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Everything posted by michaelsbagley

  1. Being patient with the metheglyn will pay off.... As it will be winter before it is even drinkable.... and it is a great winter beverage. I've gone almost 3 years without making or brewing anything... I really should get back in the game, specially before honey prices likely skyrocket with the widely reported bee populations problems that have been in the news. I think there is a honey festival in a nearby town in a month... so that may be the best opportunity to start.
  2. So someone posted this on Facebook yesterday... To me it looks primary source and from the period, but I could find no artist, reference, or date associated with it. Regardless it is a fabulous rendition of the breakdown of a Soldier's uniform (particularly a French uniform), CS Grant's book lists the Regiment De LA Couronne's colour's as being "Grey/White" (French Gris?) with Blue linings and turnbacks, but with white buttons (tin?), white breeches (maybe the same white/grey), and white lace on the hat. Anyone know the source of this photo? Is it a primary resource?
  3. michaelsbagley

    Historical Images

    Images from history, preferably primary source ones.
  4. From the album: Historical Images

    An image of the coat, waistcoat, and breeched pattern for the Regiment De La Couronne (No Date, but it looks like a primary source to me)
  5. Funny, wife and I were talking yesterday.... and it seems she is also wanting to attend this year. So please update to add her tp the Mercury Crew roster. We may change to a hotel depending... but leave as tenters for now. Thanks!
  6. Nope. Just as long as it isn't a pistol you are good. Honestly I think you may have a more difficult time getting it back into the US than you will into Canada, but you should be fine.
  7. I'm a little late posting about this one this year... So I cheated and cut and pasted most of the below from last year (minus some edits for new or revised info) I will be the main cat-herder for this one again this year for the re-enactment encampment, and will be meeting with the festival organizer later this week or middle of next week (pending his schedule) to go over things with him. Anyone have ideas/suggestions/concerns they think I should bring up with the event organizer? (Within reason). Suggestions or ideas welcome even from well wishers that are unable to attend, but the ideas from those coming will obviously get more attention. Please contact me by the end of this week (June 1st or 2nd) if you are seriously considering this one.... I am trying to get a rough head count for budgeting and other planning. Over the past few years they have covered our ferry fare to and from the island, camping area, and fed us (although the food arrangements have varied and may change again). This is a pretty typical re-enactment display during daylight hours event... but can get wild and very party-ish at night. It can be a kid-friendly event, but is really more suited for those leaving the kids with a sitter or grandparent for the weekend. We had about a dozen for year one, almost double that number of pirates for year two, we kept at about 20 for year three, and while we likely can't double the two previous years numbers, there is a request to increase our numbers again (maybe aim for 30ish +/-). Let me know if you're interested. One last thing, for the last three years running, a reenactor from our encampment has won a trip to the Cayman Islands... I'm hoping this trend continues (and that this year is me ) EDIT - title edited to add date for clarity and ease of reference. and one last thing, While not a strict historical event (it is a party island after all), we have endeavored to keep the re-enactment encampment and display to a reasonable level (although we are flexible). There is plenty of room at this event for more pop culture and party pirates, but the encampment is geared for the more serious (or at least semi-serious) re-enactor.
  8. I've got nothing to back thus up.... but from my peripheral exposure to later 18th century reenacting, I would guess walnut ink came into usage in the later 18th century. Maybe even as late as the early 19th... but I would be more willing to bet on late 18th century without going to dig into a lot of research on the matter
  9. I'm uncertain if there is a copywrite or a trademark in place... but while we portray pirates, i dont think it would be in anyones best interest to commit a "real" act of piracy and steal the name. It's best for the two formerly close events to drift apart and hope that maybe someday the meet again.
  10. Mission, i think it is after the run of GLMF (Great Lakes Medieval Faire) but i will have to double check. But barring conflicts i think it very possible to get an interesting array of those out this way involvec (assuming the organizers are willing to take us all on) Nope, just checked and GLMF does overlap.... but i still think there might be a chance if theyre not working at the faire. Re-edit: on even closer look, the Evangola thing is the same weekend as GLMF pirate themed weekend.... but one never knows...
  11. Can you put me in touch with said guy in charge of tge historical area? Or get him in touch me with me at... michael AT re-enactmentevents DOT com I am a historic reenactor that has been doing the pirate era (early 18th century) for at least the last 6 years or so... and about 14 years including other periods
  12. Ya might want to let us know what state/city/country the festival is in? I even clicked on the event web site, and it told me less about what it going on than your above post did..... Until I finally did enough digging to find out that this takes place in Evangola State Park, New York State (which is apparently on Lake Erie, so the western-most reaches of the state)..... Not trying to pick on you, but when and WHERE should always be amongst the first few pieces of information you provide regarding and event.... Specially when considering that the visitors here on this forum are scattered all over the country (and some from other countries) and may have no idea where Evangola is. That said... That is not too, too far from me. Is this event more festival oriented? Or will there be a historical encampment area? July is a slow time of year for me, and I would consider this event if there is something there that appeals to my tastes,
  13. This is old news... I think there is a topic in this section about this... Short recap: A) pirates in paradise was in Key West B ) Fort Taylor Pirate festival is in key west C) they ran concurrently (and more or less cooperatively) D) pirates in paradise is no more(for now?), Fort Taylor pirate Fest will continue
  14. The May event has generally been the more successful Santa Maria event (We had over 50 pirates there last May, and just shy of 40 the previous May), while the September edition has struggled the last couple of years (with participant attendance below 20).... That said, the more that come, the bigger it will be! The September Santa Maria will also be the last opportunity to attend one of these for a year or two while the river undergoes rerouting and some changes (basically the ship will be closed for the 2014 season, and likely reopened at some point for the 2015 season).
