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Captain Synn

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About Captain Synn

  • Birthday 02/25/1968

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South Shore, MA.
  • Interests
    Leathercrafting, Costuming, Pirates, Goth/Industrial music, Dark Art, Long walks in the cemetery...
  1. Well I am unsure as t' why... but I never saw all these replies... Could be because of th' computer melt down a little bit ago... Thank ye all fer yer compliments an' fear!!! "NyghtWing" was quite the undertakin'... A labor provin' my love of leathercraft an' th' spooky... It has made it's happy home on th' far other coast in California. An' I am pleased t' report it's owner is delighted with her Bat Hat of Spooky Doom. This chapeau is one of a kind an' won't be repeated... like my own Skull sportin' "Nyghtbourne" Commodore Hat... So one of these'll never show up in my Etsy Shop... These type of hats'll always be individual custom orders only. Th' bat were wet molded on a hard positive form I sculpted... th' hand carvin' an' toolin' were next. Once dry I secured th' Swarovski crystal eyes an' added a coat of a liquid that forms a hard foam used by taxidermists t' th' interior so that it'd never lose it's shape... I don't feel comfortable disclosin' what Miss Bellamorte paid for her Bat Beanie quit this publicly... but I will give a round figure t' those who message me about a similar one. Thanx again mates!!! Cmdre. Ashton "WeirdBeard" Synn NyghtCraft Leatherwerks
  2. Ahoy mates!!! Got a new "Flip Front" Style Hat with Leather Details an' a big black Plume... Ye can see an'/or purchase it, along with a good selection of other pirate items, in th' NyghtCraft Etsy shop; www.nyghtcraft.etsy.com Cmrde. Ashton "WeirdBeard" Synn NyghtCraft Leatherwerks
  3. Ahoy there mates! With th' holidays comin' up fast I thought I'd draw yer attention t' th' Pirate Leather, Hats, an' Bandannas that I have up fer sale; http://www.etsy.com/shop/NyghtCraft?section_id=6261855 I am always takin' custom orders as well... If yer considerin' somethin' fer th' holidays now would be th' time t' get yer orders in... need time t' create an' ship... Cmdre. Ashton "WeirdBeard" Synn NyghtCraft Leatherwerks
  4. Ah... I see... By my standards that's partially the south... seein' as I be up here in New England... Always lookin' fer more Pirates t' plunder with... but that be a bit far fer me... Commodore Ashton "WeirdBeard" Synn
  5. Here are a few Leather Cincher Belts I am offerin' They can be found in my Etsy shop; www.nyghtcraft.etsy.com Feel free t' peruse an' purchase. Enjoy! Ashton Synn NyghtCraft Leatherwerks
  6. Ahoy all, I have added more of my unique Leathercraft t' my Etsy shop. Feel free t' peruse; www.nyghtcraft.etsy.com Enjoy! Ashton Synn NyghtCraft Leatherwerks
  7. As, I'm sure, comes as no surprise, I have added more t' my Etsy shop! There be all kinds of leather gear fer all manner of interests... Pirate (of course), Steampunk, Goth, Ren, etc... So feel free t' peruse an' purchase. www.nyghtcraft.etsy.com Enjoy! Ashton Synn NyghtCraft Leatherwerks
  8. So where in th' North East ye be based??? Commodore Ashton "WeirdBeard" Synn NyghtCraft Leatherwerks
  9. You may feel free to contact me for a custom, one of a kind, baldric or one I have ready made. You can see a sampling of my work here on my Flickr; I would happily send you to my website... but it is being rebuilt from a hacker attack... so much fun... Send a PM and we can talk. Commodore Ashton "WeirdBeard" Synn NyghtCraft Leatherwerks
  10. Yeah... s'what I thought... I only post here t' make sure that th' forum's cricket function works... Heh...
  11. Just put down "Death: a Life" by George Pendle... I wholeheartedly recommend it!!! Never before has th' history of the whole of creation made so much sense... in a darkly British Humor manner that is... Continuin' with th' British Humor I just started on Terry Pratchett's "Making Money" ... So far it be livin' up t' th' rest of th' Disc World series... I expected it would... Terry hasn't disappointed me yet... Once that is finished th' book I pre-ordered should arrive... Ti's the season fer somethin' spooky!!! An' bein' th' huge nerd I be I'll be sinkin' me undead teeth int' Star Wars: Death Troopers ... That's right kiddies... a Star Wars Zombie novel... just what I been waitn' fer!!! Commodore Ashton "WeirdBeard" Synn
  12. Ahoy Mates!!! A bit ago I was contacted by a Pirate who's level of Spooky rivals that of my own t' create a leathern pirate hat that'd befit such a magnificent creature of the nyght... After many a fortnyght of consultin' and consortin' with th' darkest of powers "NyghtWing" was brought forth t' this here material plane through my hands... A menacing Vampire Bat looms from it's bow an' fixes it's dark gaze upon ye' with faceted black Swarovski crystal eyes... A suitably dark companion t' my own Skull Hat of Spooky Doom t' be sure... It has flown from here t' it's rightful owner, Batavia Bellamorte... An' upon her head may it bring a chill t' the winds an' darken th' waters she plunders!!! An' now... since ye knew this were comin'... here be th' pictures; An' here it be with my own Spooky, yet unnamed, hat; Hope yer nyghtmares aren't too terrible after this viewin'... Commodore Ashton "WeirdBeard" Synn NyghtCraft Leatherwerks
  13. More added t' me Etsy shop... New Leather Treasure Chest and some Airship Pirate pieces fer th' Steampunks among us... Enjoy! Commodore Ashton "WeirdBeard" Synn NyghtCraft Leatherwerks
  14. Settin' a headin' fer Long Island!!! See ye there mates! Commodore Ashton "WeirdBeard" Synn
  15. Heh... I just got back from seeing the film "9" on 09/09/09... Cmdre. WB
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