry 'bout that, mates--I saw just after I posted that there was another subject of this fine nature, and I didn't mean to detract from that post's gallant author! My true apologies!<<< No need to apologize! I started the first thread, yer' thread got me postin' to the board again...caught me attention. I recently got a good book with alot of big words...I know...we are but humble pirates but I promise, it be worth it....it's Bandits At Sea a pirates reader. It has interestin' chapters such as Women and Piracy in Ireland; Women among the Uskoks of Senj; Black Men Under the Black Flag...and other topics of interest. There's also Women Sailors and Sailors' Women written by David Cordingly, Hen Frigates, She Was a Sister Sailor, and She Captains all of which cover the exploits of women at sea...beyond those of a piratical nature. I am familiar with some folks who like to fish, sail and who just so happen to be women....they put out a small magazine on the subject. If you like I can pass on their information...very interestin' current readin' on "sister sailors". -Billie-
  9. http://www.gazela.org/ Gazela has been captured by the Pirates of Penn's Landing ! Visit the haunted ship Gazela at Penn's Landing! Walk the decks of a ghost ship shrouded in mystery and intrigue. A Halloween treat full of ghoulish delights! Scheduled Hours : Friday, October 24 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday, October 25 7 to 11 p.m. SPECIAL FAMILY DAY ! Sunday, October 26 1 to 5 p.m. Thursday, October 30 7 to 10 p.m. Friday, October 31 7 to 11 p.m. Admission Adults $6.00 Children (12 and under) $3.00 Special Family Day October 26, $8.00 for one adult and two children Directions to Gazela at Penn's Landing By Car From I-95 use exit 20, Columbus Blvd./ Washington Ave. Exit and turn left onto Columbus Blvd. Use either the entrances at Walnut St. or Market Street to enter the site. Gazela is at the north end of Penn's Landing near the Market Street parking lot. By Bus Make a connection to SEPTA's #21 or 42, which take you directly to the Great Plaza. On Market Street, climb aboard the #17, 33, or 48 and go to Front and Market Streets. Head East over the Market Street Bridge. Gazela is directly across the parking lot from the stairs. For more information on mass transit call SEPTA at (215) 580-7800. By Rail Making the free interchange connection generated from many points at the 15th Street Station, take the Market-Frankford Elevated Line (the blue line) to the Second Street stop. From there head East over the Market Street Bridge. Gazela is directly across the parking lot from the stairs. For more information on mass transit call SEPTA at (215) 580-7800. Contact Information Office Phone: (215) 238-0280 Office Fax: (215) 238-0281 Mailing Address Philadelphia Ship Preservation Guild 801 South Columbus Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19147-4306 E-Mail : office@gazela.org
  10. I am interested in finding out some more about female pirates. Obviously there is Mary Read, Anne Bonny and Cheng I Sao. But I have always been under the impression that there were a number of women who sailed as pirates who's stories are not as famous. I am looking for discussion as well as maybe some suggested reading material. Billie
  11. I posted my reply a few days ago in the wrong spot....so I'll take another go at it ! My name is Billie Bonnie and I hail from Philadelphia PA, I have been in and out of the SCA for a while (Philly and DC) and was in an American Civil War reenacting group for a pretty long time. I just joined this group because I have been bitten by the pirate bug....ok I admit it...its because of that movie...whats it called again....oh yea, Pirates of the Caribbean. I am also interested in costuming and historic clothing (I will be attending Temple University's Graduate School next fall in their Theater dept. for Costume Design.) , learning how to sail (hopefully I will be volunteering with a ship called the Gazella in the next few months), and I am very interested in joining up with a crew (I actually have two other friends who are also interested, who were both in the SCA in Vermont and just moved to Philly). As far as historic pirates go, I am very interested in women who dressed as men in order to pass as sailors and especially pirates, hopefully there will be some discussion of this, if people have some suggested reading material on this that would be great! So, I look forward to exploring this board ! Billie PS: The name Billie Bonnie is a nick name of mine that has stuck through the SCA, Civil War reenacting and train hopping/traveling with crazy punk kids ...so I figure it is a good pirate name too :) It is actually the given name of Billy the Kid with the Billie spelled a wee bit different. If you must know, my real name is Samantha. Pss: sorry that was so long
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