  15. Thanks for the good wishes guys. And remember SuttlerJon, 40 I may be... but that is still younger than you!
  16. The dates for this year's event are the weekend of May 18th and 19th. As usual the ship will be available for participants to stay aboard on the night of Friday the 17th (as well as Saturday night). Last May we had a record attendance for participants (Around 50, with almost 40 staying aboard the ship for the weekend), and public attendance/spectator numbers were the highest for the event ever. We hope to keep this positive motion going.... Specially consider after this May, there will be the September TLAPD weekend on the ship, and then a hiatus. The ship will be closed for the 2014 season as the river will undergoing some heavy dredging and mild redirection, which will cause the need for the ship to be moved. At this time we are uncertain if the ship will be reopened for the 2015 season (or perhaps a half season) or if things will resume in 2016.... But we are confident things will resume within a year or two. So for all those who have been wanting to come out for this event, this is the time to do it (or September), because after that your next chance may be a year or more out. We've already have about 20 folks determined to make it, and we expect those numbers to jump significantly over the next few months leading up to the event. As usual we have the Facebook group page for discussion about the event, and anything of particular note that is raised there will be reposted here, as will any good suggestions or ideas posted here be reposted to the Facebook page. The Event Web Page link, which as of this post has not been updated yet (but will hopefully be soon). Here is a direct link to the pages on the web site containing information more geared towards participants. As always, if you have any questions, suggestions, ideas, or concerns, don't hesitate to post here or contact me as you would prefer. Cheers. P.S. The dates for the September are 21-22.
  17. Sadly, I will be missing this year as well.... Worsened by the fact that this is how I thought I was going to spend my birthday (a birthday on a hallmark year none the less). Yes I am turning 30 (again!)
  18. I should have spoke up earlier.... But I received a wonderful gift from my secret Santa back in the middle of December. I was gifted with some home made mead (which I am saving for a special occasion), a pound of some great bitter nectar of life ("Deadman's Reach" brand coffee), and a pair of glasses from a micro-brewery. Thank you so much secret Santa, your gifts are very generous and appeal to all my favourite things in life! I also want to apologize as I am one of the late Santas... My gift went out today and will arrive in time for Twelth Night (or Orthodox Christmas if you prefer).
  19. Apparently I still have moderator ability on this section of the pub.... I corrected the links (I hope you don;t mind that I tool the liberty Cheeky)
  20. Well I thought by a twist of fate I could make it for 2012... but a twist of fate delayed the twist until January..... so unless fate lists in a vary unexpected fashion again, I will be there for 2013. It will be minimalist tent if I arrive alive, or the wedge if wife is feeling up to the trip. With the Mercury crew
  21. I would factor in how communicative the vendor is being. IF they respond to your communications (emails, phone calls, telegraphs, flag signals), then patience will usually pay off... If they don't answer in a reasonable amount of time, and ignore you, it might be time to worry. Just remember, some folks only check their email weekly or less... So sending an email and not getting an immediate response may not be a sign of being ignored.... But if two weeks go by and you are still not hearing back....
  22. Anyone can lose their head and come off high and mighty.... But it takes real character to see it, reflect on it, and publicly admit it and apologize for it. I don't think you did or said anything here that really requires an apology, but it is a nice gesture. I think the move to humility will take you far, and expand your horizons. Cheers, and all the best to you going forward. P.S. Since you are in the same state, feel free to hit me up for getting involved in any of the events I help organize... Put-In-Bay being the one that is likely closest and most convenient for you.
  23. Having contemplated making shoes at a few different times.... The tools and materials one would need would be more expensive than actually buying a $125+ pair of shoes already made. Over time, I have collected up most of those tools.... and I have made more than a few pairs of earlier period (medieval) turn shoes, but I have still not taking the full plunge into making proper late 17th early 18th period shoes. The main reason is it can not be done without the proper shape "lasts".... Which are not easy to buy, and would require more tools to make, plus developing the specific woodworking skills to make "lasts". As you can see, making shoes is a very deep rabbit hole. If you already have the leather working skills (from making belts, strapwork, bags, pouches etc.), then you are only at the beginning point of where you might want to consider making shoes. Then you have to find/buy or make the wooden shoe lasts (although one can find more modern hard plastic lasts, but usually not in the correct shape for period shoes)... A friend of mine came across a collection of shoe lasts within the last year, some of them are the correct shape (or close enough) for pirate era shoes... This friend has been most generous in offering to allow me to use some of the lasts to try and make shoes, but I am hesitant.... and I have been a pretty regular leather worker for about 7 or 8 years now. But I think the below link is the web site Patrick Hand was looking for. I learned to make medieval turn shoes from this site (and some tutoring from more experienced leather workers)... He also has a couple of articles about later period shoes, which is where I started to learn the processes for making shoes appropriate for pirate era... But I know I need other resources to help me actually get it done. http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carlson/shoe/SHOEHOME.HTM The advice for using thrift store shoes recut to mimic the shape and style of period shoes is the best advice anyone can give you for cheap period shoes... Because let me tell you, unless you already have most of the tools and skills, making shoes is a very expensive road to travel down.
  24. Boulanger (Pavlik) is great. I have met him twice over the last few years, and bought bread from him at every opportunity. He is great at mixing his real trade with living history. He actually had a special batch of flour ground for him at the working windmill at Holland Michigan for use in some of his recipes. Talk about taking it to another level.
